
Changing the delete accessory view in a UITableViewCell

Is it possible to change the view shown in response to a left to right "I want to delete this row" swipe in a UITableView's UITableViewCell? Currently the 'delete' button seems to ignore all of the other UITableViewCell customisation options. ...

how to use paragraph text in uitableviewcell in cocoa-touch

I've been using uiLabels to put text in the cells of tableviews. I want to now use paragraph text that carriage returns to the next line instead of going out of the boundaries of the table cell. Would I do this by manipulating a uiLabel or would I use a different control all together like a text view. Also is there any project example...

Saving reference to UITableViewCell

I have 5 cells in a tableview that are all custom. Meaning, I've created a xib with a tableviewcell and created a corresponding cellController. The xib has two labels named name and size. The user taps a row, triggering didSelectRowAtIndexPath. From there a timer is started. At some point the timer finishes. Here I need to assign te...

Resetting custom UITableViewCell height when iPhone is rotated

I am overloading the delegate method -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: and using -sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize: to programmatically set the height of the cell, based on the text in that cell: - (CGFloat) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { switch (indexPath.section) { case(kAbo...

Remove white line next to reorder control on grouped UITableViewCell

I've built a custom UI for my table that has a darker UI and a custom accessoryView. When I put the table into editing mode, there is a white line to the left of the reorder control that I can't seem to get rid of. tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath: doesn't seem to be appropriate for getting rid of it since I'm not using a s...

How to resize image to fit UITableView cell?

How to fit UIImage into the cell of UITableView, UITableViewCell (?). Do you addSubview to cell or is there a way to resize cell.image or the UIImage before it is assigned to cell.image ? I want to keep the cell size default (whatever it is when you init with zero rectangle) and would like to add icon like pictures to each entry. Image...

UITableViewCell / UISegmentedControl border issue

I'm trying to get a UISegmentedControl in a group UITableViewCell much like in the wifi settings in the Setting Application. The problem I'm having is I'm getting a double border. I get one border for the UISegmentedControl and one for the UITableViewCell. I'm guessing I need to remove the border from the UITableViewCell. How can I go a...

iPhone: How to wrap text in drawRect?

This is an iPhone question. How does one draw wrappped text in the drawRect method? I'm trying to use atebits' ABTableViewCell class to do custom drawing of a table view cell. I'd like to draw a small picture and then text next to it which may or may not need to line wrap. Think of the table cells in a Twitter client like Tweetie which s...

iPhone TableView Cell - weird bug in device : cell content not displayed

I have this really weird bug. When I scroll down my table view, down to a section I called "description", the cells in this section won't be displayed. Instead, the title of the section is repeated again and again. It sounds like whoever is in charge of the screen display in the iPhone does not find anything to display and let what was o...

Two cell in a row,UITableview

I want to have a two cell in a row,as in contacts we have “Text message” and “Add to favourites” in a single row how to do that…. Is that Splitting a cell into two? can anyone help me? ...

Handling touchesBegan in UITableViewCell disables didSelectRowAtIndexPath

Hi, I'm implementing swipe gestures in my customtableviewcell control and so I hvae to implement touchesBegan event. I'm able to implement the swipes, but unfortunately, because the touchesBegan gets handled in the customcell, i'm not getting a didSelectRowAtIndexPath message on the tablecontroller. If the touchesBegan method is disabled...

UIScrollView in UITableCellView, cell doesn't update

I have a custom UITableViewCell with a UIScrollView in it that is wired to the cell controller. When I assign text to the scrollview, some cells get the correct text, some are blank, some redisplay old text and others have the scrollview clipped around the 2nd or 3rd line of text. It seems random on what will happen. I followed the su...

How to refresh UITableViewCell?

I have a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell. In cellForRowAtIndexPath, I assign a font to a label in every cell, since the user can change font size at any time. To change font size, the user clicks a button below the tableview, which dislays another view with settings. Once they have chosen a font size and click done, that vie...

Is preventing a UITableViewCell from being dequeued possible?

I'm using part of the Three20 library in a project. Specifically, a view that is essentially a table view with images going 4-wide across each cell to mimic the iPhone's photo app thumbnail view. I've noticed that the behavior is for each cell to be dequeued as soon as the bottom of the cell reaches the bottom of the navigation bar (wh...

Setting each cell in its own group

My UITableViewCells take up the full viewing area. I'd like to use a grouped table so the cells appear to have rounded corners. Right now, if I set the number of sections to something greater than one, I get the number of sections in grouped style but all the cells repeat in each section. How do I setup the table so each cell is in a ...

iPhone Table View: How to access text field of custom TableViewCell

I've set up a UITableView with several custom UITableViewCell's that have some UITextField's and UISwitch's (based on Settings.app). My question is, when a user clicks the Save button in the navigation bar, what's the beat way to access these text fields and switch controls to save their values? ...

Position of UITableViewCell

I'm using a tableview to display a list of rows and when selected, I want additional controls to appear right below the cell, probably in another view which I will control. So far, I've managed to get a reference to the selected cell by running through the visiblecells array in the tableview but the frame property always returns a y-coo...

How to retain or animate subview background color in UITableViewCell on selection?

I have a UIView as a subview of a custom subclass of UITableViewCell. I'm using it to change the color of just a small area of the cell dynamically. When I select the cell, the background color of the entire cell -- including the background color of the subview -- is changed to blue. That's fine, it happens instantaneously. Selection...

How do I fix a multi-line UILabel that is overflowing it's containing UITableViewCell?

I'm having trouble displaying a multi-line UILabel in a custom UITableView cell. I'm currently using this to calculate both the height of the cell... NSString *cellText = [howtoSection objectAtIndex:row]; UIFont *cellFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:15.0]; CGSize constraintSize = CGSizeMake(260.0f, MAXFLOAT); CGSize labelS...

Growing UITextView and UITableViewCell

I'd like to emulate the compose mail screen of Apples iPhone app. At this moment I have a UITableView with some cells. The last cell contains a UITextView. I managed to get the scrolling the way I like, but one problem remains: how to let the UITextView and the UITableViewCell automatically grow in height when the user enters a new line ...