
How do I use a UIWebView in a Table Cell?

I'm building a table with some text that is HTML, so I am using a UIWebView as a subview of my custom table cells. I already ran into one problem - as I scrolled down in the table, it would take the UIWebViews a second to update. For example, I'd be viewing Cells at rows numbered 1, 2, and 3. I'd scroll down to say 8, 9, and 10. For a mo...

Does UIWebView leak memory?

If your iPhone app uses a UIWebView, and loads many pages with large images, you may find that you are leaking memory. Can this be resolved? ...

iPhone - streaming audio using UIWebView while displaying an image

Hi When we stream audio on an iPhone using the UIWebView, it uses the QuickTime player to display the audio which is playing along with the time bar and other controls. It also shows the QuickTime logo. Is there any way I can stream audio using UIWebView while displaying an image on the webview instead of the big QuickTime logo (somet...

Creating an IPhone Map application

How can i create a map application for Iphone . I know that UIwebView can be used to display map . But is there any native API available on IPhone(which the native iphone map application uses)? ...

Best way to reference image through out app?

My application is database driven. Each row contains the main content column I display in a UIWebView. Most of the rows (the content column) have a reference to image1 and some to image2. I convert these to base64 and add the image string into the row. However, if either image changes, it means I have to go back through all the rows ...

MPMoviePlayerController and UIWebView

I'd like a link in a UIWebView that plays a local .mp4 file. I know how to load the MPMoviePlayerControler but am not sure how to set it up in the UIWebView. I have a UIView with a UIWebView inside of it. How do I use the MPMoviePlayerControler with this setup? ...

How do I load webpage this way?

In a UIWebView, I provide a link to http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSString_Class/Reference/NSString.html. In the simulator, TOC doesn't load. A space for it appears then quickly hides. However, on the iPhone, TOC loads and doesn't hide. User has to click the hide TOC link. What is the si...

Why doesn't Apple's SDK documentation cover UI*?

UIWebView, UIColor or UITextField for example have no entries in http://developer.apple.com/search.php or the documentation that comes with Xcode. Are these documented somewhere? ...

iPhone UIWebView - How do you set the zoom level and position?

I'm displaying a series of tiled images in a UIWebView and would like to programmatically set the UIWebview's initial zoom and view location. How does one go about doing so? ...

iPhone Drop Down Box in a UIWebView

Hi all, i am using a select tag in a UIWebView in my application but facing with some problems. (maybe they are not the problems but i m soo new for iphone programming) when the select box is clicked a UIPickerView opens, is there any way to disable it? when the select box is clicked it gets lost and when i click to its place again it...

UIWebview and HTML

i have a UIWebView control which loads given html file. my html file contains custom tags how to parse that file before loading? ...

Handling URL Redirections in UIWebView

Hey guys, I have a UIWebView in my app that is used to show webpages of links clicked within my app. Some of the links are URL-Shortened links, such as tinyURL or bit.ly. These url's redirect after the initial url load. My problem is that some of the links in my app are URL-Shortened links to resources that are not webpages - such as ...

UIWebView doesn't scroll when embedded in UIScrollView

Hello, I have an UIScrollView which contains 3 UIWebview. The problem is that my webview no more scroll on touch. Do you have an idea ? Thanks Thierry ...

Possible to redirect using only webpage?

I have a UIWebView that loads a URL through loadRequest in viewDidLoad. The user clicks a button in the RootViewController, which pushes the webview and a webpage appears. With only access to the webpage code, is there a way to redirect the user? I tried the META Refresh but that didn't have any affect. Links won't work since none o...

How to determine UIWebView height based on content, within a variable height UITableView?

I am trying to create a UITableView with variable height rows as explained in the answer to this question My problem is each cell contains a UIWebView with different (statically loaded) content I can't figure out how to calculate the proper height based on the content. Is there a way to do this? I've tried things like this: (CGFloat...

Using HTML and Local Images Within UIWebView

Hey guys, I have a UIWebView in my app which I want to use to display an image which will link to another url. I'm using <img src="image.jpg" /> to load the image. The problem is that the image doesn't load (ie. it can't be found) even though it's added as a resource in my project and is copied into the bundle. I've tried using NSB...

Open link in Safari or app?

I have a reference app and some of the webviews I use have web links. The web links are supplements to content in the webviews. I currently open web links in the app (inside the webview). I have a few web links that can take a while to load on 2G Edge. Would providing a table at the bottom of the webview listing approx download times o...

How to reference HTML anchor?

I'm loading a string of HTML into a UIWebView through loadHTMLString. It produces a very long webpage. Once that string is loaded, I need to navigate to an HTML anchor tag with its "name" attribute set. In the HTML, I might have: //3 pages of text here <a name="go here"></a> lots more text here //another 3 pages of text here I need...

Catching back button navigation event

I have a nav based app. Once a row is clicked in a tableview, I push a UIWebView. The UIWebView has web links in it. The user clicks a link, which renders the external webpage. This all happens within my app. The top nav bar hasn't changed with the clicking of a link that renders and external webpage. However, once the user clicks ...

Why does UIWebView keep detecting phone numbers?

I have a UIWebView with detect phone numbers unchecked. However, it keeps underlining the numbers in this text: Version: 2.1 3.19.2009 The text isn't in an anchor or anything. Is there a way to force the UIWebView to not detect phone numbers? ...