
preg_replace: wildcards do not match umlaut-characters

i want to filter a String by using the \w wildcard, but unfortunately it does not cover umlauts. $i = "Die Höhe"; $x = preg_replace("/[^\w\s]/","",$i); echo $x; // "Die Hhe"; However, i can add all the characters to preg_replace, but this is not very elegant, since the list will become very long. ATM, i am preparing this only for ...

How to replace unicode characters by ascii characters in Python (perl script given)?

I am trying to learn python and couldn't figure out how to translate the following perl script to python: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use open qw(:std :utf8); while(<>) { s/\x{00E4}/ae/; s/\x{00F6}/oe/; s/\x{00FC}/ue/; print; } The script just changes unicode umlauts to alternative ascii output. (So the complete ...

json_encode with mysql content and umlauts in utf-8

Hey, i feel my beard growing while trying to find out the Problem here. Basic the Problem is, that Umlauts/Special Signs äöß ... don't work. I guess everyone is sick and tired of that questions but all the solutions found online don't seem to work. Im having utf-8 content in a utf-8 Mysql Database. I feel the Problem ist somewhere in ...

What to do with umlauts (äöü) in metatags?

Declaring them as &xuml; etc. didn't work, just writing them as they are leads to display errors. What to do? ...

haml / rails: yield title with german umlauts

Hi, I would like to do something like this in my application layout: %title= "#{yield(:sub_title)} - Page Name" and in a real view - content_for :sub_title do Übersicht # I tried &Uuml;bersicht, != "&Uuml;bersicht" and a bunch of other methods what happens is, I either get the black pound with the question mark in it -> wrong e...

How to use case insensitive pattern matching with PostgreSQL and Umlauts?

I'm trying to get PostgreSQL 8.4.3 to do case insensitive pattern matching with its ~* operator when the strings contain non-ASCII characters like German umlauts. The database, terminal, and everything else is configured to use UTF-8. Here's the problem in a nutshell: SELECT 'Ö' ~* 'ö'; -- false There are other variants which do...

is there a native php function which can escape strings with umlautes correctly for postresql?

Hi, i used the functions pg_escape_bytea() and pg_escape_string() but i had to find out that there are several problems with umlautes: if i do pg_escape_bytea("pöl") , where "pöl" is utf8 i get "p\\303\\266l", and i cannot compare this with my values in the tabels ... so what can i do? have somebody written a function so far, which es...

How to do MySQL queries on text with umlauts in Drupal?

I need to differentiate between nodes starting with 'O' and nodes starting with 'Ö' (o umlaut). The problem is that since the node table and the title column have utf8_general_ci collation, MYSQL does not treat o and ö umlaut differently and this query returns nodes starting with O AND nodes starting with Ö SELECT node.nid AS nid FROM ...

Sort order in SQLite3 with umlauts

I'm working with a sqlite database, using python/django. I would need to have my results, which contain german umlauts (ä,ö,ü) to be correctly sorted (not with the umlauts at the end). Reading different articles on the web I'm not even sure if it is possible or not. So any advise/instructions on that are appreciated. I already studied th...

Failing to write german 'umlauts' (äöü) from console to text file with java.

Hi, currently I'm desperately trying to write german umlauts, read from the console, into a utf8 encoded text file on windows 7. Here is the code to setup the scanner: Scanner scanner = new Scanner(, "UTF8"); Here is the code to read the string: String s = scanner.nextLine(); Here is the code to write into a file: ...