
Removing UITabBarController

Someone has posted a similar question to this with no resolution, but also no sample code. So, I thought I would post my problem in detail here. I have a game with several modes of play, each of these having several options. After playing around with various designs, it seems cleanest to put them into a UITabBarController with three tab...

UI autorotation works only on some devices???

Hello, I'm having quite interesting (but very annoying) problem with (not only) UI autorotation. I'm working on the app which contains tabbar controller with couple of navigation controllers as tab items. One of those controllers allows for autorotation to landscape mode. Interesting is that it perfectly works in Simulator as well as o...

Customizing UITabBarController

Hi! I need to change font size and background color of the list displayed by "More" button of the UITabBarController. Is it possible ? How can I do it ? Thanks a lot. ...

how to hide Tab bar Controller programmatically?

is it possible to hide it with animation ? ...

Should I put my UITabBarController outside the App Delegate?

Hi guys, I followed an example from "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" which puts the code for the main view controller, a Tab Bar, in the delegate method. Is this the correct place to put this or should it be in a separate .h and .m file? All my subviews are in separate files so I'm wondering if I should have my tab bar view controller ...

How do I reference the managedObjectContext in my App Delegate from my View Controller?

Hi, I know there are other questions covering this topic, but none seem to fit exactly what I'm experiencing, hence the new question. I have an app which is a UITabBarController, I have defined two subviews Both tabs have their Class attribute in the Identity Inspector set to UINavigationController. Both subviews are Class UIViewContr...

Notification Icon on UITabBar

Hello, I can't find any reference to add a 'notification' to an icon, preferably into a UITabBar, like the image attached, number 8. I suppose I don't have to create manually ALL the numbers inside a circle, or create it every time I need and update the image manually with some of my icons ? thanks, r. ...

iPhone: image/advertisment above the navigation controller?

Our application currently looks like this: [ Navigation Controller] [ Content ] [ Tab Bar Controller ] What we want to do now is to add advertising to the free version, which we would like to put on top of the Navigation Controller, like this: [ Advertisment ] [ Navigation Controller] [ Content ] [...

iPhone - Switch Tab from UIWebView

I have a webview and I want to manually switch to another tab during a specific event. The event is arbitray, but I can't figure out hwo to switch teh tab. On my other views, I have the following code: self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:2]; However, this does not work in...

how to stop tabbarcontroller from being reset view controllers?

Hello, i have an application with tabbarcontroller.I have 4 tabs+4 navigation controllers.i am pushing views on navigationcontroller's stack on first tabbar button item's navcontroller,my problem is if i again push tabbar button it shows first view of navigation controller while it should show the last view of navigation controller.Here...

Decide in code which class and xib file to load on app launch

Hello, I'm changing my app to add an in app purchase. When I initially set up the app I used interface builder but now i need to decide which class & xib file to load on app launch based on whether or not a user has purchased a feature. My app is set up with a tab bar controller that has a naviagion controller for each tab. Inside ...

Hiding UITabBar when rotating device iPhone

Has anyone successfully hidden a UITabbar when rotating the device? I have one view in the UItabbar controller that i rotate (So effectively one tab that rotates) When this happens i want the tab bar to disappear... but nothing seems to work! Either the tabbar still remains visible Or it disappears along with the view Or the tabbar ...

UITabBarController, animation causes sliding of other views without a UINavigationController

I've run into an animation issue (I think) with my TabBar based app. I have four tab bar items, of those three have UINavigationControllers, and one of them just has a regular view controller. The issue is that after changing to a view with animations, the first tab without a UINavigationController seems to no longer have the right size/...

Can't open Tab Bar Controller in IB

I've only just started learning to build iPhone apps using xcode. I'm slowly getting the basics, but I've come across a problem in Interface Builder. When I create a new project using the Tab Bar Application template, I can't seem to do anything with the Tab Bar Controller in main.xib. When I double click the file, IB opens up fine, bu...

viewDidAppear & viewWillAppear not firing in tabbar app

In a tab bar application, I'm adding a view to my first tabbar view by doing: [self.view addSubview:anotherView.view]; Once anotherView is done, I do: [self.view removeFromSuperview]; Which goes back to the parent but doesn't fire viewDidAppear or viewWillAppear on the parent. I can use messaging but it seems there must be a b...

iPhone - Quit Tab when Switching

I have a tab based application with 3 tabs. How do I go about completely closing the view controller of a specific tab when it is switched? It should start again when it starts again. Thanks for the help. ...

iPhone TabBarController - set selected tab programmatically

I have two tabs in my app, each of them is a UITableView, and each of the views in the two tabs has its own DetailViewController. Now, if I click on a TableViewCell in the DetailViewController in the first tab, I want to jump to the DetailViewController of the second tab. I know how to access the second tab self.tabBarController.se...

Is it possible to insert an animation into an UITabBarController thats shown when switching Views?

I have a custom UITabBarController and I want it to slide out the old view and slide in the new view whenever a TabBarItem gets pressed. I looked at UITabBarControllerDelegate but it just offers me to decide if the view gets displayed not how (via shouldSelectViewController). Is there a way to do that? (My goal is to have a starfield ba...

How to add tabbarcontroller in viewcontroller in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development, i have created my project in view based application and i want to add tabbar controller in my view. I have added tabbarcontroller using interface builder in my view and i cannot see the tabbar in my view. Plz how can i add tabbarcontrolller in view. So plz guide me. thanks. ...

Navigation bar not displaying

In a tab bar based app, I add a new UIViewController from tabview1 like this [self.view addSubview:self.aView.view]; I created the nib for aView in IB. It is a view with a tableview and navigation bar. I have aView and bView, which are nearly the same and added to the parent the same way. The only difference is that aView has two s...