
Problem installing Umbraco with Microsoft Web Platform Installer .

I've been trying to install Umbraco using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. I'm not sure what credentials to enter for "Database Administrator" and "Database Administrator Password". I've tried the default "sa" as "Database Administrator, and for every password i use i get the error message: "Login failed for sa". Please what really ...

Umbraco CMS - keep getting logged out in ie, safari, chrome but not ff

I have a few Umbraco sites running on my server - but i'm getting logged out when using everything else than Firefox when using umbraco. I'm able to log in and after 10-15 sec's i'm being automatically logged out again. How can that be and how do i fix it? :( It's a win 2008 server using MSSQL database and umbraco 4.0.3 btw is runnin...

XSLT: Get node where one certain value is present

Hi there I have the following XML: <data> <page id="1118"> <itms> <values> <value>1104</value> </values> </itms> </page> <page id="1177"> <itms> <values> <value>1273</value> <value>1215</value> </values> ...

Umbraco DataTypes. Retreive list of possible data types.

I have a property in umbraco that uses a dropdown data type with a set of prevalues that you can select from. How do I retreive a list of all the possible prevalues that are in this drop down list? ...

umbraco front end site stopped working suddenly

Hi All, I created one webapplication and placed the default.aspx page in the root folder of the umbraco (i.e., httpdocs folder) and the application dll into the bin folder. I used the name “Default.aspx” as the other names are not working. Now the issue is all the pages are redirecting to the default.aspx page (I haven’t made any conf...

Error Message, "The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks"

I'm receiving this error on a page that previously worked fine, in fact the only change I've made to the page recently was to add another asp:TextBox and asp:RequiredFieldValidator control. The page already had numerous ASP.NET controls on it, so I cannot see why these extra controls would make a difference, anyway I shall post the code...

Yet Another Forum integration with Umbraco issue

Hi all, I have been integrating YAF with Umbraco using the following guide: I used the latest version of YAF (1.9.4) and umbraco 4. However as mentioned in that page, there is a known issue with the user registration. Anyone knows how to get around that? ...

Creating a menu using xslt for Umbraco

I've created a menu in umbraco using XSLT. The menu is using the usual ul and li elements and I'm displaying only the first level of the menu. The aim is to create a menu that expands to show the sub menu when I click a parent node (in the top level). I am after the xslt I would need to expose the sub menu when clicked. I think I w...

custom httphandler in cannot get request querystring?

i've been trying to get this to work. its basicly a way to have certain MVC pages work within a webforms cms (umbraco) someone tried it before me and had issues with MVC2.0 (see here), i read the post, did what was announced there, but with or without that code, i seem to get stuck on a different matter. it seems like, if i call an url...

mvc views not found when using mvc combined with webforms CMS in

We have a website build in the umbraco 4.1 cms (webforms) default .net 3.5 And we have some MVC tools and controls build with MVC2.0 on .net 4.0 i've managed to let the umbraco cms run in .net 4.0 and i've been following parts of this guide (for mvc 1.0 and umbraco 4.0.3) but now i'm stuck, umbraco has alot of url management itself, s...

Enable cross app redirects

Hi all, We have load balancing set up on out two web server, however, a few users are being asked to login when they are being re-directed to a particular server to upload a document (we are trying to keep all uploaded documents on one server only), here is the code from web.config: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="EAAAut...

Get Properties from Member in Umbraco programmatically

I thought this would be really simple but .. We've create a user and a member type with various properties When we try to access the properties via the member object we got nothing. //Member m is current User eg. Property s = m.getProperty("PreferdUserName"); is null m.getProperties has a count of Zero.. have we missed somethi...

How to create a "sidebar" in Umbraco CMS?

In Umbraco, every page has a content field that you can edit in the admin-area. What I want would be a second content field that I (actually my customer who will be editing the content by himself) can edit on every page. I would then create a masterpage/template that contains the two content areas (the first one as the main content and t...

Umbraco 404 error after install

I have downloaded and setup umbraco on IIS 7.5. I got a 404 page error when I tried running umbraco with Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. Here is the error: Server Error in '/umbraco4' Application. HTTP Error 404 - Not Found. Version Information: ASP.NET Development Server umbraco4 is the webroot directory where I ...

XSLT: insert parameter value inside of an html attribute

How to make the following code insert the youtubeId parameter: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY nbsp "&#x00A0;"> ]> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxml="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:YouTube="urn:YouTub...

A good web 'desktop' JavaScript, CSS, or both, library that likes ASP.NET Web Forms

I've come across, in passing, several suites of functions, widgets, frameworks, etc. that seek to produce a desktop like experience on the web. Most are JavaScript and CSS tools that handle web content on an emulation of the desktop-paradigmed UI, e.g. TreeView + Content == Explorer. Is there such a library nicely compatible with ASP.N...

Prevent content with child nodes from being deleted in umbraco

I would like to prevent content nodes from being trashed if they have any children. I setup an event handler like so: public class KeepSafeEvents : ApplicationBase { public KeepSafeEvents() { Document.BeforeMoveToTrash += new Document.MoveToTrashEventHandler(Document_BeforeMoveToTrash); } void Document_BeforeMo...

jQuery Validation plugin: disable validation for specified submit buttons when there is submitHandler handler...

Ok, I am using umbraco forum module, and on the comment form it uses jquery validate plugin. The problem is that I have added a search button on the same page using a UserControl, the search submit button triggers the comment form submission validation. I have done some research, and added the 'cancel' css class to the button. This bypa...

SQL Server: get top xx blog record from Umbraco by parameter...

Following SQL get what I need: SELECT TOP (50) [nodeId] FROM [dbo].[cmsContentXml] WHERE [xml] like '%creatorID="29"%' AND [xml] like '%nodeType="1086"%' ORDER BY [nodeId] DESC I need to pass in the numbers as parameters, so I have follows: exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (@max) [nodeId] FROM [dbo].[cmsContentXml] WHERE...

Umbraco friendly URL not working after manully change the database...

Hi, As been requested, I wrote some code which basically change the document's date (the document of umbraco blog). I have changed every place I can find the date, and makes all the date displays fine, and I have adjusted the path to make it correct. Now, the url indicated in the umbraco.library.NiceUrl(id) is not working, but previou...