
Is there any tips for minimising access to a public page without login?

I have a page that is just a non interactive display for a shop window. Obviously, I don't link to it, and I'd also like to avoid people stumbling across it (by Google etc). It will always be powered by Chrome. I have thought of... Checking User Agent for Chrome Ensuring resolution is 1920 x 1080 (not that useful as it is a client s...

What software is sending User-Agent "Test Certificate Info"?

Google is surprisingly mute on this issue. In my company's web software error logs, we're seeing multiple individuals with an Apache access log entry that has this in it: ... HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-" "Test Certificate Info" I have no clue what piece of software this comes from or why it's sending us requests with malformed URLs... but it'd ...

Eclipse Helios/Galileo Update sites cannot be accessed on Windows machine with IE7

When starting the update, the following error is displayed: Network connection problems encountered during search. Unable to access "". Error accessing site stream. [Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:] Server return...

Where can I obtain a list of User Agents for SEO bots?

I am implementing a simplistic filter on how much of my site unregistered users can acces. Naturally, I want to give SEO bots free reign/access to most of the site. I know this is simplistic. But its not worth doing anything more complicated. I need to compile a list of names of user agents I will allow, for this, I need a list of the ...

Detect iPhone browser in .htaccess/apache and redirect to iPhone site

Is it possible to detect iPhone browser agent in .htaccess and redirect the user to the correct iPhone page? ...

Distinguish between iPhone web browser and iPhone app user agent

What is the best way to distinguish on a server between a request that came from an iPhone through the web browser vs through an iphone with an app written in objective c? What differences do I look for in the user agent string? ...

Browser user agent resource

I have a client who says he is using ie7 from two different sites however our iis logs are showing two different user agents one beginning Mozilla/5.0+ the other Mozilla/4.0+ This change occurred on Tuesday. Does anyone know of a good resource for browsers and the various user agents they pump out? Does anyone know the differen...

modified .htaccess file doesn't block bad user agents with RewriteCond

Hi. I found this modified .htaccess settings for extra security, but it doesn't seem to work. Here it is : # Apache configuration file # # Techniques in here adapted from all over, # including Kroc Camen: ServerSignature Off # you probably want www.exampl...

Modify Java SWT Browser User-agent

How is it possible to set the user agent header sent by SWT Browser? edit: Or is there any browser lib for java that allows specifying the user agent? ...

Find a blackberries user agent on 4.5

I'm trying to find the user agent of a blackberry so I can set it when I make a http connection. On blackberries that are version 4.7+ I call System.getProperty("browser.useragent") and I get the correct value. On earlier versions this returns null. Is there another way to get the user agent? ...

Webbrowser request useragent reverting back to normal

I have a application that I'm using to load a webpage with a specific useragent, it works once, but then the useragent reverts back to the default browser's useragent, why is this? It uses a loop on a timer like this: Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick Try c...

How to ignore pageviews by search engines on a PHP page?

I have a particular PHP page that I want to conditionally do things only if the visitor is not a search engine. Are there some good regex to match $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']? Or would it be better to do a javascript redirect back to the page but set a flag, since search engines don't have javascript? (I don't have to worry much about m...

Retrieve User-Agent programatically

Is there a way to retrieve Browser's user-agent without having a WebView in activity? I know it is possible to get it via WebView: WebView view = (WebView) findViewById(; String ua = view.getSettings().getUserAgentString() ; But in my case I don't have/need a webview object and I don't want to create it just for retriev...

Define custom User-agent header in the HTTP request?

I would like to get a glimpse of web-sites created for iPhone devices. In order to be able to view those sites I have to modify the User-agent header in the HTTP request that my browser sends. That way I can trick the web-server into believing that my browser is an iPhone browser, and then the web-server would send my the iPhone version ...

URLscan: block empty user agent

I'm able to block specific user agent, but i like to block all requests with a empty user agent using urlscan 3.1. Anyone knows how to do this? ...

Artificial Intelligence - Intelligence Agent that cleans and paints

I remember when I was in college we went over some problem where there was a smart agent that was on a grid of squares and it had to clean the squares. It was awarded points for cleaning. It also was deducted points for moving. It had to refuel every now and then and at the end it got a final score based on how many squares on the grid w...

How can I parse user-agent strings in Perl?

I need to parse the user-agents in HTTP-headers from a text file so as to determine the browser, the version, the OS and possibly the device. so few examples of those lines are: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Update a; AOL 6.0; Windows 98) User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Crazy Browser...

How to retreive exact user-agent string from Google Analytics

Good day! We have an interesting 'bug' in our JS code that only fires when a user agent has a specific combination of parameters -- specifically when IE8 sends both Trident/4.0 and MSIE 6.0; We have checked the GA export data; it appears to export only the pre-digested browser information:

How can I make a simple browser user-agent parser in Perl?

I needed to make a simple browser user agent parser in Perl. I have found a PHP code that does this but my knowledge is rather limited (esp. in regular expressions). So, here is the code whose Perl equivalent I want to write. if ($l = ereg($pattern, $agent, $a = array())) { array_push($found, array("product" => $a[1], ...

Default user agent in Wget

Hi , I want to know what default user agent is passed if I use wget from command line without specifying explicit user agent. I have some code which cahnges output based on user agent . wget -O test.html ...