
URLOpenPullStream and gzip content download - need uncompressed data

I am using URLOpenPullStream along with a IBindStatusCallback and IHttpNegotiate callbacks to handle the negotiate, status, and data messages. Problem that I have is when the content is gzip (e.g. Content-Encoding: gzip). The data that I am receiving via OnDataAvailable is compressed. I need the uncompressed data. I am using BINDF_...

Re-download (no cache) same report image multiple times on single page in IE

Using the Microsoft.Samples.ReportingServices.ReportViewer, I am showing multiple instances of the same SRS report on the same aspx page using IFrames (which is what the ReportViewer renders as.) Each instance has different parameters passed to it, so the output looks different on each instance of the report. My issue is that in Interne...

How do I protect against HTML injection in a URL form field with PHP ?

For example if I am colecting a [URL value] in a form, saving that [URL value] in a database, and then using it in a page like this: <a href="[URL value]" > The Link </a> How do I protect against this [URL value]: http://www.somelink.com"&gt; Evil text or can be empty </a> ALL THE EVIL HTML I WANT <a href=" How can I protect agai...

.htaccess : some rewrite rules case to solve...

I have 2 little cases in htaccess rules that I have to solve, .... with your help... :) The first one is that: I Have a subdomain on clientWebsite in there is an htaccess file and an folder like that: .htaccess uploads 2010 mwdia1.jpg media2.jpg The .htaccess file contains: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} hello.clie...

Get value of <a> using PHP.

Okay, so now I am confronted with a new problem, and I just don't know what to do next. I have a table where the contents of it is dynamically added from a database on page load, and each item in the table is a link. The link looks like this: $ct->data[$key][3]='<a href="allthread.php?sessid='.SID.'&product='.$ct->data[$key][0].' '.$ct...

Background image not showing when deployed because of URL Resolve in asp.net c#

I have two themes in my .Net application, both use the same background image. Both have an images folder with this image in them, both have style sheets. One works and one doesn't but ONLY when deployed in IIS in a Virtual Directory scenario so there is an added /MyApp/ directory. I can't seem to even trick the one that doesn't work in...

Check URL for page name

I have some code that someone wants to put on their site. Here is the code i received from them: <script language="JavaScript" src="http://dm4.contactatonce.com/scripts/PopIn.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://dm4.contactatonce.com/PopInGenerator.aspx?MerchantId=44542&amp;ProviderId=3176&amp;...

Redirect windows process to new URL

How do I redirect a program to connect to a different URL. I looked at this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/989282/is-it-possible-to-redirect-a-url-to-another-using-a-webproxy-such-as-fiddler I installed fidller on the machine and put this code in the custom rules in the onBeforeResponse method oSession.utilDecod...

C# connect to URL which gives a xml document

How can I in C# call a URL which gives me a xml file, and then process that xml file for example for parsing. ...

How to obtain the last path segment of an uri

I have in input a string that is an uri how is possible to get the last path segment? that in my case is an id? this is my input url String uri = "http://base_path/some_segment/id" and i have to obtain the id i' have tried with this String strId = "http://base_path/some_segment/id"; strId=strId.replace(path); strId...

How can I use xml resource file as url.

I have to use one API with params like XYS(LPWSTR UrlOfXmlFile); This API is exposed from a third party COM dll. Now I want to call this api with a url of xml file .This works fine when user is online. But if user if offline then I want to embed xml file as resource in VC++ with some values and want to pass this xml file as url to t...

What are the implications of not doing url encoding when passing URLs in GET requests?

I just tried the following URL: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;q=http://www.yahoo.com/path/to/location on my browser, and it worked! What made it work? And why should one encode URLs other than substituting spaces with + or %20, etc.? That is, do I still need to encode my URLs even if I don't have any characters that's not allowe...

Is there a way to configure a WinForms OpenFileDialog (or some other) to browse for website URL's instead of files?

The question says it all. Is there a way to browse for website links such that, upon selection, it'll return the URL string from the dialog? ...

Android Market application Url ??

Hi , Is there right way to get Url to android market app ? I read some answer here but I did not success to get any ? ...

[Python] Extracting data from a URL result with special formating

I have a URL: http://somewhere.com/relatedqueries?limit=2&amp;query=seedterm where modifying the inputs, limit and query, will generate wanted data. Limit is the max number of term possible and query is the seed term. The URL provides text result formated in this way: oo.visualization.Query.setResponse({version:'0.5',reqId:'0',status:'...

Django Double Slash in URLS Issue (Multiple Webservers, Apache and Nginx)

To see an example: load up a example.com, click on a link that's linking to /test and instead of going to http:// example.com/test/ it goes to http:// www.example.net//test/ Or if you login, the login form for the auto-generated django admin section posts to //admin instead of admin. Seems like this is a django issue, but the only thin...

Zend_Router omitting param-key

Hey guys, I've got a question considering Zend_Controller_Router. I'm using a a modular-structure in my application. The application is built upon Zend-Framework. The normal Routes are like this: /modulename/actionname/ Since I always use an IndexController within my modules, it's not necessary to provide it in the url. Now I am able ...

How to get URL parameters in Rails?

When a POST request is processed, params[:id] returns the value of "id" stored in the form that was posted. However I want to get the value stored in the url (query string). def some_action id = params[:id] # Gets id from here: /some_action?id=[VALUE] only when request.post? is false if request.post? # Do some stuff, can't get th...

How to build an action url in a Struts 2 action?

I have an Action that returns URLs which need to call another Struts2 action. In a JSP I would do <s:url>. Is there something equivalent to this that I can call inside of the action? ...

any way to invoke fragment identifiers '#' in python

Is there any way to invoke fragment identifiers from python? I'm currently using python mechanize. ...