
How to reload a table view in a view controller in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I have created a table view in a view controller. I want to reload the table view so that i can display the contents which are parsed previously in delegates. More over reloadData does only reload the cells. It doesn't take care of actually updating the underlying datasource. E.g. if i read data from an...

Prevent header from being updated after calling reloadData?

I have a UITableView with a custom header that maintains some state. When I call reloadData to change/update the data in the UITableView, the header gets reloaded too. Is there any way to prevent this behavior in order to maintain state in the table's header? ...

iphone reload tableView

In the following code, I have determined that everything works, up until [tableView reloadData] i have NSLOGs set up in the table view delegate methods and none of them are getting called. I have other methods doing the same reloadData and it works perfectly. The only difference tha I am awayre of is tha this is in a @catch block. maybe ...

UITableView cellForRowAtIndexPath occasionally not called?

I'm developing a graphing application that on the main navigation/tab view displays a UIView that renders a graph using openGL. Beneath that view is a UITableView that displays the list of elements on the graph, and an add button. Occasionally, when the user clicks on another tab, and then returns to the graph view tab, the table view d...

TableView doesn't reload. Using Core Data.

My 1st view is a tableView (RootViewController). My 2nd view is a tableView whose data depends on an object that is passed from the RootViewController. My 3rd view is a view that has a textField. It also takes the same object that the 2nd view took. That textField holds the name of the passed object. When I change it, save it and go back...

UITableView reloadData - cellForRowAtIndexPath not fired

Hello, I have splitViewController which has as MasterViewController some viewController and as DetailViewController some tableViewController. When I push a button on masterViewController I want to show new tableViewController in detailViewController instead of existing one. So I did like this: SearchDetailViewController *searchDetailV...

Iphone reload tableview after a purchase has finished gives odd error. " error: expected ':' before '.' token"

Guys I'm using the code below. Xcode refuses to compile the last line. I get: "error: expected ':' before '.' token" on the last line. Can't figure out what is wrong... - (void) failedTransaction: (SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction { if (transaction.error.code != SKErrorPaymentCancelled) { // Optional...

sending reload data from custom tableview cell?

How would I go about sending a reloadData message to the tableView from a custom tableViewCell? ...

Reload a UITableView within a UIView

Hello, I am using MGTwitterEngine, and I have everthing working fairly smoothly. I am using it for an iPad program, and currently I have a UIView with a UITableView inside. I want to reload the table, but because I am using a UIViewController, I can't figure out how to target it. I understand the widely used method is: - (void)viewWill...

Reload the main tableView data

I'm writing an iPad split view-based application and I've a NSMutableArray with some objects passed to the main tableView with this code: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"CellIdentifier"; // Dequeue or create a cell of th...

How to get UINavigationController child view

Hello guys, I have one detail view controller in splitView - SearchDeatilViewController. But that view controller is attached to navigation controller. How can I get that subview to take controll of him? I tried like this, to reload sub view tableView: SearchDetailViewController *detail1 = (SearchDetailViewController *)[self.viewContr...

How To Reload data from URL ???Only Can Load data in viewdidload ???

OK,First this program can load plist from URL by this code,and I put this in - (void)viewdidLoad{ NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; NSU...

UITableView, reloadData reload the cell but does not resize the table

I have this strange behavior, when I update my dataSource ofr my UITableView and call the reloadData thing, the cells are updated but the size of the table dosen't change. I really do not have any clue... can some one help? ...

Reloading tableView when subclassed causing crash

Hey guys! I have some problems reloading my tableView. I have subclasses my tableView, with a class called RadioTable. I have also subclasses my TableViewCells, but thats not important here. I need to point out that i'm pretty new, and built my subclass from some tutorials and stuff. First of all, here is the error message i'm getting ...

iPhone, why isn't UITableView reloadData working?

I've enclosed a screen dump to make things easier to follow. I've attached my outlets for datasource and delegate and I've created an outlet for my table view, but reloadData doesn't work? Ideally I'd like to only call reloadData after the view has been loaded once? ...

iPhone, how can I make my UITableView cells black with and without data in them ?

I'm managed to make my UITableView rows / cells black when data is loaded, to a fashion, I get a white line in between rows, which makes it look awful. How can i make them fully black with and without data ? Heres the code I'm using at the moment - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *)cel...

Objective C - UITableView after calling reloadData my object properties are null/nil

I have a ViewController defined as follows: @interface SectionController : UITableViewController { NSMutableArray *sections; } - (void) LoadSections; When LoadSection is call it makes a call to NSURLConnection to load a url which in turn calls - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection { NSString *res...

refreshing cell content after deleting cells

I have the following problem: I have a UITableView with some Text and some Images as content. The TextLabel of the cell displays the text and I add a UIView with some UIImageViews as its subview to the cells contentview. Everything works fine until I delete some cells. What happens is, I delete a cell (lets say the first) from the tabl...

TableView ReloadData not working after action

Can someone help me? I made an action to rename items in my uitableview. The table view is populated with videos located in a directory. The problem is when I try to rename a file, th reloaddata do not work. I need to tap on my first tab and come back to the second tab to see the change. This is what I have: - (void)viewDidAp...

Tableview refreshing to parent view after selecting child using reload data

I have a UITableView that uses JSON to to get new data from the AppDelegate. It saves the data and then is pulled into this tableview class from the AppDelegate.data3, After I add a record to the mysql database I launch the Delegate method that refreshes the data. However,[self.tableview reLoadData]; breaks the drill down ability of the...