
HTML5 Canvas Question

I have a Sketching app done in all HTML5 and Javascript, and I was wondering how I would create an Undo Button, so you could undo the last thing you drew. Any idea? Thanks! ...

How can I undo changes when a SaveChanges() doesn't succeed ?

How can I undo changes when a SaveChanges() doesn't succeed ? contextObject.Toto.AddObject( new Toto()); try { contextObject.SaveChanges(); } catch { // Undo changes ! } In this sample, I'd like to remove the new Toto object in memory. I don't want to remove it manually. I'd like to synchronize my contextObject to my databa...

Implementing undo/redo using MemberwiseClone

I'm trying to implement an Undo/Redo stack in a C# application that I'm working on by restoring an Object to a previous state when undo is called. I have an 'Action' class which looks basically like this: class Action { object old_state; object new_state; public Action(object old) { old_state = old; } p...

QT : Using State Machine for UI interactions ?

Greetings, We are developing a scientific QT Application which detect the border of a cell.Please refer to following prototype snapshots. http://i27.tinypic.com/25tub9v.png http://i26.tinypic.com/9l8kcj.jpg Now ,we are going to develop this as a opensource product with a good design and architecture.We reconed that it has many comple...

Mercurial: how to remove a line in a file, for the last 4 changesets (not yet pushed) ?

I have a local mercurial repository with 5 commits that still need to be pushed to the server. However, I accidentally included a line in two specific files since the last 4 commits that I really don't want to have in there (nor in one of the changesets). Is there any practical way to remove those lines in these two files? (apart from t...

Persistent Command pattern

Hi all, what I am trying to achieve is to have a persistent list of "undoable" changes on a persistent storage (database). The architecture employs repositories for the domain objects and Unit of Work for transactions and for the final part (undo) I thought of using the command pattern. However, for me there seems no good solution how ...

Undo with database

I'm trying to code an "undo" or "rollback" type scenario. Part of me thinks I am over complicating this and it must have been solved before. Background: I have a Product (eg A book) the product has 20 fields. A Product has a Media Type (PDF, Hardcopy, EPUB) and each Media Type has multiple pricing (price, location ie Europe, Asia, A...

Core Data undo coalescing for an action spanning multiple run loop cycles

I have a Core Data based UIKit application that allows the user the drag objects around on the screen. While an object is being dragged, I update its position attribute on each touchesMoved: event. To support undoing a drag operation in one go, I start a new undo group at the beginning of the drag, and end the group when the user lifts ...

Undo in RichTextBox does not undo Pasted Text

I have a WinForms RichTextBox and by default the Undo works for most things, but when I Paste some Text in (I have stripped it of formatting it is just plain text), and try undo it does not undo the text just pasted. Any help to a solution? ...

How to build an undo storage with limit?

Dear All, I want build a data structure to store limited undo buffer, take store 6 dict data for example with below pseudocode: rawdict1 = {1} buffer = [{1}] rawdict1 = {2} buffer = [{2}{1}] # {1} stored on the postion rawdict1 = {3} buffer = [{3}{2}{1}] ... rawdict1 = {5} buffer = [{5}{4}{3}{2}{1}] # max length limit...

SVN: How to undo a reverse-merge?

I merged my checkout of the HEAD revision back to revision 1000: $ svn merge -rHEAD:1000 . --- Reverse-merging r2000 through r1001 into '.': U dir/foo.txt After that, I'd like to undo that and merge back to HEAD revision. My checkout should be at revision 1000 now, so I need to merge everything from 1000 to HEAD. But svn doesn't do...

Best design pattern for "undo" feature

Possible Duplicate: Design Pattern for Undo Engine In general, how do you deal with supporting an "undo" feature in your application? I have worked on web apps and desktop apps alike, and I have never really felt comfortable with any "undo" system I've made. ...

Adobe AIR default browser action

I am working on air project based on html/javascript support. I have created undo/redo system on javascript classes, but it is interfered by browser (webkit) own undo(ctr+z) action (it focuses on last modified input element). Can I somhow turn off browser default behavior? ...

How to design undo & redo in text editor?

Part of my project is write text editor that used for type some rule and my application compile and run it. Writing compiler was end and release beta version. In final version we must add undo and redo in text editor.I use file and save it periodically for text editor. How to design undo and redo to my text editor? What is change in stru...

Is there any way to undo the effects of "git revert head"?

I've accidentally run the command against the wrong branch in my repository - is there a way to undo this change? ...

Fast undo/redo for bitmap editor when memory is limited?

I'm trying to write a bitmap editor for a mobile device (i.e. a limited version of Photoshop). The user's document consists of ~4 bitmaps around 1000x500 in size each. I want a robust and efficient undo/redo system that's as simple as possible. I'm aiming for about ~0.2s to undo or redo an edit. I'm looking for some feedback on my curre...

Undo for a paint program

I am looking into how to write a paint program that supports undo and seeing that, most likely, a command pattern is what I want. Something still escapes me, though, and I'm hoping someone can provide a simple answer or confirmation. Basically, if I am to embody the ability to undo a command, for instance stamping a solid circle on the...

how to implement undo/redo operation without major changes in program

Hi I'm about to add new functionality to application which I'm currently writting. I need to write a undo/redo fnctionality. However 90% of our application is ready and I don't know what is the best way to implementing this functionality without affectig(too much ) code which has been already created. ...

Abort a merge in mercurial

I goofed up a merge. I'd like to revert then try again. Is there a way to revert a merge before it is commited. hg revert doesn't do what I'd like, it only reverts the text of the files. Mercurial aborts my second attempt at merging and complains original merge is still uncommited. Is there a way to undo a merge after an hg merge com...

Git pull into wrong branch

Myself and one other developer had been merging and pushing our work to a non-master branch called toolwork. That way, we didn't impact the rest of the team. My topic branch was called DPM-93 and my git workflow was this. # do some work git checkout DPM-93 git commit -m "did some work" # catch up git checkout toolwork git pull origin t...