
Zend framework, URL view helper and the layout

Hello, I've been using Zend framework some time now, but I'm facing a problem I can't solve myself. I'm using Zend_Layout, Zend_View and the URL view helper to create hyperlinks. To create some SEO-friendly URL's, I use the following code in my layout.phtml: <?php echo $this->url( array( 'module' => 'default', 'controller' => 'contact'...

Using Gaelyk URL routing in a non google app engine application

I have a Groovy Web application which is NOT being deployed on Google app engine. (GAE) I have used Gaelyk before and I like the URL routing functionality described in their doc How do I port over just the routing functionality from Gaelyk to my basic Groovy WEB application which is not being deployed on GAE? Note 1: I also do not wan...

How do I prevent the `Index` action appearing in my ASP.NET MVC2 urls?

I have a route that looks like this (but I've tried a few different ones): routes.MapRoute( "Metrics", "Metrics/{action}/{id}/{resource}/{period}", new { controller = "Metrics" } ); On the MetricsController I have the following actions: // Index sets up our UI public ActionResult Index(int id, string resource, string period) /...

Cakeph Routing help

I have a users module and few actions like wall, dishes, restaurants, photos. i wanna set up a routing like something like this site.com/users/{userId or Username}/wall => should route to wall() action site.com/users/{userId or Username}/dishes => should route to dishes() action site.com/users/{userId or Username}/restaurants => sho...

in appengine how can i have namespace based url routing?

I'm trying to figure out how to change url routing based on namespace Say I have myapp.x.com/apage and myapp.y.com/apage, I tried the code below but it doesn't work because I presume the main.py is being cached ns = namespace_manager.google_apps_namespace() if ns == 'x.com' app = WSGIApplication([ (r'/apage', 'my.module.XHa...

How can you have two URL routes mapped to the same handler method in Spring MVC (3.0)?

I have a a userPanel method mapped to the /user/panel URL route: @RequestMapping(value = "/user/panel", method = RequestMethod.GET) public final String userPanel(HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model) However, I would also like the userPanel method to handle the route /panel without creating a separate method such as this: @Requ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 wildcard route has trouble handling spaces

I've got a wildcard route mapped as below: routes.MapRoute( null, "{controller}/{action}/{*category}", new { controller = "Mall", action = "Index", category = UrlParameter.Optional } ); This has been working fine until the category has any spaces before or after slashes " / ". For t...

How do I get Route name from RouteData?

I have several routes defined in my Global.asax; now, when I'm on a page I need to figure out what is the route name of the current route, because route name drives my site menu. I can't find a way to get current route name. Any help would be highly appreciated! Andrey ...

.htaccess not routing to /public_html/

I seem to be having an interesting problem in that .htaccess isn't routing to /public_html/index.html by default as it should, and I'm getting a page not found error. I do know that someone tampered with the file recently but have no idea what they did and I unfortunately know nothing about routing. I tried to do some research but didn't...

Subdomains vs Directories for Account has many Users

I am making an app where several users work towards a common goal grouped under an account. What would be a better structure for my urls? Subdomains: some-team-name.app.com Directories: app.com/some-team-name For example, Basecamp uses subdomains. Do clients think better of your web-app if it uses subdomains? In my humble opinion it...

Is there a dojo equivalent of jQuery address?

Hello, I'm trying to create an ajax app with dojo. Is there an equivalent or something similar like functionality to jQuery Address. I want to make ajax hash based url navigation like twitter, facebook, etc with dojo. regards ...

CakePHP log in redirect to requested URL

When a user clicks a link that requires a log in, we currently redirect them to the log-in page ,but we lose the intended URL. What is the best way to account for that URL and redirect the user to the requested page once logged in? We're using the latest stable version of Cake. Thanks. --Edit-- Its configured like this $this->Auth->...

Routing POST and GET Requests: Controller or Dispatcher?

When you're making a web app, you frequently need different things to happen at a given URL for HTTP POST requests than happen for HTTP GET requests. I am making a web app in Pylons, and I'm encountering this question. Is it better to distinguish between POST and GET in my URL dispatcher (Routes) or in my controllers? What factors wou...

MVC HttpUtility.UrlEncode

Hi All, i am attempting to use HttpUtility.UrlEncode to encode strings that ultimately are used in URLs. example /string/http://www.google.com or /string/my test string where http://www.google.com is a parameter passed to a controller. I have tried UrlEncode but it doesn't seem to work quite right my route looks like: routes.Map...

How do I strip unnecessary information from a user friendly url before it gets to a controller action

We are trying to use custom routes in an ASP.NET MVC application to generate this url: 'http://example.com/Person/unnecessaryinfo-42'. The "unnecessaryinfo" is the name of the id which will make the URL hackable for the user. Below is the code for our route map. This works but my controller action ends up with "unnecesaryinfo-42" in the ...

CakePHP: changing link to 'tags/index/php' to just 'tags/php'

Hi, I have a controller called TagsController that takes the tag name from the url in the index action to get a list of projects with that tag. <?php foreach($tags as $tag){ echo "<span class='homepagetags'>".$html->link($tag['t']['tag'], array('controller' => 'tags', $tag['t']['tag'])) . "</span> x " . $tag[0]['NumOccurrances'] ...

CakePHP: URL Routing Advice

Hi folks, I have a website that I want to modify the routing on. My problem is that in this specific scenario I'm not sure that what I want is even possible. I have a projects controller with an index action/view and a view action/view. When I go to projects/ i see a list of projects. when I go to projects/view/project-slug I see that ...

What's the best HTTP status code for a redirect from / to /home?

I have a web application where the requested URL is used in a REST-like fashion. However, if no URL is entered (just the domain) I re-direct to http://www.example.com/home and then my home controller is loaded. What HTTP status code should I use for this re-direct? This process takes place in my index.php script using a simple header('L...

asp.net mvc routing to a specific file from any path for behavior url

I've got a bit of a problem with my asp.net mvc site in IE7. My web designer has included the following css to get a nice display in IE7: .container { background: #f2f2f2; border: 2px solid #ddd; padding: 12px; behavior: url(/devsite/Content/PIE.htc); -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; bo...

Best way to achieve multilingual URLs?

I'm developing a niche social networking site that is going multilingual. That means our current URL structure will soon need to start using translated words for slugs like the following: www.example.com/home becomes www.example.com/inicio www.example.com/profile becomes www.example.com/perfil www.example.com/help becomes www.example....