
Final managed exception handler in a mixed native/managed executable?

I have an MFC application compiled with /clr and I'm trying to implement a final handler for otherwise un-caught managed exceptions. For native exceptions, overriding CWinApp::ProcessWndProcException works. The two events suggested in Jeff's CodeProject article, Application.ThreadException and AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException,...

VS2008 Debugger does not break on unhandled exception

I'm having an odd problem with my vs debugger. When running my program under the vs debugger, the debugger does not break on an unhandled exception. Instead control is returned to VS as if the program exited normally. If I look in the output tab, There is a first-chance exeption listed just before the thread termination. I understand...

.Net Equivalent of set_unexpected()

Is there a .net equivalent to the C++ unexpected()/set_unexpected() functionality? Edit: Sorry--I omitted some details previously: Language: C# 2.0 I have some legacy apps that seem to be throwing some unhandled exception somewhere. I just want to put something in place to stop the customer's pain until I can trace the actual sour...

Compile issues based on different platforms

I'm compiling a solution which runs fine on the PC but when trying to compile it for a different platform I get the following error: "Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added." Anyone know what it could mean? ...

Custom Elmah YSOD data

I'm using Elmah with ASP.NET and wondering how I would add custom data, such as a session variable, to an unhandled exception email. I've tried several handlers in the Global.asax file but can't seem to find the right one. ...

Problem with VB .Net 08 ConfigurationErrorsException was unhandled error

Hi there friends I'm doing a project for partial fulfillment of my under graduation. In the program the front end is VB >net 08 and back end is MS Access. The problem is ConfigurationErrorsException was unhandled error. My project is based on gas agency. In this project I take 3 input from user for adding customer details , gas booking a...

WPF - What information to capture when handling unhandled exceptions?

I am developing an application in WPF / .Net 3.5 that will be available for download on the internet. I am - to the best of my ability - writing bug free code, and using exceptions only where necessary. However my experience with software development has shown that users always manage to do something strange which causes an exception to ...

Windows Forms Unhandled-Exception Dialog

I want to get Default Windows Forms Unhandled-Exception Dialog whenever my C# application encounters U-E. In vs 2005 when I turn off jit Debugging in app.conf like this: <configuration> <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="false" /> <configuration> the application behaves correctly and shows Windows Forms U-E default dialog, with Co...

Getting Windows error reporting dialog

In my C# app, even I handle exception : Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); and then in handler showing dialog box and doing Application.Exit still getting windows error repo...

Exceptions generated by external component are fatal unless "enable.unmanaged.code.debugging" is on

Hi there, I have been struggling with unhandled fatal exceptions within an application that uses an external COM library. Enabling unmanaged code debugging magically turns the indescript fatal exceptions into well-defined, catcheable, exceptions. I can now go ahead and change my code so that these exceptions never occur, but is there ...

Why two different results while handling the same Exception in C#?

I handled the same exception in two programs, but I got the different results. I don't know why. the first result is the one the program unable to caught Scapshot1:      www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/e2b37433a3.png and the second is the one the program succeed to caught Scapshot2:      www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/6ab7564...