
Reloading Data in a UITableView when pressing a UITabBarItem

I have a UITabBarController as part of my app delegate and I want to trap when the user touches a specific tab (the favourites) and force the table within it to reload the data. What would be best practice in this instance? I have added the UITabBarDelegate protocol to my app delegate and implemented the didSelectViewController method....

UITabViewController Tab Identification

I have a simple iPhone app (modified from the UITabBarController project template) where each tab is a different set of data using the same view controller (similar to the iPod app). So for example if each tab was a person's name and hitting it would display their friends. Then each tab would use the same view controller right? My ques...

Landscape UIView in a UITabBarController

Hi, I have a UITabbarController with (so far) two navigation controller items. I can get the application to rotate by adding the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation to each class... but thats not exactly what I want. What I want to do is to add a button in the UINavigationBar in one of the classes. When this button is pressed I want...

Saving UITabBar Layout

I had heard that the customizing of the tab bar icons was free when you use UITabBarCotroller (which it looks like it is) but what magic do I need to add to get that layout to stick across instances of the application? ...

Switching from a normal view to a TabBar Controller

Hello! I build my first iPhone application and I have a problem with switching views. First, I have two views (login, registration) which switch via "presentModalViewController:animated:". But if someone logged in, there must be a new kind of view. I wanna have an UITabBar at the bottom (tab bar controller). But this does not work. I t...

Wrong size of UITableView using autoresizingMask

I have a UITableView which is not being resized properly using autoresizeMask (in iPhone 3.0). The UITableView is inside a UIViewController inside a UINavigationController inside a UITabBarController, all of which are being created programatically. The status bar is visible. The code of the UIViewController is basically: - (void)loadV...

Are there simple-to-understand examples on how to use a UITabBarController?

I want to use a UITabBarController but find that very difficult. I have a book that uses it in a giant project where I would have to complete that for a week or so and then find out what parts belong to making the UITabBarController work. Maybe you know of an good article about that? ...

Exception with TabBar in iPhone SDK

Hello! A friend gave me a small tutorial to iPhone programming yesterday. I then tried to make a small program with two views which I can switch using a TabBar: One with a blue background, one with a red one. It displays them just fine, but when I run it (in the Simulator) and click on a Tab, it crashed with : "Terminating app due ...

NavigationController and TabBarController Together problem

Hi, I have a query regarding use of navigation Controller and tabBarController together. I will explain in detail. Flow of my application is as follows, Class A (Navigation starts from here) --Class B (Pushed on navigation from A) ----Class C (Pushed on navigation from B) ------Tab P ------Tab Q ------Tab R (I want navigation here) -...

UITabBarController tagging Tabs?

I have an app that uses various view controllers as tabs. I'm in the process of saving the custom tab order when the app shuts down. I'm trying to find a generic identifier for my various view controllers without having to add an attribute to each controller (which my backup plan). I would think, similar to UILabels, that maybe view con...

TabBar combined with Navigation Bar / Search Bar and TableView

Hello! I used a TabBar in my iPhone application and integrated it programatically. I have several TabBarItems in it and every click will load a XYZ-ViewController with a corresponding XYZ-View.xib. Now I use to have a screen with the TabBar and a NavBar with SearchBar and a segmented control like in this example of Apple: http://develo...

Custom iPhone "More" TabBarItem

Does anybody know how to rename the "More" tabBarItem? In other words: How to access to this object? ...

Getting the name of a Controller

Hello! I have an iPhone application with a TabBarController. I can access the current ViewController with [appDelegate.myTabBarController selectedViewController] But how can I get the name of this controller? For example the name of the selected ViewController is "TestViewController". How can I get this string/name? I want to check ...

Core Data and UITabBar Controller - help?!

So I have a Project with a UITabBarController and a few Navigation Controllers, and I am trying to implement Core Data. Its just not working. I have a bit of a weird setup: UITabBarController -> Navigation Controller -> Table View Controller I have copied all of the Core Data code and added an entity with an attribute ('Event' and 'nam...

Iphone: Is it possible to hide the TabBar?

I have an application that uses a TabBarController to switch between modes. When in a certain mode, I'd like to hide the tab bar until the steps of that mode have been completed. Note that I'm not using a navigation controller so I can't use the setHidesBottomBarWhenPushed method on the navigation controller to hide the tab bar. When I ...

uiTabBar - use for menu NOT view control? (iPhone)

quick question - I have my "first view" which is going to be the ONLY view in my application. I've added a UITabBar to this view using Interface Builder. I am simply wanting to use this as a menu to control the contents of a scroll view. For example, the user clicks on the first icon in the UITabBar - I get its tag, then based on that,...

iPhone adding a UITabBar to TableView/NavigationController

hi guys, i have found lots of info about this topic but have yet to crack how it is actually done. I want to add a UITabBar in an iPhone app into an application already with a UIWindow / UINavigation Controller as the default Window. i.e. add a tab bar to a typical NavControl app with, RootViewController.xib, MainWindow.xib, AddView.x...

UITabBarController.moreNavigationController disable items

Hi, I am using UITabBarController for my 7 viewcontorller. UITabBarController is showing by default more button. When I pressed more button it will show me table view which contains 3 more tabbar items in list. I would like to disable one items from tableview list. Could you please help me how can I disable only single item from tablevi...

TabBarController isKindOfClass - problem with UINavigationController

Hello! I have a TabBar with ViewController in it. I do this in my AppDelegate. So I have one UINavigationController test1ViewController = [[Test1ViewController alloc] init]; test2ViewController = [[Test2ViewController alloc] init]; test3ViewController = [[Test3ViewController alloc] init]; UINavigationController *navigationController =...

UITabBar not selected during app startup

I'm trying to replicate the look of my app during start-up with how iTunes and App Store appear. Specifically my app has a tab bar that will get populated when it has finished downloading info from a web site - until then it should look empty. The only way I can appear to do this so far is to have an empty name and image for the UITabB...