
How to Update using MVC2 RC2

I am trying to edit a record. I have the default route. When I click the submit button I get an exception on the UpdateModel line: The model of type 'MyProject.Mvc.Models.Product' could not be updated. On the page the validation of the ProductId field is prompting the value is invalid: The value '9' is invalid. 9 is the id of the record ...

UpdateModel() causing row(s) to not be updated

Hello all, I'm having a problem using UpdateModel(theModelToUpdate) causing concurrency issues. Basically whats happening is, there is a row in the database that contains most but not all the information needed for that row. The rest of the needed information is NULL. The user (using a listbox) would then add information to this row, a...

mvc 2.0 updatemodel and my ID Column

Hello, I have created a create view within my MVC 2.0 Application and by default it included a field for the integer ID Column. This is definitely a field i do not need. If i remove the field and use updatemodel when trying to create the object in code, will something break because it doesnt see my ID column data being passed in, even...

Using Linq to update a List<T> of objects to DB

I have a form that returns me a List of FlatSessie objects in my edit view I edit a few FlatSessie's and get them returned to my Post method in that List object. In my DB I have Sessies, which I map using Automapper to FlatSessie's and back now I can not get linq to make the update to the DB for me. the code: [HttpPost] pub...

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC2 Model Binding with NVARCHAR NOT NULL column

PLEASE NOTE: I've answered my own question with a link to an answer to a similar question. I'll accept that answer once I'm allowed to (unless anyone comes up with a better answer meantime). I have a database column defined as NVARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT(N'') - in other words, a non-nullable text column with a default value of blank...

On-demand refresh mode for indexed view (=Materialized views) on SQL Server?

I know Oracle offers several refreshmode options for their materialized views (on demand, on commit, periodically). Does Microsoft SQLServer offer the same functions for their indexed views? If not, how can I else use indexed views on SQLServer if my purpose is to export data on a daily+ on-demand basis, and want to avoid performance ov...

Can I perform some processing on the POST data before ASP.NET MVC UpdateModel happens?

I would like to strip out non-numeric elements from the POST data before using UpdateModel to update the copy in the database. Is there a way to do this? // TODO: it appears I don't even use the parameter given at all, and all the magic // happens via UpdateModel and the "controller's current value provider"? [HttpPost] public ActionRes...

Model object validates (TryValidateModel) but does not update (TryUpdateModel)

The Model object refuses to update on production server but has no issues on development machine. For the purposes of testing, I retrieve the model object and then immediately check its validation and update states, for example: Timesheet timesheet = _timesheetRepository.GetTimesheet(timesheetId); Helpers.ErrorHandler c...

ASP.NET MVC 2 UpdateModel() is not updating values in memory or database

Hello, I am new to MVC, and so am working through the NerdDinner tutorial, here. In particular, I'm running into problems with the use of the UpdateModel method, which is explained in the part five of that tutorial. The problem is, when I try to edit the value of a dinner object using the UpdateModel method, the values do not get update...

UpdateModel for arrays in FormCollection

Hi there If I have [0].propertyname, [1].propertyname, etc in my FormCollection how would I go about updating the model? if I do this: public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection){ IList<SoilSamplingSubJob> sssj = orderRepository.FindSubOrders_collection(id); UpdateModel(sssj, collection.ToValueProvid...

Edit Post action - why does respository.save() save the data?

Hi I am a tad befuddled. I can't reason why the following works: AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection formValues) { Dinner dinner = dinnerRepository.GetDinner(id); UpdateModel(dinner); dinnerRepository.Save(); return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = dinn...

Update Wizard (Entity Framework) - VSS 2008 not updating view. Should I manually update it?

I am using VSS 2008 and built a Entity Framework model from SQL server 2008 database. Everything worked fine. Now I have updated a view to include a new column and tried refreshing the entire model from DB but the updated column in the view is not visible. I opened the EDMX as XML to see the problem and it has a warning ... Errors Fou...

How UpdateModel method fill FormCollection values to our instance ?

Hello everybody In this example how UpdateModel method fill person instance with formValues? I think UpdateModel use reflection while filling person by formValues but how updatemodel catch formValues parameter ? [HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(int ID,FormCollection formValues) { Person person= db.PersonSet.Single(p => p.Perso...

How to efficiently update models with references(dropdownList )with asp mvc and nhibernate

Hello, I started to develop a web application (application portfolio) with nhibernate and asp mvc2. I have some difficulties to properly change the category of an application. Here are my models: public class Application { public virtual int Application_ID{ get; private set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } pu...

LinqToSql and "On Update Cascade"

Hi! How can I configure LinqToSql to make an "On UPDATE CASCADE"? In Sql Server all my constraints are set to make this cascade. But, when I try to update my PK via application, Linq doesn't allow. Is there a rule to make that? Thanks!! ...

TryUpdateModel Not Working with Prefix and IncludeProperties

Hi i have an entity called User with 2 properties called UserName and Role (which is a reference to another entity called Role). I'm trying to update the UserName and RoleID from a form which is posted back. Within my postback action i have the following code: var user = new User(); TryUpdateModel(user, "User", new string[] { "UserNa...

ASP.NET MVC UpdateModel for foreign key dropdownlist

Using MVC 1.0 I have the following custom form view model public class NoteFormViewModel { // Properties public Note Note { get; private set; } public SelectList PrivacyOptions { get; private set; } // Constructor public NoteFormViewModel(Note note) { SharePermissionsRepository sharePermissionsRepository...

ASP.NET MVC 2: How to accomodate ValidationAntiForgery token AND use UpdateModel with posted JSON?

So I'm using ExtJs to post JSON for updates and creates to my ASP.NET MVC 2 application. I'm also using the ValidateAntiForgery attribute which only works when a POST is made. Question is: Can I use model binding in this scenario and if so, how? Here is an example of what the JSON looks like when I attempt to update a 'Company' entit...