
if an object property is another object, how do i access that object-property's property or method in smarty?

class A { public $property1; public $objB; public __construct(){ $this->property1 = 'test'; $this->objB = new B(); } } class B { public $title; public __construct(){ $this->title = 'title1'; } } so now i do this in the .php file $a = new A(); in my .tpl i want to display $a->objB->title how do i do that...

Assigning values : difference between properties and class variables ?

Hey guys, I noticed that I rarely use properties, due to the fact that I rarely need to access my object's variables outside my class ;) So I usually do : NSMutableArray *myArray; // not a property ! My question is : even if i don't declare myArray as a property, does iphone make a retain anyway if I do myArray = arrayPassedToMe;...

Multiple Unpacking Assignment in Python when you don't know the sequence length

The textbook examples of multiple unpacking assignment are something like: import numpy as NP M = NP.arange(5) a, b, c, d, e = M # so of course, a = 0, b = 1, etc. M = NP.arange(20).reshape(5, 4) # numpy 5x4 array a, b, c, d, e = M # here, a = M[0,:], b = M[1,:], etc. (ie, a single row of M is assigned each to a through e) (My Q ...

Java array assignment (multiple values)

Hello, I have a Java array defined already e.g. float[] values = new float[3]; I would like to do something like this further on in the code: values = {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f}; But that gives me a compile error. Is there a nicer way to define multiple values at once, rather than doing this?: values[0] = 0.1f; values[1] = 0.2f; values[2...

PHP: Assigning values to a variable inside IF statement

Hi guys, I was wondering if i could assign values to a variable inside an IF statement. My code is as follows: <?php if ((count($newArray) = array("hello", "world")) == 0) { // do something } ?> So basically i want assign the array to the $newArray variable, then count newArray and check to see if it is an empty arra...

Java assigning a new value to a parameter, is this considered a bad practice?

I have read the question here: However it is not clear to me if doing something like: public void myMethod(Object obj) { doSomething(obj); obj = getNewObj(); } or: public void anotherMethod(Object obj) { obj = doSomet...

Variable Assignment and loops (Java)

Greetings Stack Overflowers, A while back, I was working on a program that hashed values into a hashtable (I don't remember the specifics, and the specifics themselves are irrelevant to the question at hand). Anyway, I had the following code as part of a "recordInput" method. tempElement = new hashElement(someInt); while(in.hasNex...

Variable assignment in 1st condition and using same variable in 2nd condition Well defined?

Is this well defined? Streamreader ^reader = gcnew Streamreader("test.txt"); String ^line; while ((line = reader->ReadLine()) != nullptr && line != "") { //do stuff } I believe that I read somewhere that it is not guaranteed that the assignment is executed before the 2nd conditional. It may be that I'm wrong or that this just ap...

Python variable assignment order of operations

Is there a way to do a variable assignment inside a function call in python? Something like curr= [] curr.append(num = num/2) ...

Assignment with TResult Func<in T, out TResult>

I wonder if I can do assignment using TResult<in T, out TResult> I can retrieve the value of the property of a class instance with that delegate as below: class Program { class MyClass { public int MyProperty { get; set; } } static void Main(string[] args) { Func<MyClass, int> orderKeySelector = o =>...

Strange variable assignment

Hi, I was studying some code I found on the web recently, and came across this php syntax: <?php $framecharset && $frame['charset'] = $framecharset; ?> Can someone explain what is going on in this line of code? What variable(s) are being assigned what value(s), and what is the purpose of the && operator, in that location of the state...

Python: What does the use of [] mean here?

What is the difference in these two statements in python? var = and var = [] I think it is making var into a list containing but I am unsure. Also if this is the behavior and is already a list what do you get in each case? For example: if = [1, 2] would I get this? var = #[1, 2] a...