
NetBeans ("6.8" and "later") - UML support?

Hello, I wanted to download the "UML plugin" to NetBeans through the "Tools/Plugins" but I didn't find the plugin there. Then I read in many articles that the "NetBeans UML plugin is not supported anymore" :-( . Then I discovered that there exists some "NetBeans SDE" tool that supports the UML in NetBeans and there exists the "Comunity...

Editors to draw diagrams in Unified Modeling Language ?

I was wondering how you draw diagrams in Unified Modeling Language for your project design? By hand on paper or some editors on computer? It will be great if there are some convenient editors or other gadgets for help. I am programming under Windows and Ubuntu. Thanks and regards! ...

Class diagram: how to write down classes that belong to a library?

I am reverse engineering some Java code into a class diagram. Now I'm wondering how to model classes that are from a library that I didn't design. If I'm writing them down as classes, I should maybe also know what interfaces they implement, etc, and put that in the diagram. How far do I go with this? Is it better to write them down as at...

UML scenario example

How are scenarios expressed? I think they're linked to use-cases but I'm not sure and I'm seeking some good examples or a document that can serve as a template. ...

UML diagrams that are actually pretty?

I'm looking for a diagramming software that would produce good looking output. It doesn't need to support everything (or even much) from UML, is doesn't need to have code engineering functions or anything, it just needs to produce visually interesting output. Here is a couple of samples of products that I consider ugly / not good enough...

How do i do this : Define/Model Database Online

There are many IDEs to create database schema pictorially. I was wondering as to how I can do it online? Are there open source codes/libraries/applications which already do this? Basically, what i am looking at is : let the user define a table and the columns - which in common man's term is : define relations etc pictorially. The pictu...

What exactly does the return line (dotted line) represents in a sequence diagram??

IN which kind of steps should be used the return line <- - - - - - thanks This is the diagram that I would like to fix. I think the send email lines are wrong and Im nto sure if I shoudl have return lines after login ...

Sequence diagram example

The use case to model is the register of a new appointment. The user logins in the system as a patient (role). To make an appointment shoudl enter medical specialty and date. System shoudl look for the doctors availables for that specialty on that date. From the results patient should choose one and then system save the appointment. At ...

Sparx Enterprise Architect conversion (from source to UML)

I need to make a UML class diagram for a project. I used Sparx Enterprise Architect in the past to generate source code from a diagram so I'm using that. The project is complete so all of the code is done and I don't really want to write all the classes / functions manually, so I was trying to generate the diagram from the source code ...

UML - Object Method Returns a Collection

How can I indicate that a method will return a collection of objects in UML? Is there a better way to explain the relationship than to have a collection class as a return type? ...

Generate UML from java source

Hello. Because i have a big project i must generate the UML for this...Writing UML for 300 classes is overkill... So is there any solution to generate the diagrams for me ? I am using Netbeans.... Thank you for reading ...

Collaboration Diagrams: how to represent setting a variable's and attribute's value to a specified value

Let's assume I have a class called MyClass with an attribute called MyAttribute and a method called MyMethod(). Inside that method I'd like to have a variable called MyVariable. I'd like to set the value of MyVariable to "MyVariable" and MyAttribute to "MyAttribute" inside the call to MyMethod(). How can I do this in a Collaboration Diag...

Specialization hierarchy in a domain-model

I'm trying to make the domain model of a management system. I have the following kind of people in this system: employee manager top mananger I decided to define an User, from where Employee, Manager and Top Manager will specialize from. Now, I don't know what kind of specialization hierarchy I should choose from. I can't decide betw...

how to show partial key in uml er diagram

in chen's notation partial keys (discriminator) were shown as dashed lines, how are they shown in uml er (entity-relationship) diagram? ...

One Model to Rule Them All - VS2010 UML, ADO.NET Entity Data Model, and T4

I worked on a fairly large project a while back where we modeled the classes in Enterprise Architect and generated the (partial) POCO classes (complete with model-driven business rule validations), persistence (NHibernate mapping file) and DDL. Based on certain model attributes we could flag alternate generation strategies or indicate t...

UML class diagram vs ER database diagram

Hi, I'm a little confused, I'm developing a program, the program consist in two parts, the server and the clients, there are groups, places, messages... stored in the server, and the clients has to connect with it. I've design the use cases diagram, the activity diagrams, and I have design the class diagram too. The thing is that I want...

Activity diagram with alternative paths

Should the alternative paths of an use case be included in the activity diagram?? ...

Absolutely necessary UML Diagrams even for very small projects?

UML provides us with many different kinds of diagrams. but in many situations only small set of them is really necessary, what do you think about the most usefull UML diagrams, even for very small projects? ...

What are the most practical Object-oriented software modeling methods in real world projects?

I want to develope and big project but I really don't know what is the best way to model my project. do I even need to model my project? What are the most practical OOP software modeling methods in real world projects? what are the bests one and most useful ones? please guide on this. ...

What options are there for visualising class relationships in a Python program

I am maintaining a Python program, and am struggling to understand the relationships between the various classes. I think it would be helpful to see a diagram of how the classes interact. What options are there available that might allow me to do this? ...