
Moving UITableView cells and maintaining consistent data

I've enabled editing mode and moving cells around to allow users to position table view content in the order they please. I'm using Core Data as the data source, which sorts the content by the attribute "userOrder". When content is first inserted, userOrder is set to a random value. The idea is that when the user moves a cell around, the...

Subview appears behind tableview

When I add a subview to my UITableViewController, it seems to be underneath the tableview. I may be loading my subview incorrectly, or calling addSubview in the wrong place. The subview I'm referring to is the red area above the tabbar that also contains the "Click me" button: You can see that the cell lines kind of overlap. Here i...

How do I get a reference to a rootViewController to a sub-view?

An answer posted for one of my previous questions brings up another question; I am calling a new view controller, "RuleBuilder," from my rootViewController. The rootViewController holds a reference to a contacts array. How do I get a reference to that array into the RuleBuilder? I tried adding UITableViewController *rootViewControlle...

Can NSDictionary be used with TableView on iPhone?

In a UITableViewController subclass, there are some methods that need to be implemented in order to load the data and handle the row selection event: - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { return 1; //there is only one section needed for my table view } - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView nu...

UITextField subview of UITableViewCell to become first responder?

I have a core data application which uses a navigation controller to drill down to a detail view and then if you edit one of the rows of data in the detail view you get taken to an Edit View for the that single line, like in Apples CoreDataBooks example (except CoreDataBooks only uses a UITextField on its own, not one which is a subview ...

Create an Edit view similar to Contacts App

I have an edit view in my app which is a instance of UITableViewController and contains one cell with a textfield in a grouped table. At the moment this cell is at the top of the screen and is firstResponder so they keyboard is visible as well. But in all the Apples apps like the Contacts App when you edit a piece of information like an...

Tab Bar Application, one UITableViewController with different data.

I have a Tab bar App with four tabs. Each tab loads the same UITableViewController. I would like to fill the table based on which tab is tapped. How? ...

Can I create a UITableViewController that inherits from a custom subclass of UIViewController?

I have common functionality that I need to access from all screens of my app: a right bar button item and associated action. So as not to repeat the code I would like to set this up in a custom UIViewController and have all my view controllers inherit from it. - (void)viewDidLoad { UIBarButtonItem *rightBarButton = [[UIBarButtonIte...

Autorotate UINavigationController based Application in IPhoneOS 3.0

I have an application which have code like: window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; // UIWindow *window; viewController = [TopicsViewController new]; //TopicsViewController *viewController; //This is a UITableViewController navigationController = [UINavigationController new]; // UINavigationController *...

Trouble refreshing UITableView

I'm trying to develop a basic GPA Calculator. I have an AllCourses class that holds Course objects. I have an AllCourses object in my CalcAppDelegate. In my ThirdViewController I can successfully update the number of Courses in my AllCourses object. However, the problem I'm having is that when I switch to the RootViewController the UIT...

UITableView backgroundColor always gray on iPad

Hi, When I set the backgroundColor for my UITableView it works fine on iPhone (device and simulator) but NOT on the iPad simulator. Instead I get a light gray background for any color I set including groupTableViewBackgroundColor. Steps to reproduce: Create a new navigation-based project. Open RootViewController.xib and set the table...

Table View Controller Problems

Hello, I added a table view into a view in interface builder and now I need to wire it up to some pre-made classes that you can generate in xcode. I set the tableview controller's class to the class in xcode and wired the dataSource and delegate to my table view but the app just crashes. Im not sure how to get data to properly load into...

How can I use removeFromSuperView and dismissModalViewControllerAnimated at same time to remove two views ?

I have a UIViewController *view1 and another UIViewController *view2; I used presentModelViewController to navigate from view1 to view2. -(void)function:(id)sender { NSLog(@"The libraryFunction entered"); LibraryController *libraryController = [[LibraryController alloc]init]; [self presentModalViewController:libraryController anim...

UITableViewController truncating section header title

I've got an iPad app with a UITableViewController. I am setting the header titles for my table sections using - (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section When the table loads, if I scroll down too quickly, when a section header appears on screen it will be truncated to the first letter ...

How can we know which cell is touched in tablView when a custom button in the cell is touched ?

I need to know which cell is touched when any button inside the cell is touched. I have custom UIButton *button1 in the cell and UIButton *button2 on the cell.imageView.image of the cell. I wrote selectors for both buttons.; But, I could not differentiate the buttons for each cell. How do I know which cell button was touched. What to do,...

How to delete a cell in UITableView by using custom button in cell ?

I have UITableView. I customized the cell height (80.0f). I have 4 labels(UILabel) and 1 image(UIImage) and 3 buttons (UIButton). one of the button is delete button. By touching the cell or button(play button) on the image a video is loaded and played. I need to delete the cell by touching delete button. I wrote a selector for d...

UINavigationController + UITableView + UISearchBar + UISplitViewController

I have an annoying problem. I have an UINavigationController with an UITableView in the Master (Left) pane of my UISplitViewController. When I do normal operations, things push on on to the navigation controller fine. However, when I do a search and push things on, it's like it doesn't account for the space the navigation bar needs. I...

iPhone App Development - UITableView DetailsView

Hi, I have a UITableView with a list of items such as item1, item2, item3, item4 and so on. If I select on item1, it will go to the detail view of item1 (which is controlled by DetailsViewController). What I am trying to do is to add a button called "Next" on DetailsView. When clicked, the DetailsView will refresh and show item2. When...

iPhone Tableview Use Cells in Horizontal Scrolling not Vertical

Hi Guys This is not an uiview orientation question, I want to Have the iphone in Portrait or Landscape, and I want a standard tableview(controller?) that will display cells in a vertical strip down the iphone and the tableview scrolls horizontally. -I.e. a 100% normal tableview, that is rotated 90deg without rotating the phone orientatio...

Handle row deletion in UITableViewController

Hello, I hava a UINavigationController. The first level is a UITableViewController, the second level just shows details on one of the items of the table view. In this detail view, I can delete the item. It deletes the underlying managed object. When I pop back to the view, I have a crash. I understand why, it's because I didn't updat...