
MVC - UpdateModel and DropDownLists

Hi I am doing MVC and have look-up values in drop down lists. When calling UpdateModel only values before the look-ups get updated and nothing afyer. I get no errors though. I can edit and create and use the following code in my cintroller: ViewData["SiteMaintenanceId"] = from m in this._siteRepository.FindAllSiteMaintenances().ToLi...

Basic Problem with Asp.net MVC UpdateModel(myClass)

In my Controller in a Asp.net MVC 1 app I want to use UpdateModel to populate a variable with POST data in my controller. I've looked at dozens of examples but even the most basic ones seem to fail silently for me. Here's a very basic example that's just not working. What am I doing wrong? public class TestInfo { pub...

Validation with a Service layer, how to update an entity

Hi! I've implemented a service layer in my application like: http://www.asp.net/learn/mvc/tutorial-38-cs.aspx (I use Linq2SQL). Now I've trouble in implementing the Edit ActionResult. In the Create (Post) ActionResult I take the service method: if (_service.CreateMovie(movie)) { return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = movie...

ASP.NET MVC Updatemodel not updating but not throwing error

Any ideas why this doesn't update but doesn't throw an error? public ActionResult Edit(int id, [Bind(Exclude = "deptid")]FormCollection collection) { var department = _repository.ListOne(id); //Grabs record from linq to sql try { UpdateModel(department); _entities.SubmitChanges(); ...

How can I get ASP.NET MVC's UpdateModel to ignore primary key colum?

I have a table with a GUID primary key into which I'm trying to insert a newly-created object using an ASP.NET MVC Controller's UpdateModel method (db is a LINQ-to-SQL data context): [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { Fields field = new Fields(); field.ID = G...

ASP.NET MVC Issue with Using Reflection Created Objects with the Default Model Binder

I am having a weird issue in ASP.NET MVC with objects not being updated with UpdateModel when passed a formCollection. UpdateModel does not appear to be working properly when the object being updated is created through reflection. Scenario: I have an application which has approximately 50 lookup tables--each of which includes exactly th...

ASP.NET MVC UpdateModel vulnerable to hacking?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that is calendar-like. As per the NerdDinner example, I'm updating the results of my edit page using UpdateMethod() In my app, certain events are fully customizable and certain ones are only partially customizable. Even though the edit form for editing the partially customizable events only have those f...

How can I get my table back after I remove it from my EDMX file in Linq-to-Entities?

I am having trouble with my Linq2Entities model - I might be missing something obvious here. Here is what I did: Added an EDMX model file Added TableX to the model Went back to SQL Management Studio and updated TableX, changing its primary key Went back to my EDMX file and click "Update Model from Database" TableX updated but incorrec...

MVC Updatemodel not updating from DropDownList

I have the following on my edit screen: <label for="campaign.CandidateID">Candidate:</label> <%= Html.DropDownList("Campaign.CandidateID", Model.Candidates, "Choose...")%> <%= Html.ValidationMessage("CandidateID", "*") %> and in my controller: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection formValues) {...

Entity Framework - Update Model from Database - New Column

What is the process I should follow to update my entity framework model when I have simply added a new column to a table in the database? The process that I have followed was to right click within the edmx file and choose "Update Model from Database". Now I can see the new field against the table definition in the Store. But when I l...

MVC, UpdateModel OR delete depending on form field value?

Hi, I'm very new to this, so any help is appreciated. I'll use the Dinners/RSVPs relationship for detailing my problem. One Dinner has many RSVPs. On my Dinner edit page/view I want to be able to edit the Dinner information AND the RSVPs information. I have that part working, based on the answer given here by James S: int i = 0; for...

ASP.NET MVC 2 problem with UpdateModel

I'm trying to use updatemodel(myItem, formcollection) with asp.net mvc 2 but it fails with the stack trace below. at System.Web.Mvc.FormCollection.GetValue(String name) at System.Web.Mvc.DefaultModelBinder.BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.TryUpdateMo...

In ASP.NET MVC, is UpdateModel recommended

In ASP.NET MVC, UpdateModel is dreadfully convenient if not a bit too black box. One of the primary reasons I use ASP.NET MVC, however, is exactly for the insane amount of control I get compared to ASP.NET so from an ideology perspective, the black box part bothers me a bit. Is the use of UpdateModel recommended? It's used in the (origi...

asp.net mvc strongly typed view model with multiselect

Hi, I would like to know how i can bind my form values to my strongly typed view from a MultiSelect box. Obviously when the form submits the multi-select box will submit a delittemered string of my values selected...what is the best way to convert this string of values back into a list of objects to attach to my model to be updated? p...

How to know if event-driven update is complete

I have a Class similar to the following: public delegate void FanChangedEventHandler(Fan sender, EventArgs e); public class Fan: BindableProperty { #region Blade parameters //These Parameters apply to individual blades but are the same for each blade. private double length; public double Length { get ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC model binding with NHibernate and dropdown lists

I have problem with model binding in my ASP.NET MVC 2 RC application that uses NHibernate for data access. We are trying to build the application in a Ruby on Rails way and have a very simple architecture where the domain entities are used all the way from the database to the view. The application has a couple of domain entities which c...

Entity Framework - Update Model From Database... - no update happens!

I have a table in my DB called CompanyDetails. It has a column called CharacterID varchar(255). I just changed it from a NOT NULL column to a NULL column. I ran the 'Update Model From Database...' command in the model browser as well as in the EDMX file viewer. This is what it created in the designer: /// <summary> /// There are no ...

Overload and Bypass Active Record Update

I am trying to implement an audit trail into my application, but because of some requirements I am unable to use any existing gems or plugins. I would like to divert any normal attempt to update a model to a custom method that saves all the updates in another separate Table (called Updates). The application then uses the update table t...

asp.NET MVC 2 DataAnnotations UpdateModel<T> validation

I'm trying to use DataAnnotations to add validation to my models in asp.NET MVC 2 RC2, using TryUpdateModel var user = UserManager.Find(id); this.TryUpdateModel<IProvisioningObject>(user, form.ToValueProvider()); This updates the model, but the validation is never called. I tried using TryUpdateModel as well (which is...

UpdateModel not working consistently for me if a ddl gets hidden by jQuery

Hi My jQuery code hides a ddl under certain circumstances. When this is the case, after submitting the form, using the UpdateModel doesn't seem to work consistently. My code in the controller: // POST: /IllnessDetail/Edit [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(IllnessDetail ill) { I...