What I want to do is to remove all accents and umlauts from a string, turning "lärm" into "larm" or "andré" into "andre". What I tried to do was to utf8_decode the string and then use strtr on it, but since my source file is saved as UTF-8 file, I can't enter the ISO-8859-15 characters for all umlauts - the editor inserts the UTF-8 chara...
I have a JavaScript request going to a ASP.Net (2.0) HTTP handler which passes the request to a java web service. In this system special characters, such as those with an accent do not get passed on correctly.
Human input: Düsseldorf
becomes a JavaScript asynch request to http://site/serviceproxy.ashx?q=D%FCsseldorf, which is val...
Trying to include a source-file into my latex document using the listings package, i got problems with german umlauts inside of the comments in the code.
Umlauts in the source files (encoded in UTF-8 without BOM) are processed, but they are somehow moved to the beginning of the...
I'm using Ultrasphinx for fulltext search, combined with aspell to provide the user with corrections. When I use the german dictionary and enter any Umlaut (öäü)
always returns a correction, even when the word is spelled correctly. Also the Umlauts are replaced with ? in the console and ...
I am trying to generate javadocs in eclipse. The source files are UTF-8 encoded and contain some umlauts. The resulting html files do not specify an encoding and do not use html entities, so the umlauts aren't displayed correctly in any browser. What can I do to change this?
Hello, I'm programming some websites with JSP-Scripting and I encounterd a strange problem with urlencoded web-formular parameters. The site itself is encoded in iso-8859-1.
I have a simple webform with a field called description.
If I enter german Umlauts or specialchars like "ü" or "ß", these get automatically urlencoded. But if I wa...
I've got a website for which I just wrote a great search function. I just realized that I have some words in my db with accent marks. So when somebody types in the word to search for, without the accent mark of course, they don't find what they are looking for.
most search functions have solved this problem by now; how do they do it? T...
When customers enter email addresses with non-ascii chars like äüö our SMTP rejects to process them.
So I think might be there is a solution to handle those domains myself and convert them to punyocode.
Is there a simple way of doing so using c#?
Would this work anyway?
I'ld like to send an email with the following setup
def registration_confirmation(user)
recipients user.username + "<" + user.email + ">"
from "Netzwerk Muensterland<mailer@netzwerkmuensterland.de>"
subject "Vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung"
body :user => user
content_type "text/html"
The su...
Hi guys,
I'm quite new to the Iphone development and after search for an answer for 3 hours now, I hope that you guys can give me a hand.
My problem is that I have a SQLite Database with german umlauts. Looking at it with a SQLite browser tool shows me that the data is stored with german umlauts, correctly.
But selecting fields with g...
i have tried to remove umlaults from XML.i have also used some code like this but still it's not working so please help me in my task.
NSString *something = [self base64StringFromData:CDATABlock length:[CDATABlock length]];
NSData *pageData=[something dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *webpage = [NSString stringWith...
I have this piece of a HTML in a View:
<% foreach (var item in Model) { %>
<%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = item.HändlerID })%>
<%= Html.Encode(item.HändlerID) %>
<%= Html.Encode(item.HändlerName) %>
I'm having trouble sharing messages containing scandinavian ä & ö to twitter through a share-button on my site. If I use UTF8-codes above %7F, i just bump into an "Invalid Unicode value in one or more parameters" error.
An example: http://twitter.com/home/?status=%40user+blah%26%E4
I've tried a bunch of different encodings, but none se...
I will try to explain shortly what my problem is...
I'm loading an XML file (using touchXML) to populate a UITableView with data.
expositions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// Get XML string from XML document.
NSString *xmlString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:xmlURL]...
I draw a use case diagram with MagicDraw and save it as EPS file. Now I want to integrated it into my TeX file by using eps2pdf. It works so far, but the picture includes german umlauts like ä,ö or ü and they will be shown as "?" (question marks).
What could I do to solve this problem?
Important packages:
let me state cleary at the beginning that I know about the embedding issue in flash.
So, to the point. If sIFR replaces an umlaut (ä,ö,ü) which is hard coded in the HTML file everythings works fine.
But when I want to insert it dynamically it is not displayed.
I played around with charset options to specifiy the javascript file i'm...
I found that \Q\E doesn't work in oracle.
What is the equivalent expression of \Q\E for oracle regex ?
Our website runs the user's input via HtmlTidy to clean it. Apparently while doing this it also causes pain for our international subscribers by converting umlauts. Is there any option to specify for HtmlTidy to not do this?
I tried CharacterEncoding with all possible options but nothing seems to be working.
Hey Everybody,
i am working on a project, which i am developing with Python and PyQT4. I have stumbled upon a somewhat odd behaviour of the QFileDialog, that is not occuring when running the project within in my IDE (Eclipse).
The problem is that QFileDialog in ExistingFiles-mode does fail to return the list of selected files, when one...
i get a QString which represents a directory from a QLineEdit. Now i want to check wether a certain file exists in this directory. But if i try this with os.path.exists and os.path.join and get in trouble when german umlauts occur in the directory path:
#the direcory coming from the user input in the QLineEdit
#i take this QString...