
self.tableview reloadData causing crash in UITableView

I'm getting this crash when selecting a row: '-[__NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (1) beyond bounds (1)', I moved the data out of the viewWillAppear because we though it was causing a crash. I now have it loading on ViewDidLoad. However if the [self.tableview reloadData]; is on, I get this crash. Ideas? -(void) loadData3;{ ...

Problem with singleton from xml parser. afternavigation.

after parse xml. xml attributes data i stored in NSMutableArray *anArray; which is in MyAppDelegate. I used anArray in MyAppDelegate. For my xml i do have One root Tag and N number Child tag. my xml example: <root> <child name1="",name2="",name3=""/> <child name1="",name2="",name3=""/> <child name1="",name2="",name3="...

remove all sub image views of a tableview

i am using a table view and adding small images(cross arrow an accept arrow images) to right side of each cell based on if the option is correct or not.... ....Now my table reloaded many times....due to which the images are repeated on every single cell.... i mean if cell_1 has that accept image..after table reload if the value of cell...

UITableViewCell backgroundView image resizing?

Hello, I am using an image to display the whole content of a UITableViewCell and it's set using the backgroundView property. My problem is that it is always scaled to fit the cell. Is there a way to disable scaling in this case, so I can provide the 480 pixel version only and it just gets cropped when orientation is portrait? I'm doin...

reloading a tableview source when data is called from appDelegate

I have a table based app that stores data on a mysql server, it gets updated and writes the data to nsdictionary for persistance. When you make a change to the data, the table need to update. However if I put a [self tableview reloadData] the app crashes when selecting a row. Does anyone have an Idea on how to make the table refresh happ...

how to insert data from lineEdit to tableWidget in PyQt4 ?

Hello, I am new in PyQt,currently working on a form where user will insert data into lineEdit and after submitting the data will be shown in the tablewidget. I am reading data fro lineEdit and printing it but unfortunately not finding any way to add lineEdit data to the tableWidget.The data should appear in the exact cell. It will be ve...

Strange iPhone NSTableView cell.textLabel.text Bug?

Hey guys, I'm working with a UITableViewController, and I have a section of code as follows: Subject *subject = [[context subjects] objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; cell.textLabel.text = [subject name]; cell.showsReorderControl = YES; return cell; This code is in the UITableViewDataSource method that returns an UITableViewCell for an...

Scroll to top broken with Ads on iPhone

The scroll-to-top feature (touching the status bar to scroll to the top of a UITableView) seems to be broken when Ads load in my app. I did add the following in the viewDidLoad of my UITableViewControllers to try to solve the problem but it doesn't help: [self.tableView setScrollsToTop:YES]; [[self.tableView window] makeKeyAndVisible]...

add photo, custom uitableview

Hello all, How to design a tableview similar to contact application in iphone......... and also how to implement add photo image from local photo library which is there in contact application.... ...

iPhone weird Bug: going back and forth in the navigation hirarchy while uitableview is still scrolling causes freeze

Hey guys, I got this really weird bug which is making me crazy: I push a UIViewController (lets call it tableViewController) which contains a UITableView and therefore conforms to <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource> onto another UIViewController (lets call it rootViewController) with: [self.navigationController pushViewContro...

Dealing with editable items in a filtered UITable with an NSMutableArray copy

I have a UITable with a datasource that is set to a 'copy' of the original data. I use this copy to displayed filtered results (either 'All' or only those that are 'checked' with a UISwitch in each row). My logic for doing the filtering is here: -(void)filterItems { [tableData removeAllObjects]; if (checkedOrNotSwitch.selectedSegmentInd...

UISplitViewController Vs Custom Made Views...

Hi everyone, I have an app in the iPhone that is something like that is a Home Screen when you click a button and you go into a Navigation Controller with Master Detail table views. I want to transfer the app to iPad and was looking at UISplitView controller and find out that must be in the main window and the first thing displayed whe...

Is the a way to turn off the UITableView delegates temporarily?

I have a UITableView with the usual table view delegates. The problem is that the table is built from core data .. so when my refresh method runs it refills the core data entities. I think this means that the data for the table is unstable, and hence it crashes on a line like this (in 'cellForRowAtIndexPath'): cell.textLabel.text = [obj...

Iphone tableView index position/setting

Hi all, Sorry if I missed anything about this but I have a table view with 2 large sections and an index to navigate between sections: - (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { NSMutableArray *listArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; listArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[@"S|H"componentsSeparatedBy...

UITableViewCell with prepareForReuse does not work

I have created a custom UITableViewCell where I add a bunch of buttons loaded dynamically to its contentView. These display properly. When the data which controls what buttons are loaded change and I call reloadData I can see that prepareForReuse is called: - (void) prepareForReuse { NSLog(@"prep for reuse"); [self clearButtons...

How to reuse UIViews, the way UITableView does?

I want to create a view that shows vast amounts of data. Using UITableView would have been a good idea except it's not the way/style I want to show it. I'm thinking of creating my own view, and I was wondering: UITableViewCell is constantly being reused through the dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier method; how does this work? I mean, I c...

Update splitViewController from ModalViewController

I need to update on of my splitView's from a modalView, but I am not having any luck. for instance: From my rootView (which is a UITableVIewController) if I set an option to hide a certain section from the rootView table in my ModalView, when I dismiss the modalview, the setting doesnt take affect on screen for the tableview, same goes ...

How to Show detail view of table cell inside of table view?

Hello! I've a problem. I want to create a table view in which each cell is a name of a place and when the user clicks on the cell, the cell next to it should shift down to accomodate a new view after the clicked cell. The new view will display the address of the place the clicked cell displayed. for example: If cell2 contains XYZ Park....

Custom UITableView Editing Button

I have a tableview inside a viewcontroller I would like to edit/delete rows. It is not inside a navigation controller. I have a button set up to call this method: -(IBAction)setEditingStyleOfTable{ [favsTable setEditing:TRUE animated:TRUE]; } The editing buttons appear in my cells correctly, either by tapping that button or swipin...

iphone tableview index config

Hi all, I have a tableview with 2 sections. - (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { NSArray *listArray = [@"Save|Hist"componentsSeparatedByString:@"|"]; return listArray; } The index that I would prefer is these 2 sections to be located in the center of the index instead of one at the top and...