
Load different type of custom cell (iPhone)

Hi Guys I have a problem! I want to change the custom cell if mediaurl==@"string" and move the label on the left if i not load the picture... How can I do? Any issue? if I create a label from code the the method call if mediaurl==@"string" I will make a mistake. ...

Can I add different text color in UITableView ?

I want to add there text color in UITableView Cell. I want to show like that in UITableView Cell. Red, Green , YELLOW However, following code can work only 1 color. cell.textLabel.textColor=[UIColor redColor]; cell.textLabel.text=@"4:00 AM , 9:00 AM , 10:00PM "; I want to show 4:00 AM with red color and 9:00 AM with green color, 10...

UITableViewCell's detaiTextLabel overlaps with custom subviews

I want to customize UITableViewCell by adding UILabel and two UIButton as its subview. The cell style will be UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle and these three items would have to next (on the left) of detailTextLabel.But when i do this, detailTextLabel overlaps with these items and display clipped or partial subviews. Any way to handle out ...

continous animation within UITableViewCell

Hi there, I'm trying to add a continous animation onto my UITableViewCell-Subclass. It's a rather easy one with an Image fading in and out (fading between 0.4 alpha and 1.0), what i've tried so far ist the following: -(void)animateRecordingIndicator{ [UIView beginAnimations:@"RecordingIndicatorAnimation" context:nil]; [UIView s...

Two cells in one row in UITableView

I'm trying to build a grouped UITableView cell like the table in user details in Twitter's app (former Tweetie app). It's a cell with two sides, and you can select any of them separately (and the background turns blue, like a rounded button). Anyone did something like it or know how they made it? A screen shot from the view (it's the ...

How to do calculations only for visible cells in iPhone?

Hi all, I have so many cells in table view say nearly 500. Each and every cells have their own images and string paragraphs. Actually i draw those images & strings with the help of UIView's drawRect method. So i need to calculate image and each string's position (including their width & height to measure the cell height and wrapping are...

Is it possible to refresh a portion of the ui table view without refresh other cells?

Hi friends, Is it possible to refresh some cells without refreshing other cells in a table view? I need to delete and insert and add some cells simultaneously. For that i want to refresh the table frequently. [self.tableView reloadData]; This code is used to refresh all the cells in table i think. I'm not sure about this. Because m...

Custom uitableview cell issue

I have a custom UITableViewCell as such: @implementation CellWithThreeSubtitles @synthesize title, subTitle1, subTitle2, subTitle3; - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier { if (self = [super initWithStyle:style reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier]) { self.textLabel.backgroun...

UISwitch and UIButton in UITableViewCell, how to ident them

Hi, I've got a little problem in my UITableViewCell. Each Custom Cell have an UISwitch and an UIButton. And when the user change the value of the UISwitch i would like to set the button.hidden property to YES. I can find which UISwitch was clicked with this method: - (IBAction)closeHour:(id)sender { UISwitch *senderSwitch = (UISwitc...

iphone sdk: How do i add a button to a uitableviewCell?

hi, I'm trying to add a button to the uitableviewcell and i just can't get it to work any suggestions what i'm doing wrong?? checkButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; [checkButton setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 30, 30)]; [checkButton setBackgroundImage:[[UIImage imageNamed:@"checked.png"] stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:10...

iphone: how to add checkboxes to a uitableviewcell?

Hi, I just can't seem figure out how to do this hopefully someone here can help me. In my tableview i want to add checkboxes to each cell and if you touch the checkbox a checkmark appears and a specific action is supposed to happen. but if you just touch the cell a different action is supposed to happen. Does anyone have an idea how to d...

Use two different cell identifier on same table view

I'm trying to get rid of a cached UITableView cell. I have two sections. The first cell of the second section has the same "appearance" as the first cell of the first section. With appearance I mean the cell height (multiline cells). I tried to use different identifiers, but that didn't worked. Here is the code: NSString *identifier; i...

How to add UIScrollView just in the first UITableCellView?

Hi all, i have a uitableview in the uiviewcontroller, i made a scrollview in the viewload event. i am adding it to tableview's first cell. but i scroll the tableview it displays more than one scrollview after 5 cell passed. here is the code. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)i...

willSelectRowAtIndexPath/didSelectRowAtIndexPath confusion

This should be easy: When calling a didSelectRowAtIndexPath, I run a complex method, that downloads the contents of a URL, parses it, and put the result in the various properties. In the Simulator, and on a device in a WiFi situation, everything is just fine. However, on a device on a slower network, it just takes some time to process th...

UITableViewController crash on delete row because cell is drawing and accessing core-data

Hello, I have a UITableViewController backed by a NSFetchedResultsController. I'm currently experiencing a SIGABRT when deleting a row, after I save the managedObjectContext in commitEditingStyle. The crash then happens in drawRect: in my UITableViewCell where it tries to access the core-data object for this row: [self.document.name...

Changing number of different UITableViewCells with particular order like Calendar app

Hi there, Sorry for the long title. In essence, I want to accomplish the same thing that the Calendar app does for Event details. The first cell shows the title and date of the event. The second shows an alert, if there is one, otherwise Notes, if there are any, or nothing else if none of these fields is present. The way I am doing it ...

UITableView multiple selection

Hi, I have a UITableView that I want to use to allow multiple selections. I have rolled together most of the functionality, but am having one small problem. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSLog(@"Selected"); UITableViewCell *selectedCell = [tableView cellForRowAtInd...

tableview:cellforrowatindexpath with multiple cell types

when i build and analyze, i am told that cell never gets a value...which seems false by my logic, but then the app crashes trying to load the table. so...why come? - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *Cell1Identifier = @"Cell...

Custom Cell UITableViewCell

Hi, I am trying to create a custom cell with an imageview, button, textview, and a label #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface CustomCell : UITableViewCell { IBOutlet UILabel *nameLabel; IBOutlet UITextView *inputText; IBOutlet UIImageView *image; IBOutlet UIButton *btnBuy; } @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILab...

Shifting placement of rows in a grouped UITableView

The Contacts app on the iPhone seems to use a grouped UITableView with what looks like an image outside the table and rows of text adjacent to the image are shifted. Like this: How do you go about creating a layout like this with the first three rows placed at a different X position than the other rows? I tried modifying the cell's fr...