
JQuery ul li select list

Trying to use JQuery to scroll through a ul li list using class next and class prev e.g. <ul class="selectoption"> <li> Item 1</li> <li> Item 2</li> <li> Item 3</li> <li> etc .... </ul> <a href="" class="next">Next</a> <a href="" class="prev">Back</a> Only thing is I only want the selected li to be visable. So somehow need to...

Keyboard selecting nested li's with jquery

I have a load of nested <ul>'s and <li>'s and I would like to be able to have a hover / selected class on an <li>, and use the keyboard up and down buttons to select up and down on the <li>s.. however they are nested and need to jump across <ul>s if necessary. For instance: <ul> <li class='cat'> cat 1 <ul> ...

Google Chrome and IE7 Unordered List problem

I'm in the process of designing an online resumé, but am having problems in google chrome, and ie7 with an unordered list. While they render fine in the sidebar, for some reason in the content section, the first bullet point, floats to the far right of its container, with the text displaying fine, and all other bullet points and text pos...

JQuery li onhover show another li

Prob quite simple JQuery thing but I am looking to do something like this: <ul> <li>menu item1</li> <li>menu item2</li> </ul> Which on hover display images from another UL LIlist e.g. <ul> <li>image 1</li> <li>Image 2</li> </ul> Any suggestions please -= thanks ...

add li to middle of the ul (jquery)

How one can add li to middle of the ul. For example if i have list like this: <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> <li>5</li> </ul> And i want to add addiion li (<li>new</li>) after 3rd list? ...

How to add several classes to ul list

How can I add severeal classes to ul list? I dont want to add it to every li items but jsut some of them. ...

Ul has li with id name which is the max id jquery?

I have ul li with the same idname li id="name1" li id="name2" etc i can add and remove li but the numbering not always good. How could i get the maximum name id? Many thanks ...

jQuery problem: moving a <li> from one <ul> to the top of another

I have two ULs, one above the other: <ul id="one"> <li> <li> <ul> <div id="div_for_second_UL"> <ul> <li> </ul> </div> In the first, each LI has a button that, when clicked, removes the LI and bumps the below LIs up one space to fill in the gap. It works fine. But I want the clicked LI to simultaneously be added to the top o...

Matching classes with jquery

I have two unordered lists, a bit like: <ul class="list1"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li class="current">Item 4</li> <li>Item 5</li> </ul> <ul class="list2"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li>Item 4</li> <li>Item 5</li> </ul> And the goal is, with jquery,...

find the children in jquery

i have a tree structure,there is an unordered list(ul) in that tree.i have li items in it,and in that li items it could be a span or an ul list. this is one part of my codes : <li id="main_li"> <div class="first_division"></div> <span>products</span> <ul style="display: block...

Jquery UI datepicker

Hi all. I am trying to display a basic Jqeury datepicker in my application. When a user clicks the input field, a calendar will show up. My input field is on the bottom of the window, when the calendar pops up. It shows fine in Firefox and Chrome (above the input field) but not in IE (pops up below the input field and the calender is c...

add width li's to parent ul

i would like to calculate the width of the li's for each submenu en then put in the ul element. example <ul> <li>level 1</li> <li> <ul style="widht:??;"> // total width li's added here 70px <li>level 2</li> // width of this li 20px <li>level 2</li>/ width of this li 50px </ul> </li> <li>level 1</li> <li>level 1 <ul styl...

jQuery LI removal failing in IE8

I have a simple ASP.Net form with the following unordered list: <ul id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_BulletedList1"> <li>No Lines Added</li> </ul> When a user begins filling out other parts of the form, I want to remove this single <LI> and begin populating the list with other <LI> elements. The code below is how I am doing the remo...

IE7 css ul li rendering issue

I have wierd CSS displaying problem with IE7 and IE6. http://www.photopoint.ee there are three UL LI list-menus which doesn't have CSS style in IE7. With IE8, Chrome, FF, Opera everything works as expected. I validated CSS and HTML with w3.org validator, there were no "critical errors" which could be the source of the problem. I'm ou...

designing list with CSS

Hi all, i am looking for a way to prevent a horizontal, inline unordered list from breaking into seperate lines once contained inside a element with specific width (shorter than the list). the element has "overflow" set to "hidden". the only way i found to create that effect is by giving a specific width to the "UL" element but now, ...

jquery hover li>ul - keep visible until remove mouse from sub UL..

Code: $("ul.menu_body li:even").addClass("alt"); $('li a.menu_head').hover(function () { $('ul.menu_body').slideToggle('medium'); }, function(){ $('ul.menu_body').slideToggle('medium'); }); found this code somewhere on the web, originally it was a click event on "li a...

Why is this ul exceeding the size of it's div?

Although li.textmenu has width: 140px, padding: 5px, and div.textmenu has width: 150px, the one list item i've made so far has a big left margin, and extends beyond the right edge of the div by a good 30px. Could someone explain why? http://www.briligg.com/frailty.html css: div.textmenu { background-color: #3b3b3b; ...

How to stop css inheritance in sub unorder list

Hi guys I am trying to setup a menu with sub menu that contains ul. My question is how to remove the sub ul menu background image that inherits from the menu ul. I appreciate any help. Thanks a lot! my html <ul id="menuBar"> <li id="test1">test1</li> <li id="test2"><a href="#">Pro1</a> <div class="subMenu"> <ul> ...

How to add a list item in the middle of a list with JQuery

I have a list with two items, I want to add additional items after the first item when the content is loaded. How is this done? I can add items, but they only show up on the end of the list. Do I have to call or use the list element array? First I create the new list item (<li>) and then I populate the list item with the content. But I ...

CSS list menu rollover padding / margin

Hi, im wondering if anyone could please help me with a css / html issue. I have a complex background image. The menu div is positioned at the correct location to overlay the background where it is ment to position. The entire LI has a hover rollover image with a display type of block. The result is that when the mouse is over the list ...