
how do I make URI of dynamic web reference look in web.config instead of app.config?

I have a class library(DLL) which has a web reference, its dynamic. I have copied the setting into the applicationSettings of the web.config but still it keeps referring to the old URI I had set during develoment. any idea how i can make it take the URI of the web-service from the web.config? ...

Maximum Image Uri Length in Silverlight

Does anyone know what the Maximum URL length is in Silverlight (version 4 if it matters)? I know it is 2048 and basically infinite for Firefox (the two environments I have tested in), but Image requests fail for long Uri's. Anyone know the magic number (is it 256 the max filepath length?) It is considerably shorter than the 2048 for I...

Why does Java automatically decode %2F in URI encoded filenames?

I have a java servlet that needs to write out files that have a user-configurable name. I am trying to use URI encoding to properly escape special characters, but the JRE appears to automatically convert encoded forward slashes %2F into path separators. Example: File dir = new File("C:\Documents and Setting\username\temp"); String f...

How to retrieve ImageUri of an ImageView?

I'm looking forward the method for accessing the current image's Uri from an ImageView, to save it to my database, but i've only found the setter. Where's the getter?? ...

Spider a Website and Return URLs Only

I'm not quite sure how best to define/articulate this, but I'm looking for a way to pseudo-spider a website. The key is that I don't actually want the content, but rather a simple list of URIs. I can get reasonably close to this idea with Wget using the --spider option, but when piping that output through a grep, I can't seem to find the...

toURI method of File transform space character into %20

toURI method of File transform space character into %20 On windows XP with Java 6 public static void main(String[] args) { File f = new File("C:\\My dir\\test.txt"); URI uri = f.toURI(); System.out.println(f.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println(uri); } C:\My dir\test.txt file:/C:/My%20dir/test.txt ...

Best practices on using URIs as parameter value in REST calls.

I am designing a REST API where some resources can be filtered through query parameters. In some cases, these filter values would be resources from the same REST API. This makes for longish and pretty unreadable URIs. While this is not too much of a problem in itself because the URIs are meant to be created and manipulated programmatical...

Codeigniter: Controller URI with Library

I have a working controller and library function, but I now need to pass a URI segment to the library for decision making, and I'm stuck. Controller: function survey($method) { $id = $this->session->userdata('id'); $data['member'] = $this->home_model->getUser($id); //Convert the db Object to a row array $data['manager'...

XSLT how to merge some lists of parameters

Hi, I have an URL Structure like this: http://my.domain.com/generated.xml?param1=foo&amp;param2=bar&amp;xsl=path/to/my.xsl The generated XML will be transformed using the given XSL Stylesheet. The two other parameters are integrated too like this: <root> <params> <param name="param1">foo</param> <param name="param2">bar</...

JavaScript: catching URI change

I have a site where I'm using hash based parameters, eg. http://url.of.site/#param1=123 What I want When the user manually changes the URI to eg. http://url.of.site/#param1=789 When the user enters this URI, the event is caught by the JavaScript, and the appropriate functions are called. Basically, what I'm wondering about is; is ...

URI scheme is not "file"

I get the exception: "URI scheme is not file" What I am doing is trying to get the name of a file and then save that file (from another server) onto my computer/server from within a servlet. I have a String called "url", from thereon here is my code: url = Streams.asString(stream); //gets the URL from a form on a webpage System.out.pr...

How to open a WPF Content Stream?

Here's the code snippet String str= ??????? // I want to assign c:/my/test.html to this string Uri uri= new Uri (str); Stream src = Application.GetContentStream(uri).Stream; What's the correct way to do this? I'm getting "URI not relative" Exception thrown ...

tabs using jquery

I currently have a tabbed system in place, however it not doing exactly as I need it too, I was hoping that by navigating to the URL with #tab2 suffixed on then end it would navigate to my tabbed page and the tab that is present in the URL would be the one that is active, however the first tab in the sequence is always active, is there a...

URI routing in codeigniter

I have my CI site working well except the URL's are a bit ugly. What approach should I take to enable me to route what is displaying at: http://domain.com/content/index/6/Planning to the url: http://domain.com/Planning I'm confused about whether this should be be done in the routes file or in my .htaccess Thanks ...

Literal ampersands in System.Uri query string

I'm working on a client app that uses a restful service to look up companies by name. It's important that I'm able to include literal ampersands in my queries since this character is quite common in company names. However whenever I pass %26 (the URI escaped ampersand character) to System.Uri, it converts it back to a regular ampersand ...

Smart URI handling for a CMS engine?

I am writing a CMS engine that improves upon the blog engine on my website. So far, the existing blog only has one smart URI handler - one that converts /123 into /blog.php?p=123 and that's currently done by a few mod_rewrite statments. I am afraid that this method is unwieldy and kludgy for when I have more "smart URIs" in my CMS. At t...

URIFormatException C# WS WM6

I have a Web Service written in C# and published on my local IIS. I try to consume it from a mobile application installed on an emulator. I added in my mobile application the web reference using the IP of my local machine. The reference is created correctly, I can create proxy objects and use them to call my WS methods. The emulator is...

In OpenRasta is it possible to Pattern match multiple key/value pairs?

Is it possible in OpenRasta to have a Uri pattern that allows for an array of values of the same key to be submitted and mapped to a handler method accepting an array of the query parameters. Example: Return all the contacts named Dave Smith from a collection. HTTP GET /contacts?filterBy=first&filterValue=Dave&filterBy=last&filterValue...

Sending username and password to web service

I am developing a web service and I need to send a username and password to the service in a GET method. Is it OK to send this information in the uri as long as it's going over a secure channel like ssl? In other words, can I have a uri that looks like /users/{username}/{cleartext_password}? Edit: Sorry, I think I was unclear. The web s...

NHibernate ICompositeType Implementation for Uri

Is there any ICompositeType implementation for System.Uri? I want to be able to use this query: where a.Uri.schema == 'https'. ...