
iPhone: Main Menu to Navigation Controller And A Table View

Hi Folks, I have two applications that I would like to build into one. The first is a simple table view that drills down to a detail view when a cell is clicked. It works fine. It has a TableView and a Navigation Controller, so I can go back and forth between cells. The problem is I don't want an App that shows a table straight away! I ...

iPhone - dragging on UITableView halts rendering of OpenGL in background

I have an OpenGL-based iPad project. In one view I have objects being rendered and floating on the screen. When I add a transparent UIView on top of this view with a transparent table view with custom cells, I can see the table view and the objects still being rendered. Now - when I go to drag on the table view to scroll through elemen...

Regularly update UITableView

I have a UITableView which I need to update about 2-3 times a second via NSTimer. The cells in this table have UIButtons which respond to touchupinside. The problem is that this created extreme sensitivity. I could not press the button for too long otherwise it wouldn't register. That issue was solved in http://stackoverflow.com/questio...

Make UITableView go to top line

I sometimes reload table data and I need to redraw the table so that I see the data from the first row again. What I do now is the following: NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]; [self.tableView selectRowAtIndexPath:ip animated:NO scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop ]; [self.tableView deselectRowAtIndex...

How to add Custom EditingAccessoryView for UITableView?

Hi all, i want to add custom EditingAccessoryView in cell, when user swipe in place of delete button i want to show my custom view. ...

how to add data from sqlite in UITableView?

hai guys, I new to the Objective C tech. i need solution for my issue. i have one table in sqlite, in the sqlite table one record ("aaa","bbb","ccc") i want to display this record in one cell of the tableView. can any one help me please.... thanks in advance ...

issue with rotation and uilabels with size set using NSString's sizeWithFont...

I have a few UILabels in my view with their height set using sizeWithFont:. I set the autoreszingMask to flexible width and height, however on rotate the width changes (am assuming because self.view's width changes and its set with a width relative to self.view) but the height of it doesn't change to fit the content again. This results ...

Can I use NSFetchedResultsController for the display of data not meant for a UITableView?

In the FRC documentation, it says that it is intended to efficiently manage the results returned from a Core Data fetch request to provide data for a UITableView object. I am trying to setup my Core Data stack to handle the storage and retrieval of some VERY basic data. Can I not use FRC? I need to display a value set in the db to a UIL...

It's possible to make a uitableviewcell draggable

Hi, I've this NIB file: and I want to make the tableviewcells draggable, but outsite the tableview. Is this possible? ...

Turning an NSArray of custom objects into a alphabetically sectioned UITableView with an index?

(hmm.. long title) If I start out with an NSArray of custom objects (each object is a Person) like this: { surname:Allen forename: Woody, surname:Baxter forename: Stanley, surname:Clay forename: Cassius } ..etc.. You can see that the array is already in surname order. How do I use that array to create a a UITableView wit...

Problem modifying UITableViewCell accessoryType in tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:

I have a transparent table view (UIViewController with subview UIImageView, and another subview UITableView on top of the UIImageView sibling with background = clearColor, UITableViewCells background = clearColor). I also want taps on the cells to toggle the cell's accessoryType between checkmark and none. If I modify the UITableViewC...

How to add data to UITableView ?

How to add data to UITableView ? I need array of data inserted in this view UITableView *tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:tableFrame style:UITableViewStylePlain]; [table numberOfRowsInSection:20]; table.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; ...

Sql query to populate iPhone quick-access-bar (count rows by first letter)

I have a sqlite database, with potentially tens of thousands of rows, which is exposed as a UITableView on the iPhone. There's many columns in the relevant table, but for now I only care about a 'name' column. (The database is in a server app, the iPhone app is a client, talking over a socket) Naturally to make this usable, I want to sup...

UITableView has loaded data

hey everyone, I have a subview where there is an uitableview that gets data from an online server (title, subtitle and image). When I click the button that shows the subview it takes a little time to get there using WiFi connection, but under 3G network it takes longer, so that you really feel the gap between loading the view and having...

Need to sort and group tableviews using SQLite on iPhone

I have two different tableviews, one needs to be grouped by region, one needs to be listed alphabetically. I am using an SQLite database. The grouped tableview needs to be grouped by a column in the database called Region. The alphabetic view uses a column of data called hotSpgsName. Someone told me to use a NSDictionary, but I would lik...

UITableView with multiple datasource

Hi, I have a ViewController that needs to use 2 UITableViews. 1 is always showing, while the other will show up as a popup after you click on a button on the view. Typically I set the delegate and datasource to the File's Owner. However, since 1 of the UITableViews is in a popup, I'm not sure how to best tackle this. e.g how do I tack...

Core Data: storing web content before saving

I am currently developing an app that relies heavily on retrieving web content. I have a series of NSObject classes that represent the content that I retrieve in JSON format. I also have NSManagedObject classes that represent my Core Data model that are almost identical. Here is an example of an NSObject class that I use to hold my web ...

[iPhone] UITableView reloadData many times cause memory leak and slow down application

I made a mistake when using Leaks instrument that I thought total living objects is byte of memory, so I updated my post! [Updated] Hello All, I am facing with a problem that: My application present realtime data by using UITableView which may contains maximum 34 customized cells, so when receiving update data, I have to do reloadDat...

UITextField inside UITableView cell

Hello, I have been reading through a lot of things trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I have been trying to add 4 UITextFields inside of UITableView cells. I have the UITextFields created through IB, as well as the UITableView. I add the textfields to a NSMutableArray and then in the cellForRowAtIndexPath I am adding these tex...

dragging images placed in a UItableViewCell to another uitableviewcell in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone app development. I have placed images in UITableView as an image gallery,in rows and columns. Now, I want to drag images with in the tableview,by which position of images can be changed. I have searched for it, but I didnt find any proper solution. It will be like UIView --TableView ---TableViewCell ----custo...