
Dynamic web user control problem when browser's back button is clicked.

Hi all, I have an .aspx page in which I dynamically add web controls to a panel. The problem is when I hit the browser's back buton, it's displayed a version of the page that no longer exists on the server-side, because the controls are dynamically added. Let's say my aspx dynamically adds Control1. From there, I click a button that loa...

ASP.NET Event delegation between user controls

Give the following control hierarchy on a ASP.NET page: Page HeaderControl       (User Control) TitleControl       (Server Control) TabsControl       (User Control) other controls I'm trying to raise an event (or some notification) in the TitleControl that bubbles to the Page level. Then, I'd like to (optionally) register an even...

UserControl DataTrigger

Hi, I have a UserControl with the following XAML in its Triggers collection... x:Name="aControl" <UserControl.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=aControl, Path=InSync}" Value="True"> <DataTrigger.EnterActions> <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard Storyboard.Targe...

Using C# FindControl to find a user-control in the master page

So all I want to do is simply find a user control I load based on a drop down selection. I have the user control added but now I'm trying to find the control so I can access a couple properties off of it and I can't find the control for the life of me. I'm actually doing all of this in the master page and there is no code in the default....

Refresh User Control without Refreshing the Page

hi, I have a page and on that page i have a button and a user control. I want to refresh the user control without refreshing the page. I know i cannot do it otherwise so i did is... (wrapped my user control inside the Update Panel.) <asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <asp:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" T...

Update panel controls not updating

I have an aspx page that contains an update panel. Within this there are several user controls, each with a label to display an error. Within these controls are more child controls where exceptions are caught and an ExceptionEncountered event is raised to deal with them. The parent control (with the error label) listens for the Except...

Given a user control with a form containing validation can I validate entirely server side?

We have an existing User Control that was built to dynamically generate a web form for an end user. This form includes required field validators, custom validators that use server side code and Regular Expression validatiors. We now have a need to use all these validators to verify that all the needed data is entered when using a separa...

How do I declare a C# Web User Control but stop it from initializing?

I have a C#/ASP.NET .aspx page that declares two controls that each represents the content of one tab. I want a query string argument (e.g., ?tab=1) to determine which of the two controls is activated. My problem is, they both go through the initialization events and populate their child controls, wasting CPU resources and slowing the ...

Problem with usercontrol scaling when added at run-time in .Net, WinForms

Here's a link to a tiny VB.Net 2008 sample: And, a C# sample: Apologies but its a free hoster, so you have to wait 10 seconds. First here's the steps to replicate, then I'll explain what the p...

Custom links in RichTextBox

Suppose I want every word starting with a # to generate an event on double click. For this I have implemented the following test code: private bool IsChannel(Point position, out int start, out int end) { if (richTextBox1.Text.Length == 0) { start = end = -1; return false; } int index = richTextBox1.GetCh...

WPF - My user control button not clickable

Hi all i am new to WPF and i created user control consist of : 1) media element ,,, 2) 2 Text blocks ,,, 3) 2 buttons to play and pause the media everything is good with my user control except the two buttons i can not click them when i add the user control to any 3d panel . if i add my user control to simple window i can us...

VB.NET textbox changed but still hold initial value

Hi Folks, I've never come across this before: I have a series of text boxes. The text of these boxes get set on page load. then I have a submit button that calls a sub to update the table with the new values (text) in the text box. The problem is it is keeping the original text not the text that is CURRENTLY in the textbox. Anyone come...

VB.NET if button1 caused post back then....

Hi folks, I have a situation where I need to ignore parts of page load sub inside a isPostback = true. Basically inside the isPostBack I want something like if button1 caused postback.... do this else do this... Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If IsPostBack = True Then ...

User control blank on form in VS 2008

I've created a user control that contains a table layout control with various other standard controls like buttons and labels. Yet when I add the user control to one of my forms the control is blank. I've tried building the solution and a see the user-control flicker as if it's being updated, but it remains blank. Also if I actually run ...

Issue with dynamically loading a user control on button click

I have a page in which I am loading a user control dynamically as follows: Default.aspx: <cc1:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server"> </cc1:ToolkitScriptManager> <asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder> Default.aspx.cs: protected void Page_Load(object sender, Event...

Drupal 6: How can I make specific nodes only viewable to certain users?

I need to be able to grant viewing access to specific nodes on my site to a specific user but not anonymous users, and then the rest of the site open to all. ...

Caching a user control

I have a user control which I want to Output cache( fragment cache) and set the dependency to a query. I mean that on change or modification of data returned by that query the cache should get invalidated. I have read that in the output cache directive in the user control Sqldependency = "CommandNotification" cannot be used. So, how sh...

Pass data to Master Page with ASP.NET MVC

I have a hybrid ASP.NET WebForms/MVC project. In my Master Page, I have a "menu" User Control and a "footer" User Control. Anyways. I need to pass some data (2 strings) to my "menu" User Control on my Master Page (to select the current tab in my menu navigation, etc.) My views are strongly-typed to my data model. How can I push data...

number of active users in Windows server 2008 using c#

Hey everyone, I have 2 questions, maybe you could help me out. I built a DLL from the following code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.DirectoryServices; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace AutoAD { public class Class1 { public static void addUser(string userName) { try ... vb user control raising an event on the calling page

i'm trying to learn about user controls. I created a user control that has a textbox and a button. What i'd like to be able to do is when i click the button in the user control, populate a label in the aspx page. I understand that i could just have a button on the page that uses some properties on the user control to get that informa...