
How to block search engines from indexing all urls beginning with origin.domainname.com

Hello All, I have www.domainname.com, origin.domainname.com pointing to the same codebase. Is there a way, I can prevent all urls of basename origin.domainname.com from getting indexed. Is there some rule in robot.txt to do it. Both the urls are pointing to the same folder. Also, I tried redirecting origin.domainname.com to www.domainn...

Using URL Redirection based on domain name using UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewriter

Hi, I want to redirect a request in an asp.net web site based on the domain, my scenario is like this. I have the app setup so that it will process the requests from multiple domains like from www.abc.com and www.xyz.com, now i want that when ever a request comes to the www.abc.com/default.aspx the url would be rewrites to the www.ab...

Is it good idea to use URL names with special characters?

Is it good SEO to have URL's (page names) with non-english characters like Chinese names in URL's? ...

<rewrite> not a valid child of <system.web> ?

Hopefully I am just overlooking something incredibly simple, if so I apologize.... I have an ASP.NET application in .NET4 and we're trying to use URL rewriting using <configuration> <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule....> For some reason intellisense is returning an error which says th...

Wordpress url error on form actions on unix web server (~...)

Hello all ! I have an error with my wordpress installation... I explain myself.. : My wordpress is now on an unix based server with directadmin to manage my domains... I have configured a new domain on witch I can access by : http://ipaddress/~username... Then, for my personal needs, I access to this website through another domain name u...

.htaccess rewrite rule from http://domain.com/~something/blabla to http://domain.com/blablabla

Hello all Little question with .htaccess rewrite rule.. I want to redirect http request like that : http://domain.com/~something/blabla/blablabla?blabla=blabla as an request like that : h ttp://domain.com/blabla/blablabla?blabla=blabla Simply remove the ~something (with can be anything else but with an ~ at beginning...) I have tri...

Url rewrite and forced 404

We serve our content via ourdomain.com/folder. The next iteration of the application is ready to be rolled out in ourdomain.com/folder2. If a user tried to access ourdomain.com/folder2 directly he would get a 404. I need a to get a rewrite rule that serves the content of ourdomain.com/folder2 under the url ourdomain.com/folder and giv...

regular expression needed to rewrite URLs

I am trying to make a rewrite rule to check whether the URL ends with .htm or .html, but does not contain Archive.aspx. The url starts out like www.contoso.com/test.htm (or .html) and ends up like www.contoso.com/Archive.aspx?page=/test.htm How can I do this with a regular expression? ...

Remove file extensions from urls

Hi, I've never used mod_rewrite but i want to remove all file extensions from my urls for a website. What is the rule that i would need to do this? I've tried this, but that gives me an internal error every time i click a link on my website RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L] ...

IIS URL Rewrite rule help?

I am using the IIS7 URL Rewrite module. I want to create a rule that matches this: http://www.mydomain.com/test123. but not this: http://www.mydomain.com/test123/ Any help is much appreciated. Also any links to examples of common rewrite regex would be a plus ...

How to configure url rewriting in IIS6 to consider /my_directory/ like a page?

I'm working on Windows Server2003 with the following: IIS6 .NET Runtime 2.0 ASP.NET C# I've got some pages like these: fr.mywebsite.eu/productA/sub_product1.html fr.mywebsite.eu/productA/sub_product2.html fr.mywebsite.eu/productB/sub_product14.html fr.mywebsite.eu/productC/sub_product26.html The directories prod...

IIS URL Rewrite Module : Rewrite Query String Value using Map

I would like to rewrite a query string value using a map in the IIS Url Rewrite Module. Example Map: one -> eleven two -> fifty three -> ninety So the following URL: http://www.mydomain.com/page.aspx?id=one turns in to: http://www.mydomain.com/page.aspx?id=eleven Note: there may be other query parameters passed in ...

Trouble Figuring Out The routes.Maproute For This URL (C#)

Please vote to close - this is a double post on my part of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3877517/trouble-figuring-out-the-routes-maproute-for-this-url-c ...

Trouble Figuring Out The routes.Maproute For This URL (C#)

Despite the plethora of URL routing posts, I have yet to reach enlightenment on the subject. I have an MVC app that works fine, but I want to get fancy and do some URL rewriting to make it easier on my users. The default route is a slight variation on the usual: routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{query}"...

URL Redirection but keep url

I have a url test.html and a url test2.html. What I am trying to do is have it redirect test.html to test2.html but keep the same url. so far I tried this: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^test.html$ test2.html and put it in a .htaccess file which I put in the same folder as the other two files. It just caused the whole site not to load...

Problem after migrating Magento

I am trying to create an exact mirror of a Magento production server on my local server for further development, but I have run into a few issues. On the production server, our Magento is configured to run without displaying the index.php, but after attempting a migration to my local server, the index.php is required to access any links...

make example.com/user/Bob go to profile.php?user=Bob

My current http access file is # Pound sign comments a line out # Disallow viewing of htaccess files <Files .htaccess> order allow,deny deny from all </Files> Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # enable hiding php extension RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php ...

How to get the "originally requested" URL when using IIRF URL Rewriting Engine

I am using Iconic's IIRF URL Rewriting Engine on IIS and the "fancy" URLs are something like this: http://some-website.com/some-function/418/some-keyword-rich-filename.html This example URL corresponds to: http://some-website.com/some-function.asp?SOME-ID=418 Now inside the some-function.asp file I need to know the page that was re...

URL Rewriting Domain Root to Subfolder

I'm trying to figure out how to write an IIS URL rewrite rule that will take my domain (mysite.com) and rewrite it as (mysite.com/cms). I would also like www.mysite.com to rewrite to mysite.com/cms. I'm using a Windows shared hosting account with GoDaddy. ...

htaccess rewrite breaks relative paths

Hi, I have an htaccess file which maps http://www.myserver.com/home/ to http://www.myserver.com/index.php?section=home This part works fine. The issue I am facing now is, all my images and css reside in a sub-folder named assets, i.e. http://www.myserver.com/assets/images/ http://www.myserver.com/assets/css/ etc. After redirection the...