
Fast Scrolling in Tweetie with UITableView

On December 12th 2008, the maker of the Tweetie IPhone App posted a great example how he accomplishes UITableView scrolling without the jagged/raggedness that normally entails. His example code works great with version 2.2 of the SDK, however, when I compile for 3.0 I cannot get the click-highlight to work on an individual cell. Anyone...

Getting visible cell from UITableView pagingEnabled.

I have a UITableView with pagingEnabled. Each cell takes up the viewing area of the table. Meaning, each cell is the same height and width as the table. I'm using custom cells that have a name property. I'd like to display the name of the current (viewable) cell in a label. This works fine for the first and last cells but anything i...

How to delete the last row of a section?

Hello, This problem has kept me busy for the last hours. I have two sections with one row in each section. When I delete the row in one of the sections than it throws an exception saying this is an invalid update (number of rows/sections before and after the update are not the same). This is understandable as I delete the last row of a ...

selection color for a UITableViewCell

If I have a custom UITableViewCell that doesn't use the textLabel built in to the cell but instead does its own drawing, how can I change the appearance of the contentView on selection, like it does automatically for the default text (customizable by setting the selectedTextColor:)? If I change tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:, then ...

How to create a UITableViewCell with a transparent background

Hi, I'm trying to set the background color of a UITableViewCell to transparent. But nothing seems to work. I have some images/buttons inside the tableViewCell and I would like to make the white grouptableview background dissapear to get a 'floating' effect for the images and buttons (as if they were not inside the tableview). Any idea ...

Edit mode for UITableViewCell using Interface Builder

I converted my old UITableViewCell from being programmatically created to using Interface Builder and a Xib. When implemented in code and in edit mode, I moved some of the labels in the cell to make room for the delete button. How do I change the layout of the cell in edit mode when implemented as a Xib? Preferably animated. Links or tut...

Best (Any) way blend tableview section header onto top of a grouped tableview

I'd like to add section headers to my grouped table view's sections but I'd like them to appear seamless (see image). The default, as we're all well aware of, is rounded top corners on the first row of a grouped table view cell so it ends up looking like crap when you merge them. Any way to specify when indexPath.row = 0 that the UITab...

Refreshing a UITableView

I have a UITableView subclass and a UITableViewCell sublass that I'm using for cells. I'm bulding all my cells in advance and store them in an array from where I use them in cellForRowAtIndexPath. Aside from this I have a thread that loads some images in each cell, in the background. The problem is that the cells don't get refreshed as f...

Controlling iPhone App Flow During Table View Animations

In my application I would like to be able to wait until table view animations (deleting table view rows) were complete before executing part of my application. I was wondering if there would be any way to wait or pause my application until the these animations were complete. Thanks. ...

Change UITableViewCell outside of Protocol methods

The UITableViewCell is usually drawn with the UITableViewDelegate or UITableViewDataSource protocol methods, like -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath -(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath But how would I change the ce...

iPhone - How to determine in which cell a button was pressed in a custom UITableViewCell

I currently have a UITableView that is populated with a custom UITableViewCell that is in a separate nib. In the cell, there are two buttons that are wired to actions in the custom cell class. When I click one of the buttons, I can call the proper method, but I need to know which row the button was pressed in. The tag property for each...

Refreshing the UITableView from UITableViewCell

Is there an easy way to trigger a [UITableView reloadData] from within a UITableViewCell? I am loading remote images to be displayed after the initial table display, and updating the image with self.image = newImage does not refresh the table. Resetting the cell's text value does refresh the table, but this seems sloppy. MyTableViewCe...

Is it possible to adjust the width of a UITableViewCell?

I would like to know if it is possible to adjust the width of a UITableViewCell. I would like to put an image to the left of it (like the Contact view in Address Book). I found a post here that provides a picture of exactly what I am trying to accomplish. I would also like to confirm the answers to this post. ...

iPhone SDK 3.0 Vs. 2.2.1

I just installed iPhone SDK 3.0 and found that the text property of UITableViewCell is not used anymore, and should use textLabel.text instead. Does this mean that I have to know the current system version and call the corresponding method? like this. UITableViewCell *cell = ...; if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] isEqualToSt...

UITableViewCell's imageView fit to 40x40

I use the same big images in a tableView and detailView. Need to make imageView filled in 40x40 when an imags is showed in tableView, but stretched on a half of a screen. I played with several properties but have no positive result: [cell.imageView setBounds:CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50)]; [cell.imageView setClipsToBounds:NO]; [cell.imag...

iPhone - UITableView not calling didSelectRowAtIndexPath method in 3.0 SDK

I have an iPhone app that works fine in 2.x version of the SDK. When I upgraded to 3.0, the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method is no longer called, so the action when a user highlights a row doesn't happen. This is a custom UITableViewCell that is in a separate nib from the UITableView. Both the data source and data delegate are properly ...

Problem with UItableview reload data using alert view with prompt on a custom cell.

I have a UItableViewController with a custom cell designed using interface builder. The custom cell has a button and a label on it. The button when click will trigger an alert view with prompt. Once the text is entered and press OK the label on the cell will display the updated info on the table. The problem is the label will not get upd...

A UIButton in a UITableViewCell & getting bounds/frame

I have a UIButton in a UITableView cell, in a UITableView. The result is a list with buttons in it. When the UIButton is pressed, it calls a touchUpInside method, and all is great. What I am having problems with is that I want to zoom out a new view from the location (frame) of the button when it is pressed. If I just get the bounds ...

UITableViewCell - different behaviour depending on touch duration?

I'm trying to animate an image in a UITableViewCell subclass. It works when the tap on the cell is about 1/2 second or more in duration. For shorter taps, the cell gets selected, but my animation doesn't run. In my view controller, I have: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ...

How do you reposition subviews in a UITableViewCell?

Hello Folks, I was in the process of writing a threaded UITableView that retrieves some information from the net. I would like to display an activity indicator in place of the regular cell.image while the images are loading. The problem is that the custom label and activity indicators are not behaving properly. The labels start out in ...