
TabBarController switch views in TabBarItem

I have a app based off the default xcode "Tab Bar Application" template. It has 3 tabBar Items that each load their own xib FirstView.xib, SecondView.xib, and ThirdView.xib. What i would like is a UIButton on the FirstView.xib that loads the FirstAltView.xib where the FirstView.xib is. Can someone please post some sample code on how to d...

How to Create a Custom tabBarController to simulate uiTabBarController

How to create an custom tabbar controller which has custom background image, custom icons, and custom labels and positioning but serves exactly the same purpose as UITabBarController. I badly seeking for an optimal solution for this. When i learn the solution this will really help me to write a generic wrapper and save more time. I hav...

Accessing a MKMapView through the tab bar

I have a tabbar application and on the first tab I have a MKMapView. What I want to do is from somewhere else in the application, switch the active tab to the mapview and set the mapview's region based on the data in the previous view (the one with the button to switch to the mapview). What I've tried is: [self.tabBarController setSele...

How to specify the view controller classes to be used by UITabBarController?

In interface builder I select the Tab Bar Controller item. The inspector shows me a list of associated view controllers. For any strange reason, I can not define anywhere the exact name for an view controller. I have an DetailsViewController and an SetupViewController. However, I can only select generic names such as "Navigation View con...

iPhone Tab Bar Control Icon Problem

Hi, I have a problem using icons with the tab bar control and I don't know to fix. The icons I'm using are png format 24*24. They have a grey gradient background with a black shape in the middle. The problem I have is that only the background gradient shows. The Black shape in the middle does not. Have I Used the wrong format or somet...

How to use Apple custom UITabBarItem images?

Apple has provided an example the View Controller Programming Guide, for creating an UITabBarItem, like this: - (id)init { if (self = [super initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]) { self.title = @"My View Controller"; UIImage* anImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"MyViewControllerImage.png"]; UITabBarItem* theI...

Why is my UITabBarController empty?

I created a UITabBarController like this: InfoViewController *iVC = [[InfoViewController alloc] init]; self.infoViewController = iVC; // retain property UITabBarItem *tabBarItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemSearch tag:0]; self.infoViewController.tabBarItem = tabBarItem; UINavigationController ...

Refresh the tableView when clicking on the tabBar

Hi folks, I want simply to refresh my tableView (on the iPhone) when I click on the related button in the tabBar... So, I think this has to be done this way : [self.tableView reloadData]; Right ? And done in the (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController...

Obtaining view controllers of tabbar control

I have a tabbar navigation controller, and I would like to set up a protocol in one view controller and set its delegate in another view controller. How would I get the view controller pointer of the delegating view controller to the delegate view controller? ...

Setting a separate title for UITabBar when the view is on the bar vs. More...?

In the thread "Is there a way to set a separate short title for UITabBar?" this question is asked (edited): "How do I give views short names for display on the tab bar, and longer (more descriptive) names when the same view is linked to in a table view (which has more space)." The answers were to give separate titles to the navigation c...

TabBar application, moreNavigationBar and nibs with navigationBars

Hi, I have a TabBar application with several nibs, most with a NavBar. It works pretty well, except for the "views" that are inside the "More" section of the tabBar. As expected, it will put a NavBar to return to the "More" list, as well as the NavBar i've placed in the nib. I've tried to remove the view controllers from the moreNavig...

iPhone - size of uitabbar

Hi, Can some body tell me what is the exact size of tab bar in UITabBarConroller on iPhone programming? ...

UITabBarController 5 tabs .. tabs change from code but not when I click

Guys, I am a kinna new to iphone app programming ... i have a UITTabBarcontroller and have 5 UITableViewControllers inside it. Everything works fine ... I can change the tab using code ... but from the GUI when i click on different tabs, it wont change .... have tried a lot ... please help me out here thnk u ppl ...

iPhone UITabBarController

I am using a UITabBarController with 3 items and am curious how to access a method from the first tab if I am on the second or third tab. The problem I am running into is I have a UIImageView on the first tab that is using core animation to loop continuously through 3 images. But when I switch to the second tab and try to switch back to ...

Setting a tabbar view controller as a sub view of a nav controller

Hi, I guess I'm just really looking for some advice on how to approach my problem. So far I have an application with a navigationcontroller that has a table view. Every cell in the table has a text field and image and a disclosure button. This is sort of my main menu option navigation screen. When a user clicks a disclosure button I...

How to conform to UITabBarControllerDelegate

I have a tabbar based application and do the following to get a reference to the application delegate: MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; Which then gives this warning: warning: type 'id <UIApplicationDelegate>' does not conform to the 'UITabBarControllerDelegate' My application delegate hea...

When "programmatically" creating UINavigationController and UITabBarController, how do I address their functions (like viewWillAppear?)

I am creating my Nav and TabBar in code at launch via: IN : myAppDelegate.m - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { // set up a local nav controller which we will reuse for each view controller UINavigationController *localNavigationController; // create tab bar controller and array to hold the...

Change View on only one Tab in Tabbar-Application (Landscape-Portrait)?

How can I change the view when rotating the iphone (change nib's). But it should only happens in one single tab! I tried it with: - (void)viewDidLoad { LandscapeViewController *viewController = [[LandscapeViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"LandscapeView" bundle:nil]; self.landscapeViewController = viewControlle...

uitabbarcontroller + uitableviewcontroller + uiviewcontroller

I'm using the code extracted from the URL http://www.iphonemusings.com/2009/01/iphone-programming-tutorial-creating.html to show initial screen with tab bar and having table view in both the tabs. It is displaying the text in cells as well after taking necessary changes in table view delegate. Now I want to show a view on click of table ...

Subview shifting down 20 pixels when called in AppDelegate

I'm facing this issue when I'm calling AdMob ad with [rootController.view addSubview:adMobAd]; //setup the ad Upon returning from the ad being clicked the AdMob frame moves down 20 pixels. However it seems that this is not a AdMob issue, but a issue that is also discussed here: http://discussions.info.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2...