
Problem reading URL with Python. Code opens up any other URL. Possible Header or Cookie problem.

Using python urllib or urllib2, for the life of me, I can not read the following URL: http://celem.michoacan.gob.mx/celem/publica/ficha_informativa_ordenamiento.jsp?p_id_ordenamiento=478 This page reads fine with Firefox or IE. I tried spoofing the User-Agent to simulate Firefox to no avail. This site uses cookies. I also tried using th...

Change python byte type to string

I'm using python to play with the stackoverflow API. I run the following commands: f = urllib.request.urlopen('http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.0/stats') d = f.read() The type of d is class 'bytes' and if I print it it looks like: b'\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00 .... etc I tried d=f.read().decode('utf-8') as that is the charset indicated...

urllib.py doesn't work with https?

In my python app I try to open a https url, but I get: File "C:\Python26\lib\urllib.py", line 215, in open_unknown raise IOError, ('url error', 'unknown url type', type) IOError: [Errno url error] unknown url type: 'https' my code: import urllib def generate_embedded_doc(doc_id): url = "https://docs.google.com/document/ub?id...

Updating sitemap from django to google webmaster doesn't work.

Our website gets updated almost everyday. We need to update the sitemap to the google webmasters every time there are new pages added. We have tried using ping_google() along with the required set of arguments and google and it never seem to update the sitemap on webmasters. To log the response, we re-wrote the function and logged the ...

Urllib raising invalid argument URLError in Python 3, urllib.request.urlopen

Hi. New to Python, but I'm trying to...retrieve data from a site: import urllib.request response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.python.org") This is the same code I've seen from the Python 3.1 docs. And a lot of sites. However, I get: Message File Name Line Position Traceback <module> G:\My...

Posting Form Data with python, HTTP/1.1 and custom user agent

I have a form that I need to post data to, however it must have a specific user agent string and HTTP/1.1 headers, (not just host it explicitly looks for HTTP/1.1 in the POST string.) I've attempted this so far as follow: class AppURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener): version = "The User Agent String" urllib._urlopener = AppURLopener(...

unbuffered urllib2.urlopen

I have client for web interface to long running process. I'd like to have output from that process to be displayed as it comes. Works great with urllib.urlopen(), but it doesn't have timeout parameter. On the other hand with urllib2.urlopen() the output is buffered. Is there a easy way to disable that buffer? ...

Get filename when using urllib.urlopen

I'm using urllib.urlopen to read a file from a URL. What is the best way to get the filename? Do servers always return the Content-Disposition header? Thanks. ...

Python 3 Urlopen vs Urlretreive

Hi, I am working on a script to download and process historical stock prices. When I used urllib.request.urlopen I got a strange prefix of text in every file (b'\xef\xbb\xbf) that was not present when I used urllib.request.urlretrieve, nor present when I typed the url into a browser (Firefox). So I have an answer but I don't know why i...

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlopen'

I'm trying to use Python to download the HTML source code of a website but I'm receiving this error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Sergio.Tapia\Documents\NetBeansProjects\DICParser\src\WebDownload.py", line 3, in file = urllib.urlopen("http://www.python.org") AttributeError: 'module' object has no ...

For user-based and certificate-based authentication, do I want to use urllib, urllib2, or curl?

A few months ago, I hastily put together a Python program that hit my company's web services API. It worked in three different modes: 1) HTTP with no authentication 2) HTTP with user-name and password authentication 3) HTTPS with client certificate authentication I got 1) to work with urllib, but ran into problems with 2) and 3). Ins...

Python urllib urlencode problem with æøå

Hey .. How can I urlencode a string with special chars æøå? ex. urllib.urlencode('http://www.test.com/q=testæøå') I get this error :(.. not a valid non-string sequence or mapping object ...

Use URLLIB without system default proxy Python

I have a small script that needs to communicate with me, it is part of my proxy. The script needs to run before the proxy starts, but the system is set to use the proxy, so it does not go through. How would I use urllib, but not the default proxy? ...

Python and Web applications

Hi, I want to start writing python to support some of my web applications. Mainly i'm trying to fetch pages, send POST data to urls and some string manipulation. I understand that there are some disadvantages with the urllib in the new versions. Can anyone please tell me which release is best for my needs? Thanks ...

Python 3.1 code and error

64-bit VISTA Python 3.1 from urllib import request a = request.urlopen('http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/currency/CUR_USDYEN').read(20500) b = a[19000:20500] idx_pricewrap = b.find('pricewrap') context = b[idx_pricewrap:idx_pricewrap+80] idx_bgLast = context.find('bgLast') rate = context[idx_bgLast+8:idx_bgLast+15] print(rate) Tr...

Selecting only text within a div tag

I'm working on a web parser using urllib. I need to be able to only save lines that lie within a certain div tag. for instance: I'm saving all text in the div "body." This means all text within the div tags will be returned. It also means if there are other divs inside of it thats fine, but as soon as I hit the parent it stops. An...

python argument taking 3 arguments? Where?

I'm working with the google safebrowsing api, and the following code: def getlist(self, type): dlurl = "safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/downloads?client=api&apikey=" + api_key + "&appver=1.0&pver=2.2" phish = "googpub-phish-shavar" mal = "goog-malware-shavar" self.type = type if self.type == "phish": ...