
weird problem with urllib2.proxyhandler in python 2.5

in windows XP, python 2.5 and 2.6 I tested the following code: import urllib2 proxy= urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': ''}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy) urllib2.install_opener(opener) urllib2.urlopen('http://www.google.com/') I have a proxy running at which works (I can use it in proxyswitchy and can s...

example urllib3 and threading in python

Hi Everyone, I am trying to use urllib3 in simple thread to fetch several wiki pages. The script will Create 1 connection for every thread (I don't understand why) and Hang forever. Any tip, advice or simple example of urllib3 and threading import threadpool from urllib3 import connection_from_url HTTP_POOL = connection_from_url(url...

How to get around error 304 in urllib2, Python

For the openers, opener = urllib2.build_opener(), if I try to add an header: request.add_header('if-modified-since',request.headers.get('last-nodified')) I get the error code: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#19>", line 1, in <module> feeddata = opener.open(request) File "C:\Python27\lib\urllib2.py", line 391,...

Why urllib2.urlopen can not open pages like "http://localhost/new-post#comment-29"?

I'm curious, how come I get 404 error running this line: urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost/new-post#comment-29") While everything works fine surfing http://localhost/new-post#comment-29 in any browser... urlopen method does not parse urls with "#" in it? Anybody knows? ...

How can I implement my PHP curl request to Python

This PHP code below fetches html from server A to server B. I did this to circumvent the same-domain policy of browsers. (jQuery's JSONP can also be used to achieve this but I prefer this method) <?php /* This code goes inside the body tag of server-B.com. Server-A.com then returns a set of form tags to be echoed in the body tag...

Django authentication from an automated source

I have a set of URL's in my django application that trigger certain actions or processes. This would be similar to cron jobs. I have a script that polls one or more of these URLS at some regular inverval and I'm interested in adding a layer of security. I'd like to set up an account for the script and require authentication before the...

Posting Form Data with python, HTTP/1.1 and custom user agent

I have a form that I need to post data to, however it must have a specific user agent string and HTTP/1.1 headers, (not just host it explicitly looks for HTTP/1.1 in the POST string.) I've attempted this so far as follow: class AppURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener): version = "The User Agent String" urllib._urlopener = AppURLopener(...

Python HTTP Redirect requests forbidden

Hi! I'm trying to scrape a website where the URL is redirected, however programmatically trying this gives me an 403 Error code (Forbidden). I can place the URL in the browser and the browser will properly follow the url though... to show a simple example i'm trying to go to : http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mike_tyson I've...

Downloading a webpage using urllib2 results in garbled junk? (only sometimes)

How come I hit this webpage, I get HTML text: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mobile/id381057839 But when I hit this webpage, I get garbled junk? http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mobile/id375562663 I use the same download() function in python, which is here: def download(source_url): try: socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) ...

closing files properly opened with urllib2.urlopen()

I have following code in a python script try: # send the query request sf = urllib2.urlopen(search_query) search_soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup(sf.read()) sf.close() except Exception, err: print("Couldn't get programme information.") print(str(err)) return I'm concerned because if I encounter a...

custom methods in python urllib2

Using urllib2, are we able to use a method other than 'GET' or 'POST' (when data is provided)? I dug into the library and it seems that the decision to use GET or POST is 'conveniently' tied to whether or not data is provided in the request. For example, I want to interact with a CouchDB database which requires methods such as 'DEL',...

unbuffered urllib2.urlopen

I have client for web interface to long running process. I'd like to have output from that process to be displayed as it comes. Works great with urllib.urlopen(), but it doesn't have timeout parameter. On the other hand with urllib2.urlopen() the output is buffered. Is there a easy way to disable that buffer? ...

Python - unhashable type error in urllib2

>> url = 'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll' >> data = {'x_login': 'abc123', 'x_type': 'AUTH_CAPTURE', 'x_card_num': '4444333322221103', 'x_amount': '50.75', 'x_tran_key ': 'abc123', 'x_version': '3.1', 'x_delim_char': '|', 'x_exp_date': '022012', 'x_delim_data': 'TRUE'} >> >> urllib2.urlopen(url, data) Traceback (most rec...

Constipated Python urllib2 sockets

I've been scouring the Internet looking for a solution to my problem with Python. I'm trying to use a urllib2 connection to read a potentially endless stream of data from an HTTP server. It's part of some interactive communication, so it's important that I can get the data that's available, even if it's not a whole buffer full. There se...

how to find out whether website is using cookies or http based authentication

I am trying to automate files download via a webserver. I plan on using wget or curl or python urllib / urllib2. Most solutions use wget and urllib and urllib2. They all talk of HHTP based authentication and cookie based authentication. My problem is I dont know which one is used in the website that stores my data. Here is the interact...

dose python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage

i'm using data=urllib2.urlopen(url).read() i want to know: how to know a url is gzipped dose urllib2 will automaticly uncompress the gzipped data if a url is gzip,so the data is always a string? ...

What do these arguments refer to?

In the method of the class urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler what so the arguments - self, req, fp, code,msg, hdrs - refer to? ...

Amazon SNS with Python

Trying to get started with Amazon SNS. API is very simple REST. I seem to be hung up on the signature part of the call. The API example is: http://sns.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ ?Subject=My%20first%20message &TopicArn=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-east-1%3A698519295917%3AMy-Topic &Message=Hello%20world%21 &Action=Publish &SignatureVersion=2 &Signa...

Why this request doesn't work ?

I want to make a simple stupid twitter app using Twitter API. If I request this page from my browser it does work: http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=hello&amp;rpp=10&amp;page=1 but if I request this page from python using urllib or urllib2 most of the times it doesn't work: response = urllib2.urlopen("http://search.twitter.com...

Python code like curl

in curl i do this: curl -u email:password http://api.foursquare.com/v1/venue.json?vid=2393749 How i can do this same thing in python? ...