
MySQL update statement to store ranking positions

Hi, I'm trying to get my head around a query and I just can't figure it out. I would appreciate if someone give me a pointer. As a simple example of what I'm trying to achieve, I have these records in the database Score|Ranking ------------- 100 |0 200 |0 300 |0 And I would like the Ranking field to contain 1,2,3 based on who's got...

Use sum in update statement where criteria

I have been trying to search for this and am not sure I am using the correct terms. Or it might just be that it's not possible. But what I am trying to do is update all records in a table that make up a sum value that is less than a set value. So here is an example: ID type amount received_date processed_date 1 debit 10 ...

SQL Update Using From

I know this is a contrived example so please do not jump all over me for the uselessness of the code. This is an issue in more complex chunk of code but I wanted to isolate the I am having. The error I am getting is 'SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended'. Any ideas? I am using SQL Developer by the way. Once again...this...

SQL Virtual Column

I am getting the 'SQL Error: ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here' Here is my code: update ( Select g.FIRST300BB from ( select FIRST300BB, row_number() over (order by pitchandeventid) r from gamedata_me where hitterid = 5000 and (eventcode = 'BB') ) g where r between 0 and 300 ) t set t.FIRST30...

iPhone app update using a different developer account

Hi, I have an app which is available in app store and was signed with a certificate made from an account A. Now can I submit an update of the same app this time signing it with a different certificate created using another developer account say B? Thanks in advance, Tony ...

Updating the text of a XWPFParagraph using Apache POI

I have been able to loop through all paragraphs in a document and get at the text and everything and I have read and understood how you can create a document from scratch. But how can I update and replace the text in a paragraph? I can do createRun in a paragraph but that will just create a new piece of text in it. ... FileInputStream...

Updating my program, using a diff-based patch approach

Currently my program updates itself by downloading the latest .tar.gz file containing the source code, and extracting it over the current directory where the program lives. There are 2 "modes" of update - one for users running the Python source, and one if the user is running the program as a Windows exe. Over time my program's filesiz...

Best Way For Update Application.

Hi I am developing a game with WPF technology. I want to add new Features to game every third days . the size of update is important for me. my game needs to internet for start. like an online game. another challenge is size of updates. the most important note : I need to update of the program does not needing stop. what is your suggest...

Qt getting reference of custom data type of QStandardItemModel to change it!

It's getting a little weird I can't see a method to actually change the "data" of a QStandardItemModel. For example: struct TestStruct { std::vector<int> testVector; void addNumber(int i){ //this method will modify the member vector } }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TestStruct) QStandardItemModel* model = QStandardItemModel...

Trying to update an Android application , but having no luck because of problems with the keystore.

Hi I recently published an application for Android in the Market. Now, I'd like to publish an update, but I'm having a long argument with my computer and keystore about this option. The version:code and the other thing they want you to set, are set. I don't want to change the numbers , because we'll loose about 30 hours of work tim...

How do I force the main GUI thread to update a listbox after it is updated from a different thread?

I'm tinkering away on a multithreaded downloader, using a producer/consumer queue construct; the downloading parts works fine, but I'm running into a problem keeping the GUI updated. For now I'm using a listbox control on the form to display status messages and updates on downloading progress, eventually I hope to replace that with prog...

How do I change all empty strings to NULL in a table

I have a legacy table with about 100 columns (90% nullable). In those 90 columns I want to remove all empty strings and set them to null. I know I can: update table set column = NULL where column = ''; update table set column2 = NULL where column2 = ''; But that is tedious and error prone. There has to be a way to do this on the whole...

WPF refresh TreeView when it loses the focus

Because of the changes I have done to my post I have thinked to open another thread. In the new thread I have posted my (provvisory) solution. You can find it here Hi! I have a problem with my TreeView in a WPF application (Framework 3.5 SP1). It's a TreeVIew with 2 Levels of Data. I expand / collapse the items of the first level in a p...

Modify gridview update action to put time in column?

I have a gridview with 3 columns, only one column is going to be edited by the user. Whenever it is edited I'd like to set one of the other columns to the current time. A "time last updated" if you will. Possible? ...

SQL / Wordpress - query for removing a comment field

Hi Does anyone know how can I replace the "comment_author_url" field from all comments by running a SQL query? for example if this field is http://google.com to replace it with "" (empty string) ...

iPhone Product Name

I have an App already live on the App Store and I am now releasing an update for it. But I added the In-App feature to the app and realized my app name in iTunes Connect and the product name in XCode were different and the in-app didn't work. So I changed the product name in XCode to match iTunes Connect and the in-app purchase works. My...

Why does NHibernate not realise my domain object needs updating, not inserting?

Hi all I have a web page which uses NHibernate to load a domain object. The object's state is then stored in the page controls, and when the user clicks the save button, a new object is created and its properties (included the Id) are populated from the page controls. I then call session.Save() on the object. This to me means that NHib...

NHibernate - dirty ISession not updating

Hi all When the save button is clicked, the following code is run [PersistenceSession is a property returning an ISession instance]: _storedWill = PersistenceSession.Load<StoredWill>(_storedWillId); _storedWill.WillReference = txtWillReference.Text; _storedWill.IntroducerReference = txtIntroducerReference.Text; //A stack of other prope...

update daily ==> Clickonce or UAB(update application Block)

Hi for updating an application daily which one is better for a WPF application? clickonce or UAB? or more options? thanks of your attentions :) ...

Where's the primary key of the object I want to update in django using modelform?

I'm using modelform in django to insert and update objects in my database, but when I try to update I cannot see the primary key/id of the object being updated: My model: class Category(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20, db_index = True) and my form: class CategoryForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model...