
App is crashing when deleting from UITableView due to self referencing connection.

Hi, I'm brand new to iPhone development (and first question posted here) and am sort of stuck with Core Data and Table Views. In short, my app is crashing when I delete a row from my UITableView due to NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate being called on a record that has already been removed due to a cascade delete on a self referring table. ...

Resizing a UIView subclass with dynamic sized subviews

I currently have a UIView subclass that acts as my header view for my UITableViewController. All of the subviews vary in size depending on data retrieved for a particular item. layoutSubViews is getting called for the UIView before I can determine the size of each label. This causes a problem because I set the size of the view within th...

UITableview freeze the app while scrolling

hai Guys, in my app i am using the combination of tabbarcontroller, navigation controller and tableview controller. The view hierarchy of the app is UITabBarController | |_ UINavigationController | |_ UITableView | ...

[self navigationController] returning null inside tableview delegate

HI I am working on UITablview based project. i like to load a new view when ever a cell got click. i am using following code in didselectRowAtIndexPath delegate method. The below coding is not showing any error but new view not get load and [self navigationController] is returning null. inside Viewdidload function [self navigationcontr...

Deselecting the table view row when returning

I followed Luke Redpath's suggestion here - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2803061/selected-uitableviewcell-staying-blue-when-selected - to deselect the row when returning to the original table view, but I can't get it working. In fact the method doesn't get triggered. - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:an...

how to set custom color of table row

how to set custom color of table row when it is clicked... i mean i don't want that blue color which appear by Default.... ...

warning in uitableview

Hi, I complied using iOS 4.1 for uitableview program. What has to be done ? WARNING: Using legacy cell layout due to delegate implementation of tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath: in . Please remove your implementation of this method and set the cell properties accessoryType and/or editingAccessoryType to move...

UITableView scroll smooth with certain speed?

I'm building a custom slot machine with a column that exists of a uitableview. When the user pulls a lever the tableview should scroll to a certain position with an index. I used the method: - scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: But this method will make the table scroll with a constant duration. So you will not really ...

Accessing grouped UITableView section view?

Hi there... Basically I want to "cut the corners" of the first cell imageview and the last cell imageview to match the curved corners on the grouped tableview section. I was given the advice to do this by setting the view's masksToBounds property to true? Anyone know how to access this view? Doing cell.superview doesn't work. cell.con...

How to resize UI Table View of a UI Table View Controller programmatically?

Hi, I subclassed UITableViewController and called it FeaturedGamesViewController. Ok, I also have a navigation controller to which I added this FeaturedGamesViewController as the root. All pretty standard stuff that you do in the App Delegate. Also note that there is no NIB file created for FeaturedGamesViewController. Just subclassing...

IPad Core Data Leak ?

Im using XCode 3.2.3 and have created an app using the SplitView template with Core Data. When i run the default app on the device (3.2) in debug mode with instruments running i am seeing a leak. When the default app has no items added to the table view within the split view there is no leak. But after adding items and running the app a ...

how to manage a stack of UITableViews without a navigation controller

I am new to iPhone development, and I am working on modifications to an existing iPhone app. The high-level overview of the issue is this. I have a button displaying a pop-up containing a UITableView. I'd like to click on a menu item and display a second UITableView with sub-items, including a back option. If the user clicks back, they...

UITableViewCell clear separator

I did like following tableview.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone; However, when I add new row , separator will appear like following picture. How to remove separator in UITableViewCell ? ...

From pList (dictionary) to Tableview

I have an editable pList with a dictionary of strings in the format: 21-10-2010 -> @"item1" 20-10-2010 -> @"item2" 19-10-2010 -> @"item3" 18-10-2010 -> @"item4" 17-10-2010 -> @"item5" ect... So with dates in stringformat as keys, and strings with different information as value. The lenght of the dictionary can become up to 2...

How to update numberOfRowsInSection using NSMutableArray count

In my app I allow users to add new rows of NSStrings to a UITableView. I save these new strings in an NSMutableArray *dataArray So for numberOfRowsInSection I return [dataArray count], but it seems to just return 0 all the time so my table is not auto-populating. If it helps, when I do an NSLog of [dataArray count] as a add more entrie...

Display tooltip on UITableView in iPhone

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has tried it. I need to show a tooltip within a table view when the user selects a word in the row's text. Can you please help me or suggest any way for this? Thanks in advance!!!!!! ...

memory leak with UITableViewDataSource data?

Hi i have found a problem with my DataSource of my UITableView. Each time i try to fill the NSMutableArrayData in the method "addDataSection", the whole data-Array is set to the current Names-Array. It all seems to work, until i write the Names into the Array and invoke [Names removeAllObjects]. Even in the method "addDataSection" my Na...

Swipe to delete UITableView help

How can I delete a UITableView row on swipe? I know the question has been asked, but I get only errors. Here's the code: -(void)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { } - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRo...

UITableView inside UIScrollView

This should be straight foreward, but I simply can't figure it out(!) I have a UIView 'filled with' a UIScrollView. Inside the scrollView I wan't to have a UITableView. I have hooked up both the scrollView and the tableView with IBOutlet's in IB and set the ViewController to be the delegate and datasource of the tableView. What else d...

Optimal approach to displaying a large tableview in iPad

We need to display a tableview with over 400 rows and each row needs to display data worth 12 days' all time slots. The data is added as buttons to each of tableview rows inside a scroll view and the data is read from database. There are number of issues we are facing: slow scrolling since data is fetched for every cell as the table sc...