
Asp.net 3.5 url routing and winforms not working after publishing

my application not working when I publish (only files needed to run this application) it to the server. I set wildcard mapping in IIS. I'm getting the error below: HTTP Error 404.4 - Not Found The resource you are looking for does not have a handler associated with it. ...

MapRoute problem using T4MVC

Hello, I do use T4MVC v.2.6.15 I have following problem with registering routes. I didn't have it with default MVC route register. My problem route is following: AddRoute( routes, "Songs", //new { controller = "Songs", action = "List", performerUrlTitle = "", page = 1 } ); MVC.Songs.List( "", 1 ) // M...

How to speed up asp.net web forms application with asp.net 3.5 url routing?

I started using url routing for my web application. It's a dynamic website and it has more than 50k pages. It looks like now it works slower. Can you suggest how to optimize it, to improve it and make it more efficient? ...

setting url parameter in an action method in struts

I want to add a URL parameter before forwarding to another action from an action method. Although HttpServletRequest has a getParameter() method, it has no setParameter() method. I know setAttribute() is there but I need the it to be part of the URL (like ?something=something&some2=some2). I know I can do it using filters but that's an o...

Nice URLs based on multiple parameters

Hi all, it is quite clear what the advantages of using nice urls in you web site are. Let me clarify what i am asking by using an example. To note that the entities here cannot be uniquelly identified by name. Say the user wants to see all the radio stations registered at your site that are available at a specific location. This is do...

Suggest best URL style

Our system Our search module can have many parameters like search keyword examination filter subject filter date range filter course name filter ... ... etc and there are pagination and sorting parameters like Page number Number of results in a page sort field sort order We used to have URLs like:- www.projectname/module/searc...

Why we don't use such URL formats?

I am reworking on the URL formats of my project. The basic format of our search URLs is this:- www.projectname/module/search/<search keyword>/<exam filter>/<subject filter>/... other params ... On searching with no search keyword and exam filter, the URL will be :- www.projectname/module/search///<subject filter>/... other params ......

Unable to allow these characters in URL:- % / \ # +

About the system I have URLs of this format in my project:- http://project_name/browse_by_exam/type/tutor_search/keyword/class/new_search/1/search_exam/0/search_subject/0 Where keyword/class pair means search with "class" keyword. Following is my htaccess file:- ##AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php Options Includes +ExecCGI ...

Wordpress : URL error 404 but the page exists.

Hello, I moved my wordpress (3.0) blog to my dedicaced server. Just one thing is broken : if i set the url in worpress to be http://wwww.example.com/page?id=3 The page is correctly shown If i set the URL to be : http://wwww.example.com/about/ http://www.example.com/services/ it ends up with a 404 not found page !! Here's my...

URL Routing across multiple subdomains

I find myself in a difficult situation. We're working on an ASP.NET MVC 2 application which is comprised of multiple sections. It is a design goal to have these sections span across several subdomains. Each subdomain will have its own controller. The challenge is that our hosting provider's control panel allows two forms of redirection ...

How can I configure a netTiers datasource to use a RouteParameter instead of a QueryStringParameter?

NetTiers works fantastic out of the box using querystrings. Eg: <data:AspnetUsersDataSource ID="AspnetUsersDataSource" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetByUserId"> <Parameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="UserId" QueryStringField="UserId" Type="String" /> </Parameters> </data:AspnetUsersDataSource> However, if I try...

Problem with URL escaping in Rails

I use Rails RESTful routing to generate URLs for one resource in my application. My resource ID contains some special characters. The confusing part is that in the generated URL, when I look in the HTML, is double escaped. For instance, /item/item+one get escaped to /item/item%252Bone instead of /item/item%2Bone. When getting the ID par...

Multilanguage URLs in Django

What is the best way to support multilanguage URLs in Django? Like: http://myenglishwebsite.com/user/foo http://mygermanwebsite.com/benutzer/foo Should I use multilang in urls.py like: (r'^%s/(?P<slug>[-w]+)/$' % _('user'), 'myapp.view.relatedaction') It doesn't seem like a good solution and I couldn't make it work :)) ...

Rerouting all ASP.NET pages

I am looking to rewrite all ASP.NET pages to a uniform structure. Something like: /Content1/Page1.aspx -> /Page1 /Content1/Page2.aspx -> /Page2 /Content2/Page3.aspx -> /Page3 (note different sub-dir) /xyz/Page4.aspx -> /Page4 Is this possible? URL Rewriting seems interesting... Will it also comply with my web.config secur...

How to create a default method in SpringMVC using annotations?

I can't find a solution to this, and it's driving me crazy. I have @Controller mapped that responds to several methods using @RequestMapping. I'd like to tag one of those methods as default when nothing more specific is specified. For example: @Controller @RequestMapping("/user/*") public class UserController { @RequestMapping("l...

Access to GetRouteUrl in IHttpHandler implemented class

I have and httphandler "rss.ashx" that exposes an rss feed. I want to use GetRouteUrl inside this handler. How do I do it? ...

cakephp routing problem (or maybe just confusion)

Hi, I've just started learning cakephp and have gotten the Blog example working except for the routing, I'm still not quite sure how it works after reading many, many documents on routing (including the ones in the official cookbook). My problem is with the '/' root routing, I want it to go to the index() function of the PostsControlle...

URL routing in codeigniter

Hello all I have been using .htaccess files to redirect some of my renamed controllers/actions. Say for example... RewriteRule ^top/index/?(.*)?$ /index.php/home/index/$1 [L] Can I use the config/routes.php file for the same purpose or is it that routes.php can only be used for URL rewriting or is is that it recognises the controller...

MVC Handler for an unknown number of optional parameters.

I am workingon an MVC route that will take an unknown number of parameters on the end of the URL. Something like this: domain.com/category/keyword1/keyword2/.../keywordN Those keywords are values for filters we have to match. The only approach I can think of so far is UGLY... just make an ActionResult that has more parameters than I ...

URL routing problem in codeigniter

Hello all I am trying to route a URL using codeigniter URL routing. I want to redirect a url like /users/edit?email to userController/editemail /users/edit?password to userController/editpassword I tried using the following line in routes.php in config folder $route["users/edit?(email|password)"] = "userController/edit$1"; This ...