
Bidirectional graph in rails

Hey guys, I have a simple model "Match" that is supposed to save the bi-directional link between two objects (of the same kind). class Match < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :obj1, :class_name => "MyModel", :foreign_key => :obj1_id belongs_to :obj2, :class_name => "MyModel", :foreign_key => :obj2_id ... end The problem I have is...

validates_uniqueness_of passes on nil or blank (without allow_nil and allow_blank)

The uniqueness validator of ActiveRecord has an options to skip validation if the value is nil or blank. Even if I set both parameters to true (the default behaviour) I can create one record with nil and blank before the validation hits. I use the default SQlite3 Database sqlite3-ruby (1.2.5). Edit for clarification: I get the expected ...

Rails: Validates uniqueness of scoped by date

I have a Rails model that should only allow saving/updating of a model once per day per user. I have a callback to do the Find by user and date then add to errors but this is ugly and feels un-rails-like. I have the typical created_at / updated_at columns (and the time portion is significant/I need to keep it). So I figure I could eithe...

Ignoring specific validation errors

I have Labellings which belong to Emails and Labels. Each labelling must be unique to the email/label pair - so an email can only be labelled 'test' once. I'm doing this with validates_uniqueness_of :label_id, :scope => :email_id. This works as expected. When I am labelling emails, I want to add the labelling if it is unique, and do n...

Rails validates_uniqueness_of across multiple columns with case insensitivity

I have a model that has two fields, which I will call first_name and last_name, and I want to make sure that the combination of the two are case-insensitively unique. I've gotten halfway there by using this: validates_uniqueness_of :first_name, :scope => :last_name The problem is that the uniqueness check seems to be case sensitive, e...

Core Data uniqueness

Hi everyone, Is there any way I can validate a value updated in a Core Data entity's property against values of the property in other entities in the collection? At the moment I create an entity with some default values, add it to arrangedObjects, then get the user to modify the various property values. However, I would like to check a...

Rails 3: Validate combined values

In Rails 2.x you can use validations to make sure you have a unique combined value like this: validates_uniqueness_of :husband, :scope => :wife In the corresponding migration it could look like this: add_index :family, [:husband, :wife], :unique => true This would make sure the husband/wife combination is unique in the database. No...

validates_uniqueness_of in nested model rails

I have a Project model which accepts nested attributes for Task. class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tasks accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, :allow_destroy => :true end class Task < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :name end Uniqueness validation in Task model gives problem while updating...

in rails, how to validate a fields which is NOT uniqueness?

can i have a validation which do exactly opposite to validates_uniqueness_of? i.e. i would like to show a error message when the user input is NOT exist in database. thanks all. :) ...

Rails uniqueness constraint and matching db unique index for null column

I have the following in my migration file def self.up create_table :payment_agreements do |t| t.boolean :automatic, :default => true, :null => false t.string :payment_trigger_on_order t.references :supplier t.references :seller t.references :product t.timestamps end end I want to ...

Hibernate - a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

After changing the @id of a Entity from @Id private int getId(){ return; } to @Id private String getLogin(){ return this.login; } I get the error: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session In the webapplication isn't changed anything. A read the entity and then ch...

validates_uniqueness_of don't work

It's not some kind of synchronization problem I readed before. The code is quite simple. The model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :name, :email validates_uniqueness_of :email, :on => :create, :message => "must be unique" end The rspec test: require 'spec_helper' describe User do before(:each) do @v...