In a test suite, I had tests that deal with unicode scattered about in various modules. I have now consolidated them into a single test class.
The .cs source modules that no longer have any unicode in them, remain unicode-encoded, and as a result are 2x their required size. I'd like to convert them back to ASCII, to save the space, an...
What's the basis for Unicode and why the need for UTF-8 or UTF-16?
I have researched this on Google and searched here as well but it's not clear to me.
In VSS when doing a file comparison, sometimes there is a message saying the two files have differing UTF's. Why would this be the case?
Please explain in simple terms.
i am not able to display some of the currency symbols like afghani("\u060B"), kip("\u20AD"), in blackberry application.
Am i missing something?
Hi there,
I have a database in SQL Server containing a column which needs to contain Unicode data (it contains user's addresses from all over the world e.g. القاهرة for Cairo)
This column is an nvarchar column with a collation of database default (Latin1_General_CI_AS), but I've noticed data inserted into it via SQL statements contain...
I want to detect words in text, i.e. I need to know which characters in a given text are letters, that is they can be part of a (spoken) word and which are, on the other hand, punctuation and such.
For example, in the above sentence, "I", "want" and "i" and "e" are words in this regard, while spaces, "." and comma are not.
The difficul...
I'm using OpenGL and I need to pass to a function array of bytes.
glCallLists(len('text'), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTES, 'text');
This way it's working fine. But I need to pass unicode text. I think that it should work like this:
text = u'unicode text'
glCallLists(len(text), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, convert_to_array_of_words(text));
Here I ...
What i'm trying to do is open every text file in a directory, read it line by line, and if it matches a specific content, do a regex and output it to a result. For some reason my text files ended up being in unicode...., not sure dont know why. So I was able to work around that but I cant work around the stream reader issue i'm having....
In a sorting routine in Delphi 2007 I am using code like this:
(txt[n] in ['0'..'9'])
function ExtractNr(n: Integer; var txt: String): Int64;
while (n <= Length(txt)) and (txt[n] in ['0'..'9']) do n:= n + 1;
Result:= StrToInt64Def(Copy(txt, 1, (n - 1)), 0);
Delete(txt, 1, (n - 1));
where txt is a string....
Is the wchar_t type required for unicode support? If not then what's the point of this multibyte type? Why would you use wchar_t when you could accomplish the same thing with char?
Revised question:
In my dbms, I'm storing the literal <<<firefox-image>>>, I confirmed in Navicat and Mysql CLI that its <<<firefox-image>>>. When I use the Python shell and try to grab the same article entry, the outer <>'s get converted to < and <, respectively.
Snippet of me testing:
>>> entry = Entry.objects.filter( pub_dat...
How can I define russian strings in Intel C Compiler?
In MSVS 2008 I do so:
_wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L"Russian");
And it works.
In ICC in doesn't work.
Using xcode, I'm trying to get a const c string into a unichar array by doing the following:
const unichar *str = "Test String";
but the "Test String" is typed to be (const char *) and produces compiler errors. Is there way to specify a "Test String" that is of type unichar?
I was hoping for somethig like:
const unichar *str = U"Te...
I have a function within a custom CRM web application (old VB.Net circa 2003) that takes a set of fields from a database and merges them with palceholders in a set of RTF based template documents. These generate merged letters and documentation. The code essentially loops through each line of the RTF template file and replaces any instan...
Sorry for asking basic questions here. Pardon me.
I have a sequence a string in this in unicode as follows.
String unicode = "\u8BF7\u5728\u6B64\u5904\u8F93\u5165\u4EA7\u54C1\u7F16\u53F7\u6216\u540D\u79F0";
How can I convert this to Chinese text or the UTF-8 text ?
Hi. I was doing some work today, and came across an issue where something "looked funny". I had been interpreting some string data as utf-8, and checking the encoded form. The data was coming from ldap (Specifically, Active Directory) via python-ldap. No surprises there.
So I came upon the byte sequence '\xe3\x80\xb0' a few times, which...
I am a php programmer and i have to develop a site in Japanese language using php. I know i have to use unicode for this. But did not find how to install the unicode and how to use it.
It would be great help if anyone provide me solution or the link.
Thanks in advance.
I'd like to start using question marks at the end of clauses as well as sentences. To indicate this I would like to use a question mark with a comma underneath, which I'd like to call a quomma.
There doesn't seem to be a Unicode code point for this unconventional punctuation, so what is the most Web-friendly way of doing this?
The com...
This query:
select *
from op.tag
where tag = 'fussball'
Returns a result which has a tag column value of "fußball". Column "tag" is defined as nvarchar(150).
While I understand they are similar words grammatically, can anyone explain and defend this behavior? I assume it is related to the same collation settings which allow you to ...
I'm using following model to store info about pages:
class Page(models.Model):
title = models.TextField(blank = False, null = False)
New data saves correctly, I'm saving Unicode data there (lots of non-ASCII titles).
But when I'm performing query:
page = Page.objects.filter(id = 1)
page.title looks odd:
I need to write a program which will browse through strings of various lengths and select only those which are written using symbols from set defined by me (particularly Japanese letters). Strings will contain words written in different languages (German, French, Arabic, Russian, English etc). Obviously there is huge number of possible c...