
How can I call javascript method from my aspx.cs file

I have a javascript method which I have to call from the aspx page at the time of page load. ...

Update panel and overlay

Hi, I have two questions about the asp:updatepanel: Is it possible to show the progress bar for an updatepanel on e.g. a thickbox. How can I get custom sorting to work with the updatepanel? I have used the code below normally, but now it doesnt' work when in an update panel? ...

Is there an Updatepanel control (like ASp.net) in java

Hi, Im basically a .net developer, I am now working on a java web project, here i need to basically get values from the back end (say generating a random number) and update that random number every second on the front end, i want to use jquery for this, in ASP.net, i know that I can have an updatepanel and use _doPostBack to update th...

Problem with textbox inside updatepanel - not causing OnTextChanged event

I have the following situation: I have a textbox inside an ajax updatepanel. Wherever the user types in the textbox I must display a message (different message that depends on the user typed data). <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="txtMyTe...

Gridview sorting and updatepanel

Hi, I am trying to use an update panel together with a gridview, but I am having some difficulties sorting the gridview. I tried to follow @dfowler in this thread But when I try to sort I get this error when trying to databind the sorted list: "The data source does not support server-side data paging." Anyone having some clue what I d...

IE not updating display after callpback pane updates the DOM

I have an update panel in an ascx page using .Net 3.5. The user enters data, initiates a callback, and ajax updates the DOM. Usually everything's all hunky dory. Once in a while the DOM gets updated and IE doesn't bother refreshing the display. The entire updated area appears to be blank. Once the user does something that would trigge...

Help! About 500 errors a day from ScriptResource.axd

I get more than 500 exceptions daily from ScriptResource.axd (ASP.NET website). It seems to comming from the Ajax Update Panel but I am not sure. Anyway, is it possible to fix these exceptions? ...

ASP.Net + jQuery + jQuery validation plugin + UpdatePanel + nyroModal - success firing on each field!

I have a form containing a list of input fields that the user populates with prices (numbers). I have set their css classes to "required" and "number" so that the jQuery validation plugin validates them accordingly. All that is working perfectly well. The errors are displayed when each field is either not a number or the value is missing...

Is it possible to make two .click method calls in javascript

I have the following javascript code: function ClickButtons() { document.getElementById('Button1').click(); document.getElementById('Button2').click(); } only Button2 seems to be clicked. If I reverse the order of the statements then only Button1 (which would be called 2nd then) seems to work. FYI (don't think this is impactin...

Update Panel asp.net

I am using an UpdatePaenl in an asp.net page. It has a button to trigger it. I'm able to show "Loading" when the button is pressed. Here my issue, I need it to show "Loading" when the page is first called, not just when a button is pressed. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

Maintaining focus on ajax update panel after updating form

I've have a formview that is designed to update it's datasource each time a text_changed event or dropdown list has been changed. On every text_changed event and equivalent for other controls I call the formView.UpdateItem method and this causes the form to lose focus from the control I have tabbed down to. I've tried to implement this ...

ASP.Net UpdatePanel + Gridview + Hyperlinks + jQuery nyroModal plugin - Entire new window opening, but I just want a modal

Hi All, I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView inside it. The Gridview has a TemplateColumn containing a Hyperlink. Using jQuery at the start of the page, I set all of these hyperlinks to become nyroModal modal hyperlinks. I.e. so when you click them, the target page is loaded into a modal dialogue. This code is: <script type="text/ja...

UpdatePanel - Flickering Combobox

Scenario - Outer update panel u1 Controls on u1 (wrapped in a div) - c1,c2,c3, t1,u2 ( t:textbox, c: combo, u: update panel) Control outside u1 - c1 - combo u2 has trigger as c2 - selected index changed. I've some controls like textboxes and combos inside a div(d1) The div is wrapped in an updatePanel(u1). There is another update panel(...

Update Panels in Repeaters - Why can't multiple callback at the same time?

I have an update panel in a repeater (Edit: I removed Runat and Id attributes to make the post look cleaner) <asp:Repeater> <ItemTemplate> <asp:UpdatePanel UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:LinkButton onclick="btnCallback_Click" /> </ContentTemplate> </asp:Upda...

User Control with multiple events has asynchronous postback on event not specified in an UpdatePanel

I have a user control which has two events. A button Click and a drop down list SelectedIndexChanged. Also on the same page there is an UpdatePanel, which has an AsyncPostBackTrigger that is conditional on only one of these events; however, an asynchronous postback occurs when either of the events in the user control occur. Is there a...

Using Yes/No Messagebox in Updatepanel AJAX.

I have a requirement where I ask user for confirmation and also display messages. The programmers used for this were from Windows forms background. Hence have used the MsgBox in every nook and corner. Even in business logic part they have used the Messageboxes which requires Yes/No style confirmation from user. When we tested the site ...

Problem using UpdatePanel with Masterpage in C#...

Hi guys... My code : <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <script runat="server"> void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { label.Text = "Refreshed by server side event handler at " + DateTime.Now + ".<br>Value provided:" + text.Text; } </script> <html> <head> <title>How to update an UpdatePanel with JavaScri...

UpdatePanel not refreshing display

I have an UpdatePanel inside of a custom control, and within that UpdatePanel are two placeholders. One is initially set Visible = false, the other true. Inside the visible one I have an ImageButton that toggles the visibility of the placeholders. I'm using this control on two different pages in my site. On the home page it works as ...

Asp.net Ajax , Hangs Somtimes

Hi, I use ASP.net Ajax on my project. and using Session for state management. in some piece of code , I have some modalpop up , that contain UCs and do some things. If I use UpdatePanel , sometimes, when I open popup, for a long time progress bar shows and dont do any things. if I refresh page it will work correctly. Also If I remove t...

UpdateProgress bars and update Panels

I have a grideview that displays rows that will be deleted across servers by the click of a delete button in the footer of the grid. This delete will take a long time so i want an updateprogress bar. I'm not really familiar with it so I don't know where to begin. ...