
Difference between double... and double[] in formal parameter type declaration

I have question: what is the difference between these two declarations? public static void printMax(double... numbers) { ... } public static void printmax(double numbers[]) { ... } Is double... numbers the same as double numbers[]? ...

varargs in lambda functions in Python

Is it possible a lambda function to have variable number of arguments? For example, I want to write a metaclass, which creates a method for every method of some other class and this newly created method returns the opposite value of the original method and has the same number of arguments. And I want to do this with lambda function. How...

Can I pass an array as arguments to a method with variable arguments in Java?

I'd like to be able to create a function like: class A { private String extraVar; public String myFormat(String format, Object ... args){ return String.format(format, extraVar, args); } } The problem here is that args is treated as Object[] in the method myFormat, and thus is a single argument to String.format, while I'd lik...

Problems with variadic function

I have the following function from some legacy code that I am maintaining. long getMaxStart(long start, long count, const myStruct *s1, ...) { long i1, maxstart; myStruct *s2; va_list marker; maxstart = start; /*BUGFIX: 003 */ /*(va_start(marker, count);*/ va_start(marker, s1); for (i1 = 1; i1 <= count; i...

C: variable argument list using stdarg.h

Hi folks, I am experimenting with variable argument lists and seeing some strange results... The piece of code I am testing is: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> void foo(int param1, int param2, ...) { int param3 = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, param2); param3 = va_arg(ap, int); va_end(ap); printf("param3...

Calling Java vararg method from Scala with primitives

I have the following code in Java: public class JavaClass { public static void method( Object x ) { } public static void varargsMethod( Object... x ) { } } When I try and access it from Scala, object FooUser { JavaClass.method(true) JavaClass.varargsMethod(true) // <-- compile error } I get the following comp...

How to tell a method has a varargs argument using reflection?

Here is a sample code package org.example; import java.lang.reflect.Method; class TestRef { public void testA(String ... a) { for (String i : a) { System.out.println(i); } } public static void main(String[] args){ Class testRefClass = Te...

What happens when there is var-arg hierarchy tie while performing method overloading?

Possible Duplicate: SCJP question: Java method overloading with var-args. What is the rationale? Class Vararg{ static void go(Integer... i){ System.out.println("Wrapper Class"); } static void go(int... i){ System.out.println("Primitive Type"); } public static void main(String...

Python: Object assignment with variable argument list

Is there a method to pass a variable number of arguments to a function and have it change those arguments using the ( *args, **keywords ) style of argument passing? I've tried a few things but either see no change or have an error raised by the compiler: def foo( *args ): args[0] = 4 This gets me TypeError: object does not suppor...

How to declare scala method so that it can be called from Java using varargs style

I have 2 simple methods in a scala library class: class Foo { def bar(args : String*) : Unit = println(" with: " + args) def bar(args : Array[String]) : Unit = bar(args.toSeq : _*) } This all compiles nicely. I then put this in a library foo.jar and try and compile the following piece of Java: import Foo public class Test ...

Java generics and varargs

I'd like to implement a function with both generics and varargs. public class Question { public static <A> void doNastyThingsToClasses(Class<A> parent, Class<? extends A>... classes) { /*** something here ***/ } public static class NotQuestion { } public static class SomeQuestion extends Question { } ...

Java, 3 dots in parameters

What does the 3 dots in the following function mean? function x(String... strings) { // } ...

varargs(va_list va_start) doesn't work with pass-by-reference parameter.

Possible Duplicate: Are there gotchas using varargs with reference parameters Hi, I have a problem with varargs. Look at my code(Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008). #include <stdarg.h> struct Test { int a; }; void T1(int n, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, n); char* p = va_arg(args, char*); va_end(args); } void T...

What is meant by "functions with a variable number of parameters"?

In C, what is meant by "functions with a variable number of parameters"? ...

Siebel eScript varargs function always throws an exception

Hi all, according to Siebel documentation, eScript supports varargs. The following sample is taken from the Siebel documentation: function SumAll() { var total = 0; for (var ssk = 0; ssk < SumAll.arguments.length; ssk++) { total += SumAll.arguments[ssk]; } return total; } However, if I call this method like SumAll(1,2,...

Code optimization problem with variable argument list C++

Hi, I'm using Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express. I made this function with variable argument list: BOOL Send(SOCKADDR_IN toAddr, LPTSTR command, LPTSTR first, ...) { if (g_udpSocket == INVALID_SOCKET || command == NULL) return FALSE; va_list args; va_start(args, command); LPTSTR str = va_arg(args, LPTSTR); TCHAR szData[DEFAULT_ST...

How to use the ... operator in lua with C code

I have a function that takes a variable number of arguments in C that I want to pass to another lua function. In pure Lua I could do something like this function foo(...) print(...) end How would I do the same thing if I were to implement the function in C? Edit: I might have worded this poorly. What I want to do is write the fun...

varargs function crashing

I have a function that is supposed to take a variable number of arguments (using varargs) based on a format string: void va(const char* name, const char* argformat, ...) { int numOfArgs = strlen(argformat); std::string buf = "asdf"; va_list listPointer; va_start(listPointer, numOfArgs); char* blah; for(int i =...

How can I call sprintf from x86_64 assembly?

I am trying to convert a double to a string on the stack from x86_64 assembly code: bs.code += isa.movsd(registers.xmm0, MemRef(registers.rsp)) bs.code += isa.pop(registers.rax) bs.code += isa.push(registers.rbp) bs.code +=, registers.rsp) bs.code += isa.sub(registers.rsp, ...

__cdecl Parameter "..." and __VA_ARGS__

#define boo(fmt, ...) SomethingToDo(fmt, __VA_ARGS__) void foo(PCSTR fmt, ...) { // some other codes if(condition1) { va_list marker; va_start(maker, fmt); // Do something. va_end(marker); } if(somecondition) boo(fmt, /* I want to put the foo's va_arguments here */); } Ther...