
Is there any overhead to declaring a variable within a loop? (C++)

I am just wondering if there would be any loss of speed or efficiency if you did something like this: int i = 0; while(i < 100) { int var = 4; i++; } which declares int var one hundred times. It seems to me like there would be, but I'm not sure. would it be more practical/faster to do this instead: int i = 0; int var; while(...

what is the difference in variable delaration here?

I am picking up maintenance of a project and reading code: I see two methods of variable declaration. Can someone explain what the difference between the first and second line means? To me, I am reading that in javascript, the var keyword is optional. in the first line, they have declared two new variables and initialized them. In ...

Does the order of readonly variable declarations guarantee the order in which the values are set?

Say I were to have a few readonly variables for filepaths, would I be able to guarantee the order in which the values are assigned based on the order of declaration? e.g. static readonly string basepath = @"my\base\directory\location"; static readonly string subpath1 = Path.Combine(basepath, @"abc\def"); static readonly string subpath2...

VB.Net variable declaration

I notice that both of these compile without any compiler warnings or errors, even with Option Strict and Option Explicit both turned on: Dim x As Exception = New Exception("this is a test") Dim y = New Exception("this is another test") My question is, is it more proper to use the first way (see variable x) or the second way (s...

C99 mixed declarations and code in open source projects?

Why is still C99 mixed declarations and code not used in open source C projects like the Linux kernel or GNOME? I really like mixed declarations and code since it makes the code more readable and prevents hard to see bugs by restricting the scope of the variables to the narrowest possible. This is recommended by Google for C++. For ex...

What is the difference between using var and this, in Javascript?

What is the difference between these? var a = 13; this.b = 21; document.write(a); document.write(b); ...

Why does this C code compile?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int c = c; printf("c is %i\n", c); return 0; } I'm defining an integer variable called c, and I'm assigning its value to itself. But how can this even compile? c hasn't been initialized, so how can its value be assigned to itself? When I run the program, I get c is 0. I am assuming that the...

Should variable declarations always be placed outside of a loop?

Is it better to declare a variable used in a loop outside of the loop rather then inside? Sometimes I see examples where a variable is declared inside the loop. Does this effectively cause the program to allocate memory for a new variable each time the loop runs? Or is .NET smart enough to know that it's really the same variable. For ex...

will declaring variables inside sub-blocks improve performance?

In C#, would there be any difference in performance when comparing the following THREE alternatives? ONE void ONE(int x) { if (x == 10) { int y = 20; int z = 30; // do other stuff } else { // do other stuff } } TWO void TWO(int x) { int y; int z; if (x == 10) { y = 20; z = 30; // do other stuff } els...

Use of "var" type in variable declaration

Our internal audit suggests us to use explicit variable type declaration instead of using the keyword var. They argue that using of var "may lead to unexpected results in some cases". I am not aware of any difference between explicit type declaration and using of var once the code is compiled to MSIL. The auditor is a respected profess...

i get an error when creating a variable and specifing the collation in sql server 2005

when i tried this: DECLARE @var nvarchar(500) collate Arabic_BIN i got that: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'collate'. that is the full code, it works, i do not know how but the person who give it to me have used it successfully CREATE FUNCTION fn_RemoveTashkeel (@InputString nvarchar(2300) ) ...