
How to: URL re-writing in PHP ?

I am trying to implement URL rewriting in my PHP application. Can someone share a step by step procedure of implementing URL rewriting in PHP - MYSQL. In my application I want to implement following URL rewriting, I want to redirect 1. http://example.com/videos/play/google-io-2009-wave-intro 2. http://example.com/videos/play/203/googl...

Redirect domain.com/folder to folder.domain.com permanently

Possible Duplicates how can I use mod rewrite to redirect a folder to a subdomain ... Apache rewrite based on subdomain (backwards) I have catch all rules set up and a subdomain working fine. However it's still possible to get to a part of my site from http://example.com/subdomain rather than http://subdomain.example.com/ Ho...

Tracking where a custom 404 is handled - code, IIS, etc??

Is there any means to track where within code a 404 error is handled? We have a site that we have taken over that doesn't seem to be reacting as expected. We have changed the IIS custom errors page to point to the new page we would like but something seems to still be redirecting it to the old 404.htm file in the root of this site. We...

IIS7 URL Rewriting Module Replace

I really like the IIS7 URL rewriting module and so far, it worked great for me. There is one thing that I'm not sure how to do: I would like to permanently redirect all URLs that have encoded spaces (%20) in them to a URL that has the spaces replaced with a dash (-). So this: http://www.test.com/About%20Our%20Mission.aspx should be...

Is it possible to map mod_rewrite URL's in reverse?

I have a simple URL rewriting setup with a .htaccess file. Excerpt: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^home(/)?$ index.php?mod=frontpage&com=showFrontpage RewriteRule ^signup(/)?$ index.php?mod=usermanager&com=showRegistrationForm This works perfectly fine. However, so does a request on the old style URL. When such a request comes...

Url Rewrite of Host in ASP.NET on IIS 6.

I know this question is overly popular, but I find nothing that addresses rewriting the host, only rewriting the path. How could I accomplish redirecting/rewriting "http://myHost.com" to "http://myAlias.com/hidden/default.html"? ADDED: where myAlias is just an alias of myHost. ...

Firefox does not deliver pdf if it is handled by http-handler and inside iframe

I have a site that runs on IIS7 ASP.NET 3.5 I implemented a http-handler that serverves pdf. If I request a pdf-document (www.mysite.com/mypdf.ashx?id=doc1) in Firefox 3.0 I get the result in the browser. I now have an iframe on my page. The src - attribute is set to www.mysite.com/mypdf.ashx?id=doc1. The document is displayed in IE7...

Can I route HTTPS requests to HTTP application, using IIS7 ARR?

I have an application server installed, listening for HTTP traffic on a port which is not blocked from the world by a firewall. I wish to expose the services offered by this application only through HTTPS, preferably as a "sub directory" of the HTTPS site already hosted by the server. Using IIS7 Url Rewriting (as part of the ARR package...

htaccess code to remove extension AND add+force trailing slash?

I'm trying to put together some htaccess code that will turn example.com/filename.php into example.com/filename/ (and force the slash) - I've tried varous approaches, but each hasn't worked quite right, from 500 errors on subfolders to issues with the trailing slash, etc... Please help! ...

URL Rewriting multiple folders to one folder

Hi, I'm using IIRF on IIS6/Server03 with an MVC app in the root of the server and a virtual directory for the wordpress blog/cms. I'd ideally like the urls as follows... domain.com/ domain.com/wpcategory/ -> rewritten from domain.com/blog/wpcategory/ domain.com/wpcategory/wparticle/ -> rewritten from domain.com/blog/wpcategory/art...

URL Rewrite language querystring

Hi I want to rewirte my querystring for selected language. I have this URL: www.example.com/?lang=en, and want it to be www.example.com/en It should rewrite on all pages. So www.example.com/contact.aspx?lang=en would be www.example.com/en/contact.aspx Is there a general rewrite rule for this? ...

lighttpd url rewrite to subdomain

How does the lighttpd rewrite work for folowing? http://example.com/file_46634643.jpg to http://sub.domain.com/46634643.jpg If it's possible... ...

Apache htaccess re-write URL rules?

I want to create URL re-write rules for following URL in htaccess. http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/ -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=fun http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/?show=popular -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy&show=popular http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/?show=popular&amp...

asp.net mvc legacy route mapping

I have a legacy asp.net website I am migrating to asp.net mvc. I would like to permanently redirect existing urls to the asp.net mvc controllers. I have controllers with views for the new location for these links, and I would like to do a 301 redirect on the existing pages to the new views. I have two different types of urls: http...

Is it possible to do friendly url (url rewriting) in classic asp?

I know how to create/implement friendly url in asp.net, but is it possible (and if so - how) to do it in classic asp? if its impossible, how would google respond (SEO) to creating pages whos sole purpose is to redirect (on load) to a different page? thanks! ...

Which one is faster rewrite or folder based URLs?

I am creating URLs in my website as http://example.com/register/ http://example.com/login/ I am creating above URLS by writing following rules in htaccess RewriteRule register/ /register.php RewriteRule login/ /login.php Now its working fine for me, but if I create my URLs by creating seprate folder for /login/index.php and /reg...

URL Rewriting Help

Thank you one and all for your patience and help. I am completely restating the question because it is getting quite long from all my revisions. I have an PHP MVC framework with 4 entry points: from the root: index.php index-ajax.php admin/index.php admin/index-ajax.php I needed a .htcaccess file that would take any request and rewrite...

How to stop direct execution of a php page using htaccess rules?

In my .htaccess file I have defined the following rule to make my register page URL as http://example.com/register/ RewriteRule register/ /register.php The above rule is perfectly fine but I can access my register page from http://example.com/register/ as well as from http://example.com/register.php. I don't want that user will be ...

htaccess rule to forward /login/ and /login to same page?

I have the following rule in my current .htaccess file to redirect /videos/login/ requests to /videos/login.php RewriteRule login/ /videos/login.php This works fine if I am access login page using http://mysite.com/videos/login/ but when I am trying to access the same page using http://mysite.com/videos/login (without ending slash) th...

IIS 7.5 with URL Rewrite Module Doubles QueryString Params on Postback

Hi I'm using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 RC. I use the IIS Url Rewrite module to rewrite URLs. Everything seems to work fine, until I perform a postback by clicking a button. It then appends the querystring params to my rewritten URL, like this: Rewritten URL, as it appears in the browser: http://localhost/en/product/1239/Gary+Fisher+Hkek+Mo...