
Java: varargs and the '...' argument

Hello, Consider the method declaration: String.format(String, Object ...) The Object ... argument is just a reference to an array of Objects. Is there a way to use this method with a reference to an actual Object array? If I pass in an Object array to the ... argument - will the resultant argument value be a two-dimensional array - b...

Variable number of arguments in C++?

How can I write a function that accepts a variable number of arguments? Is this possible? How? ...

Variable arguments in C, how to get values with a generic type?

Hi guys, I'm trying to use C stdarg.h lib, with a generic type. The type int, is my generic type > to understand it, please, hold reading. So, my problem is: I have a function that accept variable number of arguments. like void function (int paramN, ...); In my program, there are no way to know, which is the type of variable arguments...

iterating over map and array simultaneously in a for loop

I am having some trouble creating a for loop within a constructor to iterate over a map and an array at the same time. Here, it is indicated that this cannot be done with an enhanced for loop. I have something like this, which raises a compiler error. Basically, the class has a Map which I want to populate via the constructor which take...

How to write a lazy, variable argument version of "orElse"

Is it possible to write a generalised orElse method from Option that takes a variable number of arguments? That is, instead of: lazy val o1 = { println("foo"); None } lazy val o2 = { println("bar"); Some("bar") } lazy val o3 = { println("baz"); Some("baz") } // ... o1 orElse o2 orElse o3 // orElse ... You could use: orElse(o1, o2, o...

Variable number of arguments (va_list) with a function callback?

Hello all, I am working on implementing a function that would execute another function a few seconds in the future, depending upon the user's input. I have a priority queue of a class (which I am calling TimedEvent) that contains a function pointer to the action I want it to execute at the end of the interval. Say for instance that th...

writing a replacement for a function which takes a variable number of parameters (c programming)

I'm looking to write a function to replace fprintf int fprintf ( FILE * stream, const char * format, ... ); I'm not sure how to define a function such as this, because, after the format parameter, this function takes a variable number of parameters. Specifically, it takes at least as many additional arguments as were specified in the ...

Nice way to pass parameters to PDO

Positional parameters become a nightmare when dealing with more than 3 or 4 parameters. Named parameters are verbose. I'm thinking of doing this: query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ", $username, " AND password = ", $password) With dynamic parameters (using func_get_args()), every second one being transformed into a positional...

Variable arguments in a Macro

I have a function which takes variable arguments, something like the following int log_data (LOG_TYPE eType, ...) { /** some logging related stuff here **/ } In the header file, I use something like #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED int log_data (int nType, ...); #else #define log_data(_x_, ...) #endif Basically, the idea is to SWITCH deb...

Is there a Java 1.5 varargs API for slf4j yet?

I want to get rid of this lot... public void info(String msg); public void info(String format, Object arg); public void info(String format, Object arg1, Object arg2); public void info(String format, Object[] argArray); ...and replace it with this one... public void info(String format, Object ... args); that my logging syntax ...

possible to send javascript varargs?

Is it possible to send a variable number of arguments to a javascript function, from an array? my arr = ['a','b','c'] var func = function() { // debug alert(arguments.length); // for(arg in arguments) alert(arg); } func('a','b','c','d'); // prints 4 which is what I want, then 'a','b','c','d' func(arr); // pri...

javascript apply on constructor, throwing "malformed formal parameter"

thanks to wonderful responses to this question I understand how to call javascript functions with varargs. now I'm looking to use apply with a constructor I found some interesting information on this post. but my code is throwing errors attempt 1: var mid_parser = new Parser.apply(null, mid_patterns); error: TypeError: Function.p...

Passing on va_arg twice to a function result in same value.

I'm trying to use va_arg to make a generic factory function in my GUI library. When passing va_arg twice in the same function they pass on the same value instead of two different: GUIObject* factory(enumGUIType type, GUIObject* parent, ...){ va_list vl; va_start(vl, parent); ... label->SetPosition(va_arg(vl, int), va_arg(vl,...

Is it possible to write a varargs function that sends it argument list to another varargs function?

Possible Duplicate: C Programming: Forward variable argument list. What I'd like to do is send data to a logging library (that I can't modfify) in a printf kind of way. So I'd like a function something like this: void log_DEBUG(const char* fmt, ...) { char buff[SOME_PROPER_LENGTH]; sprintf(buff, fmt, <varargs>); log...

Delegating method calls using variable number of arguments

This question came up in the course of my work programming; it's become irrelevant to the current task, but I'm still curious if anyone has an answer. In Java 1.5 and up you can have a method signature using a variable number of arguments, with an ellipsis syntax: public void run(Foo... foos) { if (foos != null) { for (Foo foo: fo...

How do I call a function with a variable number of parameters?

How do I call execlp() with a variable number of arguments for different processes? ...

Pass a variable number of arguments to an aliased function.

Take a function like printf that accepts a variable number of arguments what I would like to do is pass these variable number of functions to a sub function without changing their order. An example of this would be aliasing the printf function to a function called console ... #include <stdio.h> void console(const char *_sFormat, ...);...

Standard way to manipulate variadic arguments?

This is a weird question, but is there a standard way to manipulate the contents of a va_list before passing it to another function? For instance, suppose I have two functions, sum and vsum: int vsum(int n, va_list ap) { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { total += va_arg(n, int); return total; } int sum(in...

calling super() from an actionscript constructor with varargs

If a constructor takes its parameters as a vararg (...) it seems to be impossible to create a subclass that will just pass on that vararg to the superclass. There is a related question with fix for this same situation for normal functions: Wrapping a Vararg Method in ActionScipt but I cannot get that to work with a super call. base cla...

Delphi "array of const" to "varargs"

Please help! I need this conversion to write wrapper for some C headers for Delphi. As an example: function pushfstring(fmt: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl; varargs; external; ... function PushString(fmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const): AnsiString; begin Result := AnsiString(pushfstring(PAnsiString(fmt), args)); // it's inco...