
How to Show detail view of table cell inside of table view?

Hello! I've a problem. I want to create a table view in which each cell is a name of a place and when the user clicks on the cell, the cell next to it should shift down to accomodate a new view after the clicked cell. The new view will display the address of the place the clicked cell displayed. for example: If cell2 contains XYZ Park....

how to deselect a selected UITableVIew cell?

HI, i am working on a project on which i have to preselect a particular cell. i can per select an cell using willDisplayCell. But i couldn't deselect it while the user click on any other cell. - (void)tableView: (UITableView*)tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell*)cell forRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath*)indexPath { ...

UITableViewCell with dynamic content, dynamic layout and thus a dynamic height

Hey guys, I have a UITableView which sometimes just stops responding when its been loaded. I have no clue why this happens and I was wondering whether it could be the layouting of the cells which I do in cellForRowAtIndexPath, because my content is dynamic and therefore the layout of the subviews has to be adopted each time. Is there...

FInd the width of contenView in a UITableViewCell in case of iPad.

On iPAD when you create new UITableViewCell the contentView width set for 320. Is there a way to get the right width? I can't use the width of the current view as the table cells do not span the entire width of the view. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Custom UITableViewCell and animation on setSelected:animated:

I have a UITableViewCell subclass that does its drawing in a drawRect: method. The whole rectangle is custom drawn, including the background. I was able to get very complex cells while keeping the scrolling very smooth. My problem: I call [table deselectRowAtIndexPath:path animated:YES]; whenever the view appears, in order to comply wit...

UITableViewCell clear separator

I did like following tableview.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone; However, when I add new row , separator will appear like following picture. How to remove separator in UITableViewCell ? ...

Why does [cell.detailTextLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]]; not work?

[cell.detailTextLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]]; doesn't work. Any way to make it work? Thanks ...

UITableViewCell odd coloring issue:

Why does this work: - (void)tableView: (UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)indexPath { cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; } but this doesn't? - (void)tableView: (UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath ...

UITableView footerView with button, button doesn't work

Hi there. I'm trying to create a custom view for my UITableView footerView that has a button in it. I can see it there, but when I touch it, nothing happens... can you see what's wrong here: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; if(self.tableView.tableFooterView == nil) { //allocate the view if it doesn't exist y...

iPhone - Table/Grid Data

For an iPhone app, I'm going to need to display read-only tabular data in a grid format. This data could potentially have many rows and columns. I could use UITableView, but the problem is the data will most likely be very wide and require scrolling. Is there a way to put a UITableView in a UIScrollView and allow zooming and scolling ...

How can I determine if a UITableViewCell has been previously loaded?

Basically I want to check whether a cell in a UITableView has been loaded/viewed before so I can perform an animation on the first view of the cell. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? I'm guessing this is probably a backwards way of doing this, if you can think of a nicer way of checking then i'm all ears. Thanks in adva...

UITableViewCell incorrect width on iPad

We have a modal view that contains a Table view that contains UITableViewCells used to edit an item. On the iPhone everything works fine, but on the iPad we're unable to get the UITableViewCell to register as anything besides 320 px wide. It will basically display correctly, but the items inside of the cell align as if it were only 320 p...

NSFetchedResultsController and UITableViewCell

I have a UITableViewController fetching a collection of objects A with a NSFetchedResultsController. This works well and if these objet A's properties are updated, the UITableViewCell for A reflects the change. The problem: this object has a relationship A->[B1, B2, B3...]. The cell is using some of the B's properties in its display. ...

uiscrollview scrollViewWillBeginDragging messes up uitableview custom cells height

hello, I have a searchBar (with scopeBar) where I want to dismiss the keyboard when the server returns relevant results. I have the following code: - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{ [search resignFirstResponder]; //height - navBar - searchBar - carrierBar - uitabbar CGRect newFrame = CGRectMak...

iPhone toggleEdit - disable delete?

When I execute toggleEdit, a red button with a white line in the middle shows up on the left (to enable delete) and a blue button with a white arrow shows up on the right of each cell in my UITable: -(IBAction)toggleEdit:(id)sender { [self.table setEditing:!self.table.editing animated:YES]; } The blue button on the right shows ...

Regularly update UITableView

I have a UITableView which I need to update about 2-3 times a second via NSTimer. The cells in this table have UIButtons which respond to touchupinside. The problem is that this created extreme sensitivity. I could not press the button for too long otherwise it wouldn't register. That issue was solved in http://stackoverflow.com/questio...

Programmatically autoresizing UITableViewCell containing several subviews

I have a UITableView, which tries to look like a grid: that is I imitate four columns by adding UILabel**s as **cell.contentView subviews. Three of these "columns" have fixed width, and on rotation I want to automatically resize the leftmost column to fill all available space (width of screen minus overall width of three other columns). ...

How to add Custom EditingAccessoryView for UITableView?

Hi all, i want to add custom EditingAccessoryView in cell, when user swipe in place of delete button i want to show my custom view. ...

how to add data from sqlite in UITableView?

hai guys, I new to the Objective C tech. i need solution for my issue. i have one table in sqlite, in the sqlite table one record ("aaa","bbb","ccc") i want to display this record in one cell of the tableView. can any one help me please.... thanks in advance ...

UITextView in a UITableViewCell smooth auto-resize shows and hides keyboard on iPad, but works on iPhone

I have implemented a custom UITableViewCell which includes a UITextView that auto-resizes as the user types, similar to the "Notes" field in the Contacts app. It is working properly on my iPhone, but when I am testing it in the iPad, I am getting some very strange behavior: When you get to the end of a line, the keyboard hides for a mill...