
iOS: Selecting through UITextView on custom UITableViewCell.

I have a custom UITableViewCell with an image and UITextView property. The textview spans to the edge of the cell. My problem is tapping the textview does not register in didSelectRowAtIndexPath. How can I make it so that I can "click through" my textview? ...

iOS - setting outlets on a ViewController being used as a UITableView header

Hey all, I'm using custom headers for my tableview... - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { CustomHeaderController *header = [[CustomHeaderController alloc] initWithNibName:@"TableHeader" bundle:nil]; header.title.text = @"Test"; return header.view; } The title label ...

iOS UITableViews - moving header of a section off screen

Hey all, I have a UITableView with a header. When I scroll in the section that does not fit all its elements on the screen, I'd like the header to move off screen instead of the normal behavior of staying on top until it is replaced by another section. Is this doable? I would like to avoid making the header a UITableView row like the e...

Eliminating the border of a grouped table cell

I have a grouped table view; the table's background is a custom image. In one type of cell, I have just an image, and it doesn't fill up the entire cell width, and it's centered in the cell. I've set that's cell's background to UIColor -clearColor, so that the table's background view shows through, but the cell is still drawing the lig...

UITableView fixed header

How to disable scrolling for UITableView header, to be always visible? (To have column titles.) ...

How to create sectioned/grouped table view alphabetically

I am creating an app that parses huge xml file and gets the data into table view. The user can enter text into search bar to search the table view. Now, i want to make the table view into a sectioned one that is grouped alphbetically. Sine the table view is huge and the search functionality is included i want to know how to make the ta...

UITable cell selection in a SplitViewController

I have a UISplitViewController with a Table View for navigation. It's similar to the Mail app. When you click on a table view in portrait mode, the popup hides itself. When you click on the nav bar to get the popup back, the selected item no longer appears selected. How can make this item appear selected without re-selecting the item? (j...

Several Custom UITableViewCells in one NIB - how to refer to in code?

I'm creating custom UITableViewCells using the approach outlined on this page: http://icodeblog.com/2009/05/24/custom-uitableviewcell-using-interface-builder/ So my cellForRowAtIndexPath code looks a bit like this: static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"CustomCell"; TableCellWithLogo *cell = (TableCellWithLogo *)[tableView dequeueReusabl...

Animating Row Deletion in UITableView with CoreData gives Assertion failure

Hi all. I have a UITableView that shows a list of objects stored with CoreData. I can delete an object using the following code: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) { ...

How to achieve columns for tableview cells like in iPhone Contacts App - Add New Contact View?

Hi, Please refer to the screenshot below I am Assuming the "Add new contact" screen in iPhone contacts app had a UITableView. For adding phone numbers or email or home page, they have nicely formatted columns within the rows. How can I achieve this, since UITableView inherently does not support columns? Are these just custom UITabl...

How to add NSMurableArray to NSMutableDictionary to sort in alphbetical order

Actually, I have 2 questions... 1)I have a NSMutableArray that i am displaying it in a table view. I have included a search bar for searching the table view. Now i want to add the array to NSMutableDictionary with alphabets as keys. 2)I want to display this NSDictionary in table view as grouped table with numbers and alphabets as group...

Shadow doubling in custom UITableView - how to remove?

I'm trying to build a custom UITableView with custom cells and headers. I have a subtle problem - when the table view's Cell scrolls underneath the Header, the shadow gets doubled. The header and the cell are both PNGs with transparency, and behind the table is a gradient that I want to show thru. See the edge of the table in this scre...

Possible to move UITableView's index?

I'm using the sectionIndexTitlesForTableView method for my custom UITableView, to display A-Z on the side of my table. However, the standard view of this doesn't match the style of the table. Is there a way to change this, or at least move the index a little? Here's how it overlaps: ...

how to change image when clicked on tableview cell iphone

i have a tableview. i add image to the cells when clicked on the cell in didselectrow method by using cell.conteview addsubview. but the problem is if i click on 1st cell it changes the image and when i click on another cell image will appears but the old image is not removed from the previous cell. This is happening for all cells in tab...

What is the color used in Table View section head / footer text?

This muted blue grey color is all over the place, and I can't find a convenience color that looks even remotely close. Clearly I'm missing something obvious... I'm trying to "fake" a stock look for a UIView that is my section footer for a UITableView. Has anyone else had any luck? My UILabel will also need a white drop shadow. ...