
What does '0..°' mean in UML?

An analysis from a colleague with UML diagrams contains the following: 0..° I'm familiar with 0..* and such but not with the previous. Any ideas? Is it a typo? It's used throughout the document. ...

open-source/free borland together clone

Hi all, I was wondering if there is any open-source/free borland together clone to create uml diagrams like class diagrams, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc. Many thanks ...

Developing a UML activity diagram for a search application

I have to create a UML activity diagrams for a searching application for a semantic database. Easy to guess, users can search and select a file, but they can also browse and refine the retrieved results by clicking the categories the results belong to. They can even select a file just by browsing without actually entering any keyword. S...

euml2 and android wont work together

i have the problem that i need an uml editor for eclipse and i think the only good one is eUml2 but i cant use it when i have installed the android plugin. when i install both with the update mechanism, their gui elements and everything else just disapears. does anybody know this problem or has any tips for me how to solve this plugin co...

PHP & MySQL code generation from UML

Is there an Eclipse plug-in that will allow me to graphically generate a data model, and produce from it a MySQL Database Script for generation of that database, and generate PHP code for simple add/change/delete methods? This way I can focus on programming the business logic, instead of fussing with the details of the SQL code. ...

Sequence diagram with javascript to ajax to php calls

I'm needing to document some functionality on a page that has a jQuery watching for a button click. On the button click the script pulls info from two fields and makes a ajax call to a php script passing these values to the php script. ...

Could UML use User Scenario diagrams?

Surely you are familiar with UML class diagrams and object diagrams and their relationships. Object diagrams are used to model objects and their relations in a system, which for class based object oriented programming languages means modeling concrete objects of different classes. When working on a project I had to create use cases (dia...

Which UML diagram should I start with?

Extends Say you're looking at the 6 basic types of UML diagram (from this The Elements Of UML 2.0 Style) Class diagrams Use case diagrams State machine diagrams Activity diagram Sequence diagram Physical diagram Pretend you're insane and you feel like drawing up all 6 diagrams for your system. Which would you start wit...

Create class diagram from already existent iphone code

Hey, does anybody know, how i could create automatically a UML class diagram from an already existent iphone project. Is it possible? Thanks in advance. ...

how to create use case diagram from visual studio 2008 Team System

how to create use case diagram from visual studio 2008 Team System same this ...

How to apply stereotypes on UML Relationships' MemberEnds?

I'm running this code on a UML Class Diagram, and it works just fine, but when trying to apply stereotypes from PropertiesEditor in Visual Studio for relationship ends (FirstRole and SecondRole), the stereotypes combo doesn't load even if in code there seems to be applicable stereotypes valid for association properties. What should I put...

Dependency injection and aggregation/association

In both association and aggregation, one class maintains a reference to another class. Then, does constructor injection imply composition? Going by the same logic, is it safe to say that setter injection leads to an association, and not an aggregation? ...

UML Class Relationships

Hi, I would like to confirm whether I am on the right track when identifying common UML class relationships. For example, is the relationship between: 1 a stackoverflow member and his/her stackoverflow user account categorized as a composition relationship or an aggregation relationship? At first I thought it was an association because ...

Visual Representation Of Database Schema

is there some standard about how to graphically represent database schemas? Is UML a defacto standard for this? Also, is there some free tool that can help me convert an sql file (basically bunch of CREATE TABLE queries) into some nice graph (UML or not UML)? ...

UML Class Diagram for User Login

Hi, The diagram below is my very first attempt at creating a UML class diagram describing a user login into a website. I'm sure its a poor design and full of flaws, but I'm hoping to learn from you guys how you would design a simple login like this. I'm particularly interested in your use of design patterns and which patterns you woul...

What's the significant improve from UML 2.0 to UML 1.4?

BTW,what's the latest version of UML,and how often does it release a new version? ...

UML assignment question

Sorry, I know this is a very lame question to ask and not of any use to anyone else. I have an assignment in UML due tomorrow and I don't even know the basics (all-nighter ahead!). I'm not looking for a walkthrough, I simply want your opinion on something. The assignment is as follows (you only need to skim over it!): ============= Gou...

Can UML be used to model a Functional program?

More specifically, how do you model a functional program, or one developed using the Functional Style (without classes) using a diagram, and not textual representation, is it at all possible and could someone please direct me towards the nearest application that would do this (open source, of free as in beer, if you please) ...

Howto UML: sub methods / calls / operations / procedures

I'm not sure how to model sub-methods in UML sequence diagram. When in the execution of one method another method is called (from the same class). I tried to give an example below: How would you guys model this in UML (in a sequence diagram)? ..; .. ... in Car class: .. drive(){ this.startEngine(); } startEngine(){ ...

Linux UML - Need gcc on the UML instance. Would like to mount gcc from hostfs

I know how to mount the hostfs directories when needed for my UML Linux instance. I need to get gcc and all it's dependencies from my host Linux instance by mounting the files in my UML instance. I think the paths are not working properly because it comes up with an error about cc1 and execvp when I mount all files and try to run gcc. ...