
xmlhttprequest request uri too large

Hi, Well I hoped everything would work fine finally. But of course it doesn't. The new problem is the following message: Request-URI Too Large The requested URL's length exceeds the capacity limit for this server. My fear is that I have to find another method of transmitting the data or is a solution possible? Code of XHR function: ...

Trailing slashes: yes or no?

Hello. I'm working on a new project, using Apache's mod_rewrite and PHP to get pretty URLs. Here's what my URLs look like: http://example.tld/foo/bar/1/etc Notice that there's no trailing slash (that's the way I write it in the href attributes of <a>s). However, I'm also allowing http://example.tld/foo/bar/1/etc/ (trailing slash). I...

Silverlight Pixel Shader resource "not found"; what should the URI be?

So I've written and compiled an HLSL pixel shader with Shazzam, placed the resulting .ps file in my project, and am trying to instantiate it. No matter what URI I put, Blend tells me that the resource can't be found whenever I try to view any xaml designer, and Visual Studio just shows me a blank page, both in design view and if I try t...

How to get image URI

Hi I am developing a simple application. I have an image stored in sdcard. In one activity I am displaying that image using imageview.setImageUri() .... Now on clicking on that Image I want to retrieve uri of that image and want to store it in sqlite database... can anybody tell me how that is possible. ...

Consensus on Uri.parse("content://sms");

What is the consensus on parsing the Uri of sms messages for use with a cursor. There has to be a cross phone compatible way of getting access to sms messages. There's nothing in the sdk for something like this? What about this as a Uri string: ("vnd.android-dir/mms-sms"); ...

C# URI issue with ftp server

I am having trouble to access a FTP server via C# because of not finding the right URI. The ftp server can be found using ftp.xxx.com - thus ftp ftp.xxx.com works from the command line, ftp ftp://ftp.xxx.com yields unknown host via the command line. The same happens then when using FtpWebRequest ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.C...

using file based URIs or not

Of course, the traditional method is to let the filesystem and your webserver work out the urls. E.G., www.example.com/index.html -> /var/www/public_html/index.html But I've noticed a trend in which, as opposed to letting the webserver do the mapping for you, you do it yourself (e.g., Rails and its routes config file, so /index is mappe...

Are *.local service URLs RESTful?

A URL supposedly locates (and not simply identifies) a resource; a corollary is that the same URL must refer to the same resource. However, this rule would appear to be violated in the case of URLs like http://api.local/orders/333, in which api.local does not resolve to a host for everyone, and may not even resolve to the same host in t...

How can I check if two different URL's point to the same resource?

Lets say I have a web site hosted on a computer named "linux" and it is part of two different networks with the addresses and When working locally on "linux", I can access this web site through the following URLs : http://linux/ http://localhost/ Working o...

Apache Rewrite Issue, Custom URI

I have a solution but it is one that I know is not the greatest and would better be solved with a full rewrite. Basically I have 3 rewrites that will go to the correct areas I want and do what they need to do. However in order to switch between where I need to go I had to write a URI class to strip through the url set the page and vars...

REST best practice for accessing a resource using two attributes

Hi All I have unique RESTful resources which can only be identified in the system with two attributes. What I want to know is what is the best practice approach to do this. The resource is identified with an id attribute (which is not unique) and a name attribute (which also is not unique), however the combination of both attributes i...

How can I set an Image to an Image control in WPF?

I'm trying to do this: imgUser.Source = new Uri(user.Photo); But I'm getting an error that I cannot convert a URI to an ImageSource. Any help? ...

How can I set the WPF BitmapImage UriSource property to a relative path?

I'm loading an image in WPF by using the BitmapImage class. My code works perfectly when I give an absolute path for the UriSource but not when I try and use a relative path. My XAML is: <Image Width="50" Name="MemberImage" HorizontalAlignment="Left"> <Image.Source> <BitmapImage DecodePixelWidth="50" UriSource="questionmar...

How to change a string to Uri

I am getting (what I believe) is a string from my hashmap and need to return this from my method as a Uri in order to use it in a VideoView. Here is my method that gets the string from my hashmap: public static Uri getVideoPath(String cond){ Log.d(DEB_TAG, "*********Inside of getVideoPath"); HashMap hm = createHashmap(...

My url data isn't passing to my codeigniter controller's function.

The domain I'm using is ->http://www.domainname.com/admin/users/edit/1 class Cal_Admin extends Controller { function Cal_Admin() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->model('events/model_events'); $this->load->model('users/model_users'); } function index() { $data['events'] = $this->model_events->get_home_entries()...

Working with relative URIs

I'm having a little trouble with relative URIs I have a simple HttpListener app that is listening in on a given prefix (currently it is http://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/, but it could be any other valid prefix). For a any given request, I'm trying to work out what the requested URI is relative to that prefix, so for example if so...

Android: Show mms photos in application

I want to show mms photo attachments in my application. I know how to read photos with output streams, ect... But where do I point my uri? ...

How to determine the file extension of a file from a uri

Assuming I am given a URI, and I want to find the file extension of the file that is returned, what do I have to do in Java. For example the file at http://www.daml.org/2001/08/baseball/baseball-ont is http://www.daml.org/2001/08/baseball/baseball-ont.owl When I do URI uri = new URI(address); URL url = uri.toURL(); Strin...

detect if contact has photo

ive got an imageview which im displaying a contacts picture using a uri which always looks similar to this: content://com.android.contacts/contacts/34/photo how would i be able to detect whether this photo exists, as if it doesnt then i want to use a placeholder instead (stored in my drawable folder). at the moment it just shows a ...

How to get just last word for a variable in a PHP "$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']" request?

I'm using WAMP and the root folder of my page is: http://localhost/projects/bp/ In a Worpress application and I want to give unique id's to the body tag of every Page. So I did the following: <?php $page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $page = str_replace("/","",$page); $page = str_replace(".php","",$page); $page = str_repla...