
how to format a url to be live

I have been working on trying to teach myself programming and have come stuck on a simple problem , the line I am working with is echo "<td>" . $row['website'] . "</td>"; only in the database {mysql} it is in plain text under the column 'website' , I have been trying to work out how to make the row website clickable for the whole ta...

How is this url configured?

I just bought a script online. On the home page (index.php) there's link <a href="lookup.html">lookup</a> Acturally, the page lookup.html does not exist. When you click the link, it still brings you to lookup.html, of which the content is run by lookup.php. I don't any place where lookup.php is invoked. I checked .htaccess file set...

mod_rewrite problem, with accessing files?

i have this file that is on the root folder called sumbit.php and when i acesss a page like this for exmaple http://www.example.com/viewtopic.php?topic=14 the new url is http://www.example.com/topic/14 on firebug its saying its accessing http://www.example.co.uk/topic/submit.php, when its meant to access http://www.example.co.uk/...

Good URI design for logged in user specific resources

Hi, I wish to build up a website that follows the RESTful architecture. In my site, each user is identified by a permanent username and may manage their own settings. For the settings resource, I'm torn between two URI designs. Option 1: /users/{username}/settings Here is a generic settings resource URL pattern. Only the logged in use...

Loop constructing the URLs in a little parser-script: a seven liner needs some help!

howdy - good morning Community! i want to parse the site - and get the results out of it: see this URL here - a swiss-server - head over to this site where i want to loop over - see this page here - i want to access the sub-pages in order to get the information that is shown in the "detail-pages!" therefore i need to loop over the ...

Safe routing in my own framework using PHP - how

Hello. As almost every programmer, I'm writing my own PHP framework for educational purposes. And now I'm looking at the problem with parsing URLs for MVC routing. Framework will use friendly URLs everywhere. But the question is how to parse them in front controller. For example the link /foo/bar/aaa/bbb may mean "Call the controller's...

In ASP.NET is it dangerous to get a URL via URL ?

It's possible to get a string via Request.QueryString.Get("url") but ASP.NET raises an exception: "A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected frfom the client". I'm not gonna trust this url for any purpose (for example just redirecting client to that url). Am I supposed to change my design or simply turn off the ASP.NET exce...