
Playing Sound in Table view

Can anyone guide me on how to play sound .caf file in table view.Just like the Apple voice memo app.NCH Pocket Dictate App also implements this feature same way.I think it's pretty good from usability point of view and better use of UITableView. My App stores user recorded voice.The list of recording is displayed as UITableView.I dont w...

Edit Button on Navigation Controller

I have a navigation controller in my app and on its root view controller i have an Edit button as the rightBarButtonItem. I have a second table view which is pushed when a cell is tapped on the root view controller. The leftBarButtonItem becomes the Back button. I would like an Edit button as well, where can i put it that would make t...

can i display alert view with the table view with segmented controls in every cell

Hi all i want to display the table view in alert view. This table view contains segmented control. these segmented controls are for on/off the audio, image, text. so there will be 3 cells with segmented controls. how to do this please help me out Thank u ...

Edit Button on Navigation Controller does not enter edit mode

I have a UIToolbar with an edit bar button on it. This is defined as self.toolbarItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.editButtonItem,nil]; The edit bar item shows up, and but when i tap it, nothing happens, it does not change to Done and none of the editing controls show up. I have implemented the following methods as i would like...

UITableView - don't unload cells when they go off screen

My tableView consists of 5-10 cells, each of which contains a scrollview of images. The problem is that when a cell goes off screen, it removes all the images and then reloads them when the cell comes back on screen. I know this is done for performance reasons, but in this case it just looks bad. Is there a way to prevent the unloading o...

Passing text value from one view to another

I have this in my table view controller, and i want to pass the cell's text value to my UITextField on the modal view. - (void)buttonTapped:(id)sender { AddName *addName = [[AddName alloc] init]; UITableViewCell *cell = (UITableViewCell*)[sender superview]; NSLog(@"text in buttontapped: %@", cell.textLabel.text); addName...

TableView ReloadData not working after action

Can someone help me? I made an action to rename items in my uitableview. The table view is populated with videos located in a directory. The problem is when I try to rename a file, th reloaddata do not work. I need to tap on my first tab and come back to the second tab to see the change. This is what I have: - (void)viewDidAp...

ReCall NSArray in RootViewController

I use original method XML data can show in rootviewcontroller TableView. When i use New Procedure it show the table only no data. How can i show the data in New Method? Original Method appDelegate.m (setup XML & load the data) rootviewController.m (use nsarray & load the data into table view) New Method appDelegate.m (setup XML &...

How save add items on memory after close app ?

Why my add items dont save on memory? When I back to RootViewController my list disappear, What happened ? Code for add and work fine... - (IBAction) addButtonPressed: (id)sender { NSLog(@"Add button pressed!"); addPosto *addposto = [[addPosto alloc] initWithNibName:@"postoDictionary" bundle:nil]; UINavigationController *addNavCon ...

Auto adjust the UITableViewCell height depend on it's contents in Objective-c

I want to adjust the height of a cell depend on it's contents. I know UITableViewDelegate let you implement the - (CGFloat) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath { return someHeight; } but I do not want to hardcode the height. Is there a way to do this dynamically? ...

UITebleView self.editButtonItem

I have a UITableView that works properly with the "self.editButtonItem". The problem that I am chasing is the following: If I put the table in edit mode, switch to another screen of my app and then go back to the table, I can set the table to DON'T be anymore in edit mode, but the button persist in the "edit" state while I would like it...

Removing multiple rows while adding none in UITableView

Is it not possible to remove several rows from UITableView while adding no new rows? I thought there was support for batch insertion and deletion but it appears that you can only adjust the table size by 1 item from the previous count. When I attempt to remove a whole bunch of rows without adding anything new, I get the error: Inval...

How to update custom header views in a UITableView when sections are deleted?

I have a multi-section UITableView with custom header views that need to know their section index. I currently record the section number in the tag field of UIView when creating the custom view in viewForHeaderInSection. However, when a row is deleted, the UITableView does not reload the section header views for header views visible on...

Three20 TTTableViewController cell height

Hi, I'm trying to change the height of the cells in my TTTableViewController from the three20 library. I'm using TTTableRightImageItem and I want the height to be determined by the height of the image and not the fixed height. Do I have to subclass TableCell? Is there a property I can just set? Thanks ...

Animating incoming UITableView when a UIButton is pushed

The first view that appears in my app is a standard view with two UIButtons on it. When you select a button, a UITableView appears. I have set 'Anitmated' to 'YES', but when I tap the button, the UITableView does not slide onto the screen (it just appears). When I hit the "Back" button on the UITableView, it does animate as it slides off...

nsmutabldictionary to call local file in uitableview

i am reading through sam's 24 hours to iphone programming. it's a really nice book with great examples, but as all programming goes, there's more ways than one to accomplish something. i am basically trying to build a uitableview that once a row is selected will open a local file in a uiwebview (detailcontroller). the book example buil...

adding textfield,label above the uitableview..

Hello all, How to design a tableview similar contact application in iphone......... ...

UITabBarcontroller, UITableView and pushView

Hi All! I have a UITabBarController with a set of tabs. Some of them, when selected, show you a table. The cells of the table, if touched, bring the user to a detail screen of the object in the cell itself using a "pushViewController". When I click to a different tab, and I am in the detail page, I see the new tab page. And this is fin...

UICell textlabel change frame size

Hello, I have a table that displays cell using UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle: ============================================================= Title:This is the title of something Date:Custom label Subtitle:breif description ============================================================= My Problem is that sometimes the titles are lo...

Tableview refreshing to parent view after selecting child using reload data

I have a UITableView that uses JSON to to get new data from the AppDelegate. It saves the data and then is pulled into this tableview class from the AppDelegate.data3, After I add a record to the mysql database I launch the Delegate method that refreshes the data. However,[self.tableview reLoadData]; breaks the drill down ability of the...