
Table cells delete wrongly

I have an app set up to have a tableview, which allows the user to add and delete cells (which are events). Adding and deleting DOES work, however when I delete a cell (by entering edit mode), I can click the (-) button to delete, then I hit the delete button, however the delete button stays highlighted and the cell does not disappear un...

UITextField inside UITableView cell

Hello, I have been reading through a lot of things trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I have been trying to add 4 UITextFields inside of UITableView cells. I have the UITextFields created through IB, as well as the UITableView. I add the textfields to a NSMutableArray and then in the cellForRowAtIndexPath I am adding these tex...

Click Thumbnail to Expand Image in UITableView

Hey guys, So I have a UITableView that has a list of image names and corresponding thumbnails, and I'd like to implement some sort of click to expand thumbnails, so when a user clicks on the thumbnail, it expands to fill the whole screen. Is there an easy way to do this? It needs to only expand for the image part of the cell, not the te...

UITableViewCell gradient layer auto resize

I'm using the CAGradientLayer method from this answer to set a gradient on my UITableViewCells. However, for this table, I increased the height of the cells via tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. My gradient layer now does not cover the full height of cell, but instead stops at the original height (see pic). I tried setting the fra...

UITableview fixed content group sections based on array size

I have a dataset that I wish to display in fixed size grouped sections. The sections each consist of three rows, a header, a switch and a text field. Each section represents a dictionary (constructed from my coredata 'records') The number of 'groups' that I need to display depends on the count of objects stored in my coredata store. T...

UITableViewCell cellForRowAtIndexPath calling large number of rows when first scrolling

I have been working on a problem relating to UITableView and cellForRowAtIndexPath. I want to give the user the ability to have a very large number of rows much like a large list of email on iPhone. I discovered this problem when I began to create a class that would queue and dequeue groups of records from the database, as needed, in ...

iOS: Selecting through UITextView on custom UITableViewCell.

I have a custom UITableViewCell with an image and UITextView property. The textview spans to the edge of the cell. My problem is tapping the textview does not register in didSelectRowAtIndexPath. How can I make it so that I can "click through" my textview? ...

Eliminating the border of a grouped table cell

I have a grouped table view; the table's background is a custom image. In one type of cell, I have just an image, and it doesn't fill up the entire cell width, and it's centered in the cell. I've set that's cell's background to UIColor -clearColor, so that the table's background view shows through, but the cell is still drawing the lig...

tableview [cell.contentview viewwithtag:] is returning nil

I have a tableview with four sections first section has 7 rows in that first six rows has a textfield and the last row has two textfields Section 1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t2 section 2 t1 t2 t1 t2 // second row textfields are placed in fourth rows t1 t2 t1 t2 // fourth row textfields are placed in someother rows t1...

UITable cell selection in a SplitViewController

I have a UISplitViewController with a Table View for navigation. It's similar to the Mail app. When you click on a table view in portrait mode, the popup hides itself. When you click on the nav bar to get the popup back, the selected item no longer appears selected. How can make this item appear selected without re-selecting the item? (j...

Several Custom UITableViewCells in one NIB - how to refer to in code?

I'm creating custom UITableViewCells using the approach outlined on this page: http://icodeblog.com/2009/05/24/custom-uitableviewcell-using-interface-builder/ So my cellForRowAtIndexPath code looks a bit like this: static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"CustomCell"; TableCellWithLogo *cell = (TableCellWithLogo *)[tableView dequeueReusabl...

Selection of tableview cell's index path

Hi all, I have a question regarding the selection of table cells. I have three grouped tables which are used as forms, only one of which should be in view at a time. So in the nav controller I have a button which presents another table in a popover with the title of all three forms and will control which form is currently available. So...

Shadow doubling in custom UITableView - how to remove?

I'm trying to build a custom UITableView with custom cells and headers. I have a subtle problem - when the table view's Cell scrolls underneath the Header, the shadow gets doubled. The header and the cell are both PNGs with transparency, and behind the table is a gradient that I want to show thru. See the edge of the table in this scre...

how to change image when clicked on tableview cell iphone

i have a tableview. i add image to the cells when clicked on the cell in didselectrow method by using cell.conteview addsubview. but the problem is if i click on 1st cell it changes the image and when i click on another cell image will appears but the old image is not removed from the previous cell. This is happening for all cells in tab...

Custom UITableViewCell doesn't appear in the table

Hi, I have created a UITableViewCell and I am trying to display it in one of my table, but for some reason it doesn't come, the table is coming empty. And when I click on the one of cell in the table it takes me down to next level, which means the custom UITableViewCell is not getting rendered properly. Here is my custom UITableViewCel...

Custom UITableViewCell for Settings-like application?

I'd like to have a settings view in my app. I want to have things like UILabels, UISwitches etc. (Like in the Settings app.) How can I go about doing that? Can I just replace the detailView with the required view, or is there more to it then that? That may not work because I need to be able to set and get text values too. ...

Custom UITableViewCell image doesn't appear in the first row

Hi, I am facing this very weird problem, I have created a custom UITableViewCell on which I have a UIImageView on the left and on the right I have two UILabel. When I run the program, I see all the image and the label appears on the table. I have total of 5 rows that needs to be displayed The only problem is the image starts displa...