
Why won't my UITableView rotate?

Within Interface Builder, I have the following UIViewController -- View ---- TableView In my UIViewController I have set - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } I also have other view controllers that are in IB. What am I missing here? The only way I can get it...

Toggling display of image in UITableViewCell

Depending on the result of a condition, I want to display a UIImageView in a table cell. Otherwise display UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark. I'd like to construct the cell in IB. The part I'm not sure of what to do with the UIImageView when I don't want it displayed. If I were constructing it all programmatically, I'd add the UIImage...

UiTableView Wont Scroll

Within InterfaceBuilder, Scrolling Enabled is checked marked So is Delay Content Touches , cancelleable Content Touches and User interaction Enabled is checked What is weird is that I get Bouncing Scroll but not the regular scroll. How does UITableView determine when it needs to scroll? ...

iPhone SDK: Inserting and updating a UITableView with a new row

Hi All, I have a tableView that needs to be updated after information has been inserted from another view. If I perform a [self.tableView reloadData]; The very next time I insert more information in another view and try to reload the table, all the currently visible rows are duplicated. In other words, when I start up the app I have...

Cannot see the last row in my UiTableView

I have a UITableView added in InterfaceBuilder. My app runs in LandScape. Because I was unable to use autorotation (still can't figure that out). I am using Transforming it for now. Having said that, I now have to place the UITableView in some weird position for it to look correct after transformation My table is fine but I cannot reach...

UITableView scrolls to far and causes weird things

I have a UITableView that when scrolled to far bounces bag. This also means the user can drag the table so that only half of it is visible and the other half of the main view is white. This causes some weird behavior in my app. I create an array in the AppDelegate. In RootViewController's viewDidLoad, I get a reference to the AppDele...

Help to insert a new section in a TableView

Hi, Everyone keep writing about deleting a section. Well, I can't seem to get one added. Currently, I am trying like this (which fails with NSInternalInconsistencyException): UITableView *tv = (UITableView *) self.tableView; if ([tv numberOfSections] == 1) { [tv beginUpdates]; [tv insertSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithInde...

UITableView - implementing index

Hi, I want to implement an index that is being displayed at the right side of a table. I've found out how to display it. How can I scroll to a certain position in my table, after a certain index item was pressed? In the index I am not displaying all the alphabet, but in the following manner: #define ALPHA_ARRAY= @"A●D●G●J●M●P●S●V●Z" ...

UITableView doesn't populate when waiting for CLLocationManagerDelegate 's didUpdateToLocation method on iPhone SDK

I'm trying to populate a UITableview with an array of cells. I usually do this from the viewDidLoad method but this time I want to populate the array based on location. Below is the first line of my interface: @interface RootViewController : UITableViewController { In the implementation file the viewDidLoad method looks like this: ...

reload uitableviewcontroller on iPhone

I'm trying to load a uitableviewcontroller after a location is found. This also means after the viewdidload method. my class is extending a uitableview controller with this interface: @interface RootViewController : UITableViewController { in the implementation I try to do a reload of the table view with: [s...

What's the best way to organize multiple subviews?

As someone who is fairly new to iPhone development, I've been trying to find good design patterns for managing multiple subviews, specifically where the subviews need the same type of delegate methods to be defined. For example, I have a view where I need to swap between 2 UITableViews based on user actions. Both UITableViews need a UIT...

UITableView with "multiple column": need sort

Hi friends, I have an UITableView with "2 columns" showing the content of 2 different "unlinked" arrays. The second array is dinamically updated. My question is: How can I sort the 1st array (actually a dictionary of arrays) using the content of the second array? ...

add a UIView above tableView problem

i have add a subView to UITableView in my application,after adding, the tableViewCell still clickable,how to prevent this?pls help ...

UITableView adding subview problem

i have a UITableView which have many row in a section. when i scroll down to the bottom row, and click a button to add a subview, my subview will display at the bottom on the screen rather than from top,can anyone help me to solve this problem ...

How to determine UIWebView height based on content, within a variable height UITableView?

I am trying to create a UITableView with variable height rows as explained in the answer to this question My problem is each cell contains a UIWebView with different (statically loaded) content I can't figure out how to calculate the proper height based on the content. Is there a way to do this? I've tried things like this: (CGFloat...

How do I change the color of the side Alphabet in an indexed UITableView?

I have a table view with an alphabetical index and am using the side alphabet to get through the list quickly. For those not familiar, that uses this: - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index { My problem is that my application has just been skinned black. ...

iphone hierarchical TableView memory never released

Hello, in the very good book "Beginning iPhone Development" (Apress), in the Chapter 9, they explain how to build an application with a navigation controller and hierarchical table views. If you launch the application with Instrument/Activity monitor, the application working well but with a big problem : each time you drill down from tab...

Catching back button navigation event

I have a nav based app. Once a row is clicked in a tableview, I push a UIWebView. The UIWebView has web links in it. The user clicks a link, which renders the external webpage. This all happens within my app. The top nav bar hasn't changed with the clicking of a link that renders and external webpage. However, once the user clicks ...

Scrolling UITableView on the iPhone as seen in the Tumblr app?

Hi folks! This inquiry is rather difficult for me to properly phase, but I'm going to give it a shot either way. I'm currently trying to figure out how to set my UITableView's to scroll over a background, and not within their own bounds. What I mean by that, is if you look at the Tumblr application, screenshot here: http://dl-client.g...

IPhone UITableView missing disclosure-button after pressing Delete Button when reusing UITableViewCell

Hi, I've got an iPhone UITableView displaying custom UITableViewCells that display on their right the disclosure-button icon. When I swipe the cell, the disclosure button is automatically replaced by the red "Delete" button. If I press the "Delete" button the row is removed from the table, but then something strange happens. When I scro...