
URL Rewriting .Net IIS7

Hi, My web app url is e.g. http://domainname/Search/SearchPage.aspx?SearchID=1-0-0-2-3. I have rewriten the url as follows The user may see the following url http://domainname/Search/SearchPage.aspx/1-0-0-2-3/DFDF/FDFDF My code is only conerned with the SearchID. Is there a way that i can ignore anything that comes after /1-0-0-2...

ASP .Net: Authorization issue

Guys, I am having some trouble when I use ASP .Net 4's URL Routing feature while Authorization rules configured. Global.asax void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } private void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapPageRoute("dashboard", "", "~/Restricted/Default...

.htaccess url-rewriting help

I'm a bit confused on url writing in .htaccess and have a question about rewriting urls. My first question is I'm trying to do is have a one .htacces to make the urls go from http://www.website.com/index.php to http://www.website.com/Home/and another .htaccess to go from http://www.website.com/index.php to http://www.website.com/home.ht...

Urlrewriting.net IsPostBack always false

I am working on rewriting URLs Urlrewriting.net, and have run into what seems to be a common problem but I can seem to fix it. I'll present a simplified case. The URL rewriting is working perfectly with the rule: <urlrewritingnet rewriteOnlyVirtualUrls="true" defaultPage="default.aspx" defaultProvider="RegEx" xmlns="http://www.urlrewri...

Integrating Facebook Connect Login/Registration with Zend Framework Application

Hi guys, I have a social networking website built upon the zend framework. My application also has extensively used htaccess's urlrewriting feature. The thing is that I want to incorporate facebook connect so users can login using their facebook logins as well. I'm stuck just on the part of how do I set it up. Like I know you have to cr...

URL rewriting with UrlRewritingNet fails with a + char in the URL

I'm using UrlRewritingNet in Umbraco to do some basic URL rewriting of product and category URLs. Everything is fine on my local machine (Visual Studio dev-webserver) and on our internal development server (Window Server 2008 with ISS 7, 32 bit). But it fails on the production server, which is Window Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7 (64 bit). T...

BuddyPress slug prefix

At the official BuddyPress website http://buddypress.org/ They are running a single WordPress installation with BP. However for some of the pages they have prefixed them with /community/ for example: http://buddypress.org/community/members/ not all slugs have been prefixed for example http://buddypress.org/register/ Any ideas on how thi...

ASP.NET MVC UrlHelper.GenerateUrl exception: "Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory"

I am using the IIS 7 Rewrite module to rewrite an incoming url like: http://server/year/all to http://server/application/controller/year/all Everything works fine, except when, while processing the rewritten request, I use MVC's UrlHelper.GenerateUrl() method: UrlHelper.GenerateUrl( "Assets", "Css", "Asset", new RouteVal...

ASP.NET MVC 2 routing problems with string

I want to add a simple route to my webapp, but it just doesn't work and i don't know why code in global.asax.cs: routes.MapRoute( "BrowseGenre", "{controller}/{action}/{genre}", new {controller = "Store", action = "Browse", genre = UrlParameter.Optional} ); code in StoreController.cs: ...

Asp.net Url Rewriting Problem

Hi; Global.asax Code protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fullOrigionalpath = Request.Url.ToString(); if (fullOrigionalpath.Contains("/Form/Electronic/Led")) { Context.RewritePath("/Form/Handler.aspx?Id=Led&cat=Electronic"); } } How to make url map ? Url: /Form/Car/Mercedes Map: /Form/...

IIS url rewrite with query string

I would like to have some urls redirect to another server using url rewrite and here is part of the sample web.config I created: <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rewriteMaps> <rewriteMap name="Redirect"> <add key="logon\.aspx" value="http://machineB/logon.aspx" /> </rewriteMap> </...

apache mod_rewrite redirect between hostnames (except one directory)

I've got two hostnames (e.g. www.site1.com and www.site2.com) mapped to the same apache virtual host. I'd like to redirect all traffic from site1.com over to site2.com, except for all POST requests from a particular folder. (That folder contains URLs which are used by older clients which are not capable of handling redirects on POST req...

Apache URL Rewrite Question about File Which doesn't Exists

I have folder which path is .com/yp/uploads and i have another folder .com/uploads I want to do htaccess rule like this: If .com/yp/uploads/abc.jpg(or another file extension) doesn't exists then show .com/uploads/abc.jpg Thank you. ...

Mod rewrite problem: rewrite url with drupal

Hi, Im am working on a drupal website with acqui solar search. I have to use this url /search/apachesolr_search/, but I want to change it to 'search' instead. If u create an alias, my search doesn't work anymore... Can someone help met to write a function for the 'Mod rewrite' module or give another option? Thanks in advance ...

redirecting without changing URL

i want to redirect domain domain1.com to domain2.com completely but without changing domain1.com URL. i thought i could do that with .htaccess but i found out that it is not possible because they are to different domains and i should use http:// in .htaccess rule so it would be an external rewriting not an internal rewriting,so the URL ...

How do I rewrite a URL in IIS?

What would be simplest way to get this functionality in my website. A small example code will be appreciated. ...

From where to serve multi-Resource Web UI pages in a RESTful architecture?

Almost all web content can be a resource to be served up on its own. Web front-ends, however, mix unconnected resource content in order to serve the user with some desired experience. A blog page might be laid out with its articles stacked on the left and a list of the site's other popular blogs on the right, as an example. Let's say ...

How would I use mod_rewrite to turn this query string request in to a clean url?

How can I use mod_rewrite to take http://www.site.com/events?pg=4 and turn it to a clean URL, like so: http://www.site.com/events/4 ? Thanks for the help! ...

Invalid viewstate when using RewritePath

Hello everybody, I have this in my global.asax void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pathAndQuery = Request.Url.PathAndQuery.ToString().ToLower(); if (pathAndQuery.Contains("prettyUrl")) { HttpContext.Current.RewritePath("Category.aspx?catg=uglyUrl"); } } it works fine, but I some...

Using IIS's URL-Rewrite on GoDaddy - why won't it work?

I have a Deluxe Windows Hosting account with Godaddy, and I'm trying to set up URL rewriting with Web.Config. I read that GoDaddy has the IIS URL Rewrite plugin installed, but they have no support for it whatsoever (see here: http://help.godaddy.com/article/5443) I tried a simple rewrite rule in my web.config, but nothing happened: <...