
Latex listings-package format option for uppercase keywords

I use the listings package to insert source code. I would like to print all keywords uppercase in the output, regardless of the case in the input. The manual states that keywordstyle=[number][*]style produces just what I want. However the following (almost) minimal example does not work. if I set keywordstyle to "[1][]{\bfseries}" I...

How to replace uppercase letters to lowercase letters using regex in Eclipse?

I'd like to go through all of my source code files and replace every occurence of k_Xyyy with k_xyyy (switch the first letter after k_ from uppercase to lowercase). I'm using the eclipse dialog to search and replace multiple files. Right now I have the regex \bk_([A-Z]). How do I specify the replacement string of the regex? ...

Regex divide with upper-case

Hi, I would like to replace strings like 'HDMWhoSomeThing' to 'HDM Who Some Thing' with regex. So I would like to extract words which starts with an upper-case letter or consist of upper-case letters only. Notice that in the string 'HDMWho' the last upper-case letter is in the fact the first letter of the word Who - and should not be i...

What code should be written to accept Lower and Upper case choices ?

Hi all , I'm beginner to c++ and writing a program that accepts user choices and acts according to it...my only problem is when the user enters Uppercase choice...the program treats it as it's a wrong choice...like if 'e' was a choice for entering a number..if the user entered 'E' the program won't display the "enter the number" message....

SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable() return ColumnName into Upper Case?

Hi all, I'm using SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method and I realized that return ColumName into Upper Case mode. There is any way to avoid this? The code I'm using is: System.Data.DataTable dt = reader.GetSchemaTable(); and I found into dt.Rows[i]["ColumnName"].ToString() the name of Column into Upper Case; for example if I hav...

sed: toupper a character on a location

This sed "s/public \(.*\) get\(.*\)()/\1 \2/g" will transfor this public class ChallengeTO extends AbstractTransferObject { public AuthAlgorithm getAlgorithm(); public long getCode(); public int getIteration(); public String getPublicKey(); public String getSelt(); }; into this public class ...

Vim: how to make the text I've just typed uppercase?

Use case: I've just entered insert mode, and typed some text. Now I want to make it uppercase. It can be done via gUmotion. However, I can't find the motion over the text entered in the recent input session. It's somewhat strange and the concept of such motion is buggy (where to move if you've deleted text, for example?), but it may ...

Use Java and RegEx to convert casing in a string

Problem: Turn "my testtext TARGETSTRING my testtext" into "my testtext targetstring my testtext" Perl supports the "\L"-operation which can be used in the replacement-string. The Pattern-Class does not support this operation: Perl constructs not supported by this class: [...] The preprocessing operations \l \u, \L, and \U. ...

Automatically capitalize first letter of first word in a new sentence in LaTeX

I know one of LaTeX's bragging points is that it doesn't have this Microsoftish behavior. Nevertheless, it's sometimes useful. LaTeX already adds an extra space after you type a (non-backslashed) period, so it should be possible to make it automatically capitalize the following letter as well. Is there an obvious way to write a macro t...

Convert HTML tag to lowercase

I working on an intranet project for IE6 (i know...) and I need to output some HTML code from a div. I use $('#output').text($('#container').html()); But IE6 outputs all the code in uppercase: <TABLE border=1> <TR> <TD>Test Content</TD> </TR> </TABLE> How can I convert HTML tags to lowercase using jQuery? Would be useful to hav...

Can Hibernate generate uppercase SQL?

Hi, can Hibernate generate uppercase SQL? I.e. some option which would make it send SELECT table1_.prop1_ FROM my_table AS table1_; instead of current select table1_.prop1_ from my_table as table1_; which I consider far less readable, esp. for long queries HBN tends to spit. See also https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&...

(python) recursively remove capitalisation from directory structure?

uppercase letters - what's the point of them? all they give you is rsi. i'd like to remove as much capitalisation as possible from my directory structure. how would i write a script to do this in python? it should recursively parse a specified directory, identify the file/folder names with capital letters and rename them in lowercase. ...

WPF ComboBox, force input to UpperCase

I have an editable WPF ComboBox with TextSearchEnabled. I need to force the user's text input to uppercase when they type to filter the ComboBox. I was thinking of modifying the textbox that is part of the control (named 'PART_EditableTextBox') to set CharacterCasing="Upper", however I can't quite figure out how to do this. Do I need ...

changing CharSequence first letter to upper case in android

it may seem simple but it posses lots of bugs I tried this way: String s = gameList[0].toString(); s.replaceFirst(String.valueOf(s.charAt(0)),String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0))) ); and it throws an exception another try i had was : String s = gameList[0].toString(); char c = Character.toUpperCase(gameList[0].charA...

Remove all the whitespace after ',' and make first letter uppercase in CSV with PHP

I'm having a CSV like this. john,joy, anna, Lucy Bravo,boy I want to remove whitespace after ',' if it exist. And also make the first letter after ',' to be capital letter, if its not capital already. That is it should be like this: John,Joy,Anna,Lucy Bravo,Boy Only the whitespace after the ',' should go. I tried myself. But all fa...

Hibernate Uppercase

When I try to map a table in my database with a bean in my application using hibernate xml mapping files ...hbm.xml I obtein the fallowing resulteverytime I run the app: INFO: table not found: especies Initial SessionFactory creation failed.org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing table: especies I've realize the problem is ...

Exploding a string and looping through an array in MySQL outside another language

I'm creating a MySQL UDF (User Defined Function) to capitalise the first letter of every word. This is what I have so far: drop function if exists upperfirst; create function upperfirst (s varchar(255)) returns varchar(255) deterministic return concat(ucase(mid(lower(s),1,1)),mid(lower(s),2)); This is working pretty well so ...

Is there a good way to change UPPER CASE html tags to lower case, across a whole document?

So, I've got a bunch of markup-pages delivered that I am supposed to style. Problem is that tags are all in uppercase, even though the doctype declares it as xhtml. Not only is it ugly and hurting my eyes, it's also wrong, isn't it? Is there a good way, perhaps a coda (my preferred tool), plug-in, or online service that can do this for ...

Qt QLineEdit custom validation in ruby

I am trying to imple QLineEdit's text which is all capital letters no matter what user types in. I have found several solutions, none of them working in Ruby. In brief I have QLineEdit object searchEdit and this code: class UpcaseValidator < Qt::Validator def validate(input,pos) input.upcase! Qt::Validator::Acceptable e...

PHP string transform first character uppercase/lowercase

I have two types of strings, 'hello', 'helloThere'. What I want is to change them so they read like: 'Hello', 'Hello There' depending on the case. What would be a good way fo doing this? Thanks ...