
UITableView footerView with button, button doesn't work

Hi there. I'm trying to create a custom view for my UITableView footerView that has a button in it. I can see it there, but when I touch it, nothing happens... can you see what's wrong here: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; if(self.tableView.tableFooterView == nil) { //allocate the view if it doesn't exist y...

iPhone - Table/Grid Data

For an iPhone app, I'm going to need to display read-only tabular data in a grid format. This data could potentially have many rows and columns. I could use UITableView, but the problem is the data will most likely be very wide and require scrolling. Is there a way to put a UITableView in a UIScrollView and allow zooming and scolling ...

iPhone SDK Noob Problem with Search Bar

Hello. I hope you will reply to this: I once had this kind of array: NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Object1", @"Object2", @"Object3", nil]; NSDictionary *arrayDictionaryDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:array forKey:@"Key"]; [listOfItems addObject:arrayDictionaryDict]; Now I have this: NSDictionary *dict1 = [N...

How can I determine if a UITableViewCell has been previously loaded?

Basically I want to check whether a cell in a UITableView has been loaded/viewed before so I can perform an animation on the first view of the cell. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? I'm guessing this is probably a backwards way of doing this, if you can think of a nicer way of checking then i'm all ears. Thanks in adva...

creating a custom menu system without a UINavigationController

This is related to my previous post, but I am trying to understand what another developer has told me concerning building a custom navigation menu mechanism for the iPhone. I am new to objective C/iPhone stuff, but experienced in programming in general. What I am trying to create is a custom menu system that does NOT involve UINavigation...

UITableViewCell incorrect width on iPad

We have a modal view that contains a Table view that contains UITableViewCells used to edit an item. On the iPhone everything works fine, but on the iPad we're unable to get the UITableViewCell to register as anything besides 320 px wide. It will basically display correctly, but the items inside of the cell align as if it were only 320 p...

setting text in tableView

I want to programatically set a text in my UITableView. I do not want to do it from - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { I tried something like [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:0]].textField.text = @"test"; This doesn...

Frame width has strange behaviour

I want to add a footer view to my gouped table view for now i have this: NSLog(@"width:%f",self.view.frame.size.width); UILabel *lblInfo = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 30,self.view.frame.size.width - 100, 70)]; lblInfo.text = @"Hellow"; [footerView addSubview:lblInfo]; [lblInfo release]; ...

Programatically highlight first row in tableview after first load

Im trying to highlight the first row in my table upon first loading the data and just cannot get it to work! I have tried lots of ways with no joy, the latest attempt being this: NSUInteger indexArr[] = {0,1}; NSIndexPath *n = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:indexArr length:2]; [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:n atScrollPosit...

iPad not resigning responder

Hi, I have a table with 3 UITextFields added to the content views of cells (1 row per section). I have a 4th section that I insert so that I can scroll the particular field to be above the keyboard. The problem I have (on the iPad only) is that when one of the text fields has firstResponder, it does not relinquish it when user taps on...

Scrolling problems with UITextFields in cells in Objective-C for iPhone

Hi there! I have following problem: I've got an UITableView with 7 custom cells. Each of these cells hold a label and an UITextField in it. Since the cells are somewhat big, you have to scroll down to see the last 3 cells. The problem is, as soon as I scroll down, the text in the textfields of the first 3 cells (those, that aren't visibl...

Is there a way to boost the speed of Ti.UI.TableView in Titanium for custom rows?

I'm using Titanium's appcelerator. I've seen the kitchensink example for tableView performance, but that's just for un-customized rows, at around 4ms a row on my 1G iPhone. The performance for 1.4.0 and shoots up considerably when you have custom rows, like one with a picture and a label, to about 20ms per row at the very least. ...

uiscrollview scrollViewWillBeginDragging messes up uitableview custom cells height

hello, I have a searchBar (with scopeBar) where I want to dismiss the keyboard when the server returns relevant results. I have the following code: - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{ [search resignFirstResponder]; //height - navBar - searchBar - carrierBar - uitabbar CGRect newFrame = CGRectMak...

Why does my animation in my cell disappear when the cell is selected?

I have an animation as my image in one of my tableview's cells. When it is clicked, it turns the default blue and the image disappears! The navigation loads the new view, and when it I go back to the first view, hoping my animation returns, alas, there is no image :(. I don't do anything in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath function besides ...

reloading a tableview when source is NSURLConnection and gets new data

I tabController app with uitableview getting NSURLconnection data and trying to display it. I can't figure out the issue. If I replace the connection with an array I'm storing all the drill-down works, but updating doesn't, So I think that the tableView end of things is fine. BUT: If I put [[self.tableview] reloadData]; in the -(void) ...

UINavigationController does not scale my main UITableView, if the NavigationBar titleitem has a height > 44 px

I have a UITabbarController where I show a UITableViewController. Now I have set a special titleView to replace content of the standard Navigation bar: self.navigationItem.titleView = titleView; My titleView is not only 44 px of height (as seems to be the standard), but it has a 70px height. This is properly displayed. The only problem...

iPhone UITableViewController move only specific rows in a table

I have implemented a standard UITableViewController. I have made only some rows in the table to be moveable, ie. canMoveRowAtIndexPath returns true only for some indexPaths (for rows in the first part of the table). I would like to allow exchange of only those rows that are moveable, ie. for which canMoveRowAtIndexPath returns true. Eg...

What is the most efficient way to get a list of a Facebook user's friends' names in the Facebook iOS SDK?

I want to use the Graph API. And I want to load them into a UITableView. Also loading entire user details is slow... Is there a way that I can make it faster? One more thing: Is there a way that I can load a page on Facebook in the login window that is provided by the Facebook iOS SDK after the user logs in? Pretty much I want to load a...

Reload UITableView conditionally based on SegmentedControl

I would like to reload a table view conditionally based on the value of a segmented control, when a button is tapped. So in my buttonTapped method, i have this code which randomly selects an array item. In the else block i would like to remove the selected item from the array to prevent the same item being selected again, currently I re...

UITableView not populating in Tab bar iPhone application

I have a tab bar application which loads a UITableView when one of it's buttons are selected. It seems to load the view controller however it doesn't seem to be populating the data. I have tried setting the cell.text = @"cell" (while setting the number of rows > 0) and an NSLog in the CellForRowAtIndexPath proves that in fact the functio...